Skelly ships - solo players need not fear them...

  • Hello everyone!

    Since Shrouded Spoils released I have seen a number of posts from solo players having trouble with those pesky skelly ships that can pop up at any time. I suggested the below tips a few days ago in one such post, but rather than copy them in to each post I see, I thought I'd make them in to a little guide which will hopefully help a few other solo players.

    The bottom line is, skelly ships can be finished with relative ease, so long as you prepare (gather supplies) and approach them in the right way. Here are my tips:

    • Slow down. As soon as I hear the music I put my sail up half way. The skelly ship is going to hound you whatever speed you go, so give yourself better maneuverability. That way you can position yourself better to attack them, and lessen the chances of colliding with an island/rock when you're below repairing.

    • Prioritize repairs. Keeping your ship afloat is the most important thing. When you have holes, bail some water and then repair. By taking water out first you make staying afloat much more manageable and you're better prepared for if you get hit by any cursed cannon ball that stops you moving.

    • Remember, they can't bail water. Something I always take advantage of, though probably has a small effect. If you collide and get stuck together, don't patch all your holes. Instead, bail water on to their ship. You're adding water to them whilst removing it from yourself!

    • Cursed cannon balls are your friends. It's RNG so may not always be applicable. But if you have jig, weary or grog balls, use them! Put a couple of holes in them before hitting them with a jig ball, then go back to a few more normal balls. Just watch how quickly they go down!

    • Don't bother boarding them. As long as you are on your ship, it can be kept afloat. Many try to jump on to their ship to keg them. A great technique when you have others left on your ship. But you're likely to lose your unmanned ship trying this alone.

    • Dress appropriately. I've always favoured a short summery number. Show a little leg and flutter my eyes lids to lure them in to a false sense of security. The last thing these besotted boneheads ever expect to see are my balls.... my, cannon balls... ahem...

    That's all I've got for you. I've brought down a fair few skelly ships using the points above, and I hope they do the same for you!

    If anyone has any other little tips to add, making these encounters either easier, or just more fun, please leave them below.

    Fair winds, and more importantly, have fun!

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  • @luciansanchez82 an excellent guide, though I prefer to wear me longjohns when in battle!

  • That's a fine written story there, @luciansanchez82

  • @sshteeve Well that sounds boring! But whatever works for you...

  • @luciansanchez82 Ahoy matey!

    Some good tactics indeed there, as we are now a week into Shrouded Spoils and taking down the roaming skellie ships I am often in a sloop and after adopting several of these tactics have yet to be sunk! (I know I have just cursed it).

    I think sometimes you just need to adapt your play style for the situation you find yourself in.

  • @musicmee You've done it now. They'll be working extra hard to bring you down!

  • I will have to try this. I have dealt with all dangers on the seas but when these things show up right beside me or behind me I tend to lose my ship. I will pull the sails up a little bit and attempt to take it down. Thanks for the advice!

  • I can confirm that a sharp, well-tailored pantsuit also works quite well, striking fear into the hearts of men and skellies alike.

  • @killerkram Good luck out there! I hope they give you the edge you need.

  • @genuine-heather said in Skelly ships - solo players need not fear them...:

    I can confirm that a sharp, well-tailored pantsuit also works quite well, striking fear into the hearts of men and skellies alike.

    Oooh the power play. I like your style!

  • @solestone563412 Good point, I've used them a few times myself to good effect.


  • Awesome guide! Still waiting for them to release the colored bandanna and speedo so you can feel free and flexible during those battles.

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