New Sails and Upgrades

  • Hello,
    I am a big fan of the game since its announcement and I just bought it today and realized there is no upgrades for the ships or guns , i think you should put new style of ship sails like the chinese sails or arabian sails which will make the game more beutiful and diverse also you should add a market where you can buy animal cages or merchandise like sugar or tea or cacao seeds then going to other islands to sell and TRADE them for new upgrades or coins this would make the game more enjoyable for both role players and normal raiders

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  • @krabcookinyoass By upgrades do you mean ship upgrades that increase it's "stats" like speed, damage, and resistance? If so upgrades such as those are not planned to be implemented into the game. One of the wonderful things about Sea of Thieves is that people who have been playing for months only have their own personal skill and experience at playing the game to fall back on when coming up against a new player.

    This makes catching up in the competitive curve easier for players that just started as they don't have to grind for gear, level up their stats, and find the best abilities the game has to offer.

    As for the sail variation I believe that if Rare decides to create an oriental themed region within the Sea of Thieves we could see other cosmetics that resemble that area. I think it would be really neat to even offer a regional variation of the sloop, brig, and galleon at the selection screen for regions that offer a unique look. The ships would operate the same, have the same exact advantages and disadvantages as their counter parts but just look visually different to add variation to the game.

  • in the game there are quests for the transport of goods,maybe in the future developers implement advanced trading system in the next update most likely will be the new adventures of Duke,so stay tuned

  • @je0rgie-p0rgie a good idea if you add an Eastern, European and asian outpost with its characters and style

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