Patch Notes Discussion 1.4.2

  • A new issue i came across is when you are fighting skellie ships equipped with the venom ball you screen goes mostly purple and red and you dont have any view. You are also locked out of barrels at this time.

  • I don’t know if someone already mentionned it but sometimes I can hear some sounds like the wind, the water while sailing or when the anchor is dropped, it happens to me once again last night.

  • *this has to have been suggested: but can we get a pop-up notice when crew adds/leaves? too often crew is just ducking silently out and you dont realize you're sailing alone, or a stranger suddenly shows up and you flip out because you think you've been boarded.

    Also a "goodbye" pirate chat, and a pirate chat that lets you state an island name would be great. Not everyone gets where you want to go, by pointing at the horizon, showing maps to each other, or marking the map table. sequencing and change of plans are lost.

    this would let stranded players also have an easier time reporting where they're at rather than "I'm on the island"

  • @iceman-0007 said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.4.2:

    A new issue i came across is when you are fighting skellie ships equipped with the venom ball you screen goes mostly purple and red and you dont have any view. You are also locked out of barrels at this time.

    Yeah, and what is with the seemingly unlimited cursed ammo for these skeleton ships, we were fighting a Kraken/Meg tandem and a skeleton ship shows up in the middle and made us dance for like a minute straight.

    Granted the game should be challenging, but... if you just curse the crew non-stop until the Kraken finishes, that's asking a lot.

  • @khompewtur We've encountered this as well, instead of the Jigball we were being hit with the Wearyball. Given we survived the battle with a few times nearly being sank. At one point I recall two curse cannons being shoot at us from the same ship at different times.

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