He defeated 500 Skeleton Ships Solo. And he did it Pro Bono! The Legend of Straw Hat Blake

  • We all share the same dream. To be a Pirate legend in the Sea of thieves! Not just to be lvl 50 in all of the factions. But to gain the respect of the community. And ultimately to have your gamertag placed in the game!
    For me personally this has been a fleeting pipe dream. I don’t stream or use Twitter, I play on Xbox, and heck I can’t even get an invite to the pioneer program haha. But that’s never stopped me from being the Pirate I’ve always dreamed of. And I’m here to share a chapter of my #SotStory
    This Adventure began with a simple quest to find the Shrouded Ghost. But like most pirates I quickly learned it wasn’t going to be that simple. Some people just accepted this and moved on. Others like myself get their own taste of what Captain Ahab went through every day that he didn’t find Moby D**k.
    I figured that I would fight the skeleton ships and hope that the ghost spawned on me while doing them. None of my crew shared the same passion for the hunt. So I found myself alone on the seas. Taking down every skeleton ship I could see.
    But everything changed when I noticed the new legendary commendation for skeleton ships “legend of the Sea of thieves.” It was like this little flame started burning inside of me. I immediately wanted to be one one the first people to get this title!
    (I was at grade 2 at this time)
    Since my crew wasn’t playing ball I knew I couldn’t be the very first. But with all of the talk about solo sailing being dead, I wanted to show that it’s alive more than ever by achieving one of the games most difficult commendations completely solo. But to do this I knew I would have to do something truly legendary... Solo sloop an entire skeleton fleet!
    For loss of better words I’ll just say things things didn’t go as planned haha
    Whether it was taking a cannonball to the face, being cursed into oblivion, or just getting knocked off my ship by a sniper/cannonball. I couldn’t catch a break. But It wouldn’t be legendary if it was easy!
    Slowly but surly I learned the dance of the skaleons. And one day It just clicked and I was able to get to the captains round. It was the legendary “three sheets neate” himself!
    The battle raged on longer than I would have liked since I had to defeat him last to get the loot, but eventually I came out victorious. Check that off the Sea of thieves bucket list!
    I didn’t have a single plank or cannonball left and I had a couple holes in my ship so I had to bucket every so often. So I sailed to an outpost as fast as I could.
    But on the way there I saw a naked sloop and it was like something came over me. “Give him the loot.” I said to myself. I’ve always liked giving loot away to new players. But nothing like this. Nothing that I had worked this hard for. But it just felt like the right thing to do for some reason. So to His and my surprise I sailed straight to him and gave him every piece of loot that I had!
    He said that the last ship he saw was also pirate legend and chased him down for an hour just to grief him into a new server. And thanked me for saving his experience because his morale was almost broken. I told him that not all pirates are toxic. And that griefing is not what a real pirate legend does.
    Then boom! That small flame of an idea to started roaring into something I never anticipated. I vowed to give away every bit of loot on my road to “Legend of the Sea of thieves!” If I could improve even just one other players experience then it would be worth it.
    So I set out again. On the same road but with a whole new purpose. I wasn’t just fighting for myself anymore. I was fighting for all of the players around me. To my surprise I was defeating fleets left and right.
    And no matter how beautiful that loot was. I’m a man of my word.
    I couldn’t always find other players nearby. So sometimes I would leave the loot on the docks of an outpost. Always with my signature straw “hat” circle. I have no double that a lot of this loot went to waste. But if just one person found one then it’s worth it to me.
    I have to admit I felt like I had bit off a little more than I could chew once I realized the commendation needed 500 skeleton ships.. That’s a lot of loot to give away haha. But One by one I defeated fleets and I gave away every bit of the loot along the way! My friends list has about doubled haha. Though I wasn’t always welcomed with open arms..
    Each photo represents an ENTIRE Skeleton Fleet worth of loot. Either gifted to another player or left on a dock or favorite island for a player to find.

    I can’t stress enough how I have fought tooth and nail for every one of these. just to bring the loot back to a fellow pirate.

    I left loot at snugglers bae a handfull of times. It always feels good do come pay my respects to Xboxx addict. (I leave a trail of loot from the beach to the cave so people can find it)
    I also loved leaving loot at Merrics Photo on Sharbait Cove. (Can’t wait to show you how much has changed Merrick!)
    Unfortunately I didn’t realize that Xbox deletes photos after a while so I lost a lot. But the memories will last forever.

    It has been one heck of an adventure! I’m almost sad it’s over and then I remember that this is just the beginning for Sea of Thieves. Looking forward to the the next chapter with you guys!

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  • @straw-hat-blake I congratulate you on all this. I like the gifts you give to the players :P I would love to play with you so much. ;)

  • @straw-hat-blake

    WOW! Not only a fantastic effort but I applaud you for the way you went about it and for creating a lot of positivity on the sea for newer players. Bravo and well done indeed.
    These canons do look amazing but I'm a long way off so until I reach that 500 ships sunk (around 80 currently but yet to do any full cloud battles) can I please just look at yours? ;-)

    A true legendary effort,congratulations.

  • @straw-hat-blake You're a legend and an inspiration. Bravo!

  • @Straw-Hat-Blake That's some dedication, very well done sir! I'll drink a grog to this! Down in one

  • @jetorchidee97 cheers!

  • Well done!

    Your story is admirable, giving away loot is a nice way to boost the morale of new players.

    As you progressed through the journey your lessons, tactics, strategies, and setbacks, could be very beneficial to others players working towards similar goals. Have you considered writing an advanced Skeleton-ship strategy guide.

    If you were to write guide, what type of details do you think you would you include?

    Congratulations again!

  • @capt-lachuck finally off work! Thanks again for all of the kind words. Alright so here’s some quick tips that helped me against the Skeleton Ships.

    This is for Solo Slooping.

                       Small tips 
    1. A lot of people don’t realize that the cannonballs actually target you. Not always the ship. So
      •repair one hole at a time. you don’t want to take damage in the holes you are trying to repair.
      • limit your time on top deck. Especially if the enemy cannons are aimed at you. If you’re up on top deck then it’s for a purpose.
      •most important part about the top deck for me is the skeleton eye of reaches. If you’re not touching anything when you get shot (the wheel/sails/cannons) then chances are you’ll be knocked off into the water. The eye of reach shoots every 6 or so seconds so time out your movements and you won’t end up in the water.

    2. Get used to being on the verge of sinking! The skalleons can’t bucket out the water you bucket in so some holes in your ship are bittersweet.
      •I recommend not fixing some holes spread out. The skelly ships end up hitting the same holes a lot so you can save yourself some planks. Every person probably has a different comfort lvl of how many holes is manageable for them.
      •For me sometimes I stop repairing the front hole in particular because I ram as much as possible and I end up wasting planks on that same hole.
      •I also keep my water level just below the top of the banana barrels. Any more water and I’m about to hit the second deck. Any less water and you’re not getting deep buckets of water.
      •it can make all the difference if you keep your bucket full and ready to go. Instead of always emptying it.
      •be aware that if the ship you’re bucketing water onto is “above” your own ship. Then the water will go right back into your hull. (Learned this the hard way a few times)

    3. Don’t spend too much time on any task. Solo slooping is a balancing act.
      •like i said earlier repairing one hole at a time helps.
      •don’t worry about keeping the sails in the wind. But raise them slightly so that you can make sharper turns.
      •try not to put the ship at a full turn unless you have to. That way it takes less time to change direction.
      •take shots when you have them! Be an opportunist. Don’t try to get your ship in the perfect position so you can unload. Take your shots when they’re available.

    4. the meg is a great asset.
      •if the meg spawns on you close to the fleet. Try to bring her with you. Not only will she attack the skeleton ships around her. But the skeleton ships will also target the meg so you aren’t their only target.

    5. Know your curses
      •if you get jigged or snoozed on the top deck, then chances are you’ll be knocked into the water before the curse is over. So spend even less time on deck with these.
      •I don’t even attempt to repair if I get Grogg balled. But I can manage to bucket water out by getting right against the ammo box and bucketing out of the small window.
      •Your ram will be short lived if they have the anchor or sail ball. So try to sneak up behind the ship instead of ramming it’s side.
      •Most importantly don’t bother trying to raise the anchor if you’re cursed. Unless you have the opportunity. Just repair while you can and wait to get cursed again so it will bring your anchor back up.

    6. Don’t hold back! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve got knocked off my own ship or cursed into oblivion when I was trying to save supplies for the captains round. You’ve gotta be in the “zone” to go toe to toe with these fleets and you can’t have any hesitation.

    7. Don’t be naive! Set terms.
      Other player ships are very likely to betray you if there isn’t any discourse.
      •I found that everything goes smoother if we came to an agreement on the loot b4 defeating the captain. For me I’m from the Original crew days where getting 50% of the loot was how any alliance worked. So Giving all of the loot to my allianced ship circumvented this problem for me. It’s a win win.

    8. Defend your castle.
      •even the friendliest crew will probably try to board your ship at some point. I can’t stress enough how important it is to not let people board your ship. A lot of betrayals start out as nothing more than an opportunity to betray. Don’t give them this opportunity!
      •it helps to keep a safe distance from other ships. If they’re going to board they’ll have to swim for it.

              Now for the strategy

    It’s very simple really. It just all comes down to timing.

    1. the skelly ships almost always turn away from you.
      •So if the ships to your left. Turn left. If you miss and the ship gets on your right side. Turn the wheel to starboard and keep repeating until you can ram or come up behind them to ride side by side.

    2. If you ram their broadside then you have a choice.
      •To turn towards their bow and change course to try to ride side by side.
      •Or turn slightly towards their captains wheel and try to “pinch” your bowsprit up against their stairs. (This works really well with the skelly sloops) if done correctly you’ll be stuck for 10-20 seconds and you’ll be probably be able to bucket enough water to sink the ship.

    3. Keep everything balanced. Things are going to get crazy. You’ll probably find yourself stuck in some pretty hairy positions.
      •if you ever find yourself getting settled in on and deeper in a hole. Start bucketing non stop. Get the water down to the lowest you can. And start fixing holes. If you can make sure you’ve got at least half sail and keep your ship at a turn. Then you’ll get a few windows to climb yourself out.

    Lastly I just have to say that you need to have Tenacity. Things are going to go wrong. But if you view every failure as a lesson then you’ll end up being “Legend of the Sea of Thieves” in no time. Good luck out there!

  • I also forgot to mention that there is a glitch that makes it so your bucket isn’t in your gear radial! https://imgur.com/a/iYnm5x0
    Special tip: if this ever happens to you just go to the customizations chest and change the color of your bucket. Problem Solved!

  • Hey @Kat-Truewalkerr what do you think? This is by far the hardest accomplishment I’ve ever done in Sea of Thieves. And I did it as one giant thank you to Rare for giving us this opportunity to create shared memories!

  • @straw-hat-blake Awesome job sir! My faith in the community has been restored by simply reading this.

  • @straw-hat-blake

    You, sir, are an absolute Legend, what an incredible feat and congratulations on the achievement!

    I salute you!

  • @iceman-0007 thanks! Some of the players that I gifted the loot to said the same thing. Sea of Thieves is the perfect place to start a “pay it forward.”

  • @katttruewalker Thank you so much!! They call me Rambo of the Seas haha. Solo slooping is alive more than ever

  • People apparently can’t believe that I did these all solo and are accusing me of boosting skeleton ships on a pve server.. this is extremely frustrating because I did the exact opposite and did them completely solo. And didn’t turn in any loot for a month. Not even with one crewmate let alone and entire server full of crewmates.. I give you guys my word that I didn’t boost for them. If you really think that it’s not possible to solo this many fleets then that just shows how truly legendary my accomplishment was

  • @straw-hat-blake nice your a nice pirate mate

  • @katttruewalker so it would seem lol and he is

  • @straw-hat-blake Congratulations! What a feat. I salute you good sir. As a Solo-Slooper myself I really understand the pain of constantly running risk assessments while in the thick of things. There are a LOT of things to keep track of and knowing what your ship can really do helps make a true Sailor. Here's to seeing you Sloopin' on the horizon.

  • @straw-hat-blake Alright, this is one of the coolest stories I've read on the forums so far! Thanks for the great read, and more importantly thanks for being an awesome asset to this community. We need more pirates like you!

    I'm all for plundering the hulls of experienced pirates loaded to the brim with treasure and trinkets but for new people, like the one you first described, I feel like taking their two seafarer's, foul skull, and sugar provides more negativity to their morale than positivity to our pockets.

    Hats off to you!

  • @slayer-of-cats thanks! I completely agree. I feel like you have to find out what your ship can’t do a lot before you can get comfortable with what it can do haha. Cheers!

  • @je0rgie-p0rgie thank you! It means a lot. This game can either bring out the best or the worst of ppl haha. In my opinion everything changes once you hit PL. for me the game became laid back and I could truly just play for th experience and Not care about the loot as much. Others decide to keep stocking up loot or start doing more pvp. It just depends on what being a Pirate Legend means to you.

  • @straw-hat-blake Straw hat blake... I'll commit that name to memory. Well done, mate!

  • Thank you! @xcalypt0x I felt so spoiled by this last update haha. Giving back to the community was the least thing I could do

  • @straw-hat-blake Absolutely, my journey has never really been about becoming a Pirate Legend but more so a ship curator. I have this, probably unhealthy, obsession with ship customization and need to collect every piece that I can. I'm incredibly close to finishing, mostly just need the Legend and Athena cosmetics, so I feel that once I've collected (temporarily) all of the ship cosmetics the game will become a lot more laid back for me.

    At any rate I try my best to look out for people, especially the new sailors. If they're a fresh spawn or hardly have anything worth taking I try my best to encourage my crew to mosey onward. On the other hand, if they're experienced and their ship is decked out you bet your bottom dollar I'm fighting tooth and nail for that treasure.

    @straw-hat-blake said in He defeated 500 Skeleton Ships Solo. And he did it Pro Bono! The Legend of Straw Hat Blake:

    Thank you! @xcalypt0x I felt so spoiled by this last update haha. Giving back to the community was the least thing I could do

    haha, I see you what you did there!

  • @je0rgie-p0rgie I feel you pain!! I was days away from being able to get the founders sails.. was just a little too late. I Even want the loot and lore sails and the banana quest sails haha. I also hear the pioneer program might get their own sails and customizations.. this will be a low blow since I’ve been begging to be in the pioneer program for a while now. Good luck on getting all the Athena stuff!

    I completely agree. I get zero satisfaction out of sinking new players. When someone in my crew is toxic. Ill explain how they are just being a tool. And I’ll just leave if they won’t stop. Who needs all that bad karma.. But when another ship is toxic I definitely love sending their ship to the bottom of the ocean.

  • Greatest story ever been told. You are legend, man. Others claim to be, you are.

  • @straw-hat-blake ahhh the dread of missing ship cosmetics, truly my greatest fear in Sea of Thieves. I wouldn't focus on what you might not be able to get but rather the things that you can get. I'd absolutely LOVE to collect the Loot and Lore sails but that's not something I can get so it's not in my checklist. Let your journey be your own, focus on checking off your checklist.

  • @goedecke-michel thank you!! This means more than you know. The ppl on Reddit have been surprisingly hostile.. I’ll never give up on my dream of being a real pirate legend. I don’t care what people say!

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