What we know, so far, about Shrouded Spoils

  • With the announcement of the Arena, not much focus is being given to the Shrouded Spoils release, promised for "late November". That is only a week or two away! This is promised to include many features that have been formally announced (or leaked) in various announcements and play streams. As best as I have gleaned, these include:

    • Fog, above which the crows nest will peek
    • Extra ship customizations, for wheel, capstan, and cannons
    • Rewards exclusive to Pirate Legends; i.e. commendations and outfits
    • The "Mega Keg": a gunpowder barrel with 3x explosive forth. Too powerful to carry safely, even in the crows nest, but worth a pretty penny if you sell it.
    • "Where once there was three, now there are nine"... Active Forts!
    • Rewards for defeating Meg and Karen
    • Kraken behaviour modified
    • Free roaming (single) Skeleton ships
    • Extra "glint" for treasure from Skeleton ships, so it is easier to spot in the water after defeating an armada

    Anything else that I have missed?

    I am quite excited about this release because, although it does not offer "one big thing", it does give us a lot of smaller features and enhancements that will enrich everyday adventuring.

    Shrouded Spoils is apparently not the "Fall Snails" release that Joe Neate has hinted at a few times. Nor is "Fall Snails" The Arena. "Fall Snails" now seems to be a more substantial release that will come sometime after The Arena, which will provide the basis for deeper lore-based questing.

    I could not really find the right category for this. "Release Notes Discussion" would seem to fit the bill; but that it limited to threads initiated by Rare.

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  • @SurveyorPete

    You summed up what is known so far well mate! Just as much as I am disappointed for modes I am as excited for the Shrouded Spoils too.

    The “Fall Snails” 🐌 🐌 🐌 will be Tall Tales when it comes out. Sounds like more good stuff quest, lore, and story wise.

  • I know Pets (sold via micro-transactions) are being actively worked on too. Joe has spoken about them a couple of times. Perhaps this will be a surprise inclusion in Shrouded Spoils.

    Although remember: Puppies are forever; not just for Christmas!

  • @surveyorpete I’m quite happy with this upcoming content. I think these changes will make the core gameplay a lot more fun and interesting.

    I’m looking forward to it :)

  • @Chronodusk

    LOL. I saw what you did just then! :-)

  • @surveyorpete Yep! I just realized it was mentioned, I just didn't see it haha.

  • @surveyorpete said in What we know, so far, about Shrouded Spoils:

    I know Pets (sold via micro-transactions) are being actively worked on too. Joe has spoken about them a couple of times. Perhaps this will be a surprise inclusion in Shrouded Spoils.

    Although remember: Puppies are forever; not just for Christmas!

    Let’s hope pets are not gated behind MTX. Even though I want to see them just as much as everyone else, I will not be sinking any more real life money into this game.

  • @surveyorpete I missed the part about kraken behavior modification. Did they elaborate on that or was it just mentioned? If so what exactly was said?

  • @br0crastinat0r

    It was a quick comment in the weekly stream. I cannot remember the precise words, but it was not much more than that. They did use the word "behaviour" though, so I don't think you can expect to see Karen's head or body. :-)

    Edit: See... https://youtu.be/vgCyy9sRmHA?t=922

  • @imadeyoureadme said in What we know, so far, about Shrouded Spoils:

    @x-crowheart-x Pets have always be said to be microtransactions. This hasn't changed.

    I know what has been said. Totally disagree with it. If that is the way it truly ends up it is nothing but another money grab like other games taking advantage of the desire of players.

    Even if I saw something I really wanted, that one pet meant for me, they have done nothing to justify giving Rare and Microsoft more money.

    If we do not start reserving restraint with our wallets and pocketbooks, game developers will never stop preying on gamers and go back to developing good games without a cash shop to prop them up.

  • @surveyorpete said in What we know, so far, about Shrouded Spoils:

    I know Pets (sold via micro-transactions) are being actively worked on too. Joe has spoken about them a couple of times. Perhaps this will be a surprise inclusion in Shrouded Spoils.

    Although remember: Puppies are forever; not just for Christmas!

    I have a feeling pets will be dropped at the same time that crab critters get added to the game and the repeated cameo of "Scuttles" aka "Crabitha" aka "Leonardo da Pinchy" aka "Shelldon von Pinchworth III esq." will be an obtainable pet. Most likely after the arena.

  • @m1sterpunch

    Apparently the name that seems to have stuck most for the crab is Shelley.

  • @imadeyoureadme said in What we know, so far, about Shrouded Spoils:

    @x-crowheart-x While I agree to the extent of reserving our pocket book, Micro-transactions on pets I don't Mind. I likely wont purchase one and have no care to do so. However I do wee why Rare would make these MTX. As they are constantly publishing without charging any fees, they are going to run into financial problems at some point if they don't manage an inflow of funds.

    When all the lore, and content of the SEA of thieves world is locked behind their physical store all people do is throw money at them. This won't stop. Needless to say they way of gaming seems to be turning to a micro-transaction world anyway.

    They should charge for The Arena if they want to charge for Pets.

  • @imadeyoureadme said in What we know, so far, about Shrouded Spoils:

    @x-crowheart-x In a game lacking content, they can't charge for something that may give something to do. Pets are strictly aesthetic. Easy Money. You charge for an additional game mode you are asking for trouble.


    Would have been better not wasting time and content on time limited updates that fade away. They needed to have built better, meaningful long lasting value in the game by now.

    Then they could have justified selling DLC and maybe even expansions to the world. Purchasing pets will only distract some from the fact the sea is still no better than it was.

  • @x-crowheart-x

    Purchasing pets will only distract some from the fact the sea is still no better than it was.

    What about everything listed in the original post?

  • @surveyorpete said in What we know, so far, about Shrouded Spoils:


    Purchasing pets will only distract some from the fact the sea is still no better than it was.

    What about everything listed in the original post?

    It helps in some ways. We have not seen it all yet to know how long it will last. Still secrets left and do not know how deep the Pirate Legend bits will take us.

    I am not knocking it. We still need more to the game as @IMadeYouReadMe and I were just speaking to. So far what we have seen are side dishes that can curb the hunger and not the meat and potatoes that will fill the heart and soul.

  • i want cooking and a chef jacket!

  • Few of these, if not all of them im pleased to see coming to the game, more active forts is good because the ones that was never used had so great designs is was such a waste for not being used. The Mega Keg sure will be a fun one to deal with, as if its worth quite a lot and good xp then its a very high risk high reward, if not that much then it sure be fun to bomb ships with. Rewards from Meg and Karen is a good sign that all your hard work and supplies wasn't for nothing. I am interested in seeing the new Karen behavior, hopefully it be very fun to go against with. Free roaming skeleton ships is going to be fun and interesting but if its that great then I bet the navy will have the same type of mechanic like the skeleton ships, hopefully that will be a thing.

    Overall I be ready for the update to come out as the fog will give a good reason to use our lanterns on the ship but still have the risk of being spotted by others.

  • @x-crowheart-x Well to be fair, at least Sot will last longer than, Bethesda, EA and Blizzard/activison as of there games because most of them had micro transactions when the game launch or was in beta. So at least thats a better sign that Rare cares this much of there game so far, im not saying their perfect or the game but at least it wasn't made by those three companies. As for the pets, I might buy it or not depending on my options on them, but ill continue my journey by solo if so.

  • @imadeyoureadme I disagree with the fact that there is a lack of things to do in general. I tend to use the example of Spongebobs Episode, where Patrick and Spongebob sit in a box full of nothing and they use their fantasy to have some fun. For me Sea of Thieves is this in particular. I can choose to do with my ship, with my crew, with my time whatever I so desire.

    In my opinion, Sea of Thieves is difficult to fit in the routine which other games have. Sea of Thieves is no No-brainer. If there is nobody giving you a task to fullfill you yourself have to give you something to do. I love Sea of Thieves for this freedom of not having someone that tells me what to do but offers me things to do. For example the Bilge Rat-Adventures are nothing that I am forced to do. The voyages are nothing that I am forced to do. Ok, one could say that you aren't forced to play the game in general but do you get my point? YOU are the one that creates your own content in Sea of Thieves. If you are a roleplayer, a grinder or a griefer. YOU are the one taking the step forward.

    Best regards, Peter

  • Im needing an Crab Pet because that fits to my Ocean Crawler Ship and Clothing Set! I will pay for Pets and they will be Good, when an Team is straight working on them, that means to me, they’re not only Simple Pixels who run after you, i hope they’re more complex!

  • @surveyorpete said in What we know, so far, about Shrouded Spoils:


    Apparently the name that seems to have stuck most for the crab is Shelley.


  • @katttruewalker Shelley "Crabatha" Jermaine Pressgang

  • @revanjstone said in What we know, so far, about Shrouded Spoils:

    i want cooking and a chef jacket!

    Cooking as well as Fishing is on the whiteboard for the game, as for a Chef outfit they might add one that is pirate themed for that update.

  • I honestly think if all that is listed is coming, the game is pretty much finally going to be fun all the way while sailing.

    Megalodon? Fight!
    Kraken? Fight!
    Skeleton ship? Fight!

    Now we just need maelstroms, or some other hazard in the seas. The game is shaping up to be more than what I expected.

  • @katttruewalker
    Crabatha S. Scuttles ("S." stands for Shelly/Shelley).

  • @crafek i want whirlpools, could be a kraken attack and at the center is his mouth waiting for your ship haha.

    also snow storms whenver if ever they do an icy area. i got dibs on the bottom of the map for that.

    i also want sea serpent and land based bosses like big crab, maybe serpent can be there too. giant chicken.

    when are the mermaids coming just sayin.. lol

  • @x-crowheart-x said in What we know, so far, about Shrouded Spoils:

    @imadeyoureadme said in What we know, so far, about Shrouded Spoils:

    @x-crowheart-x While I agree to the extent of reserving our pocket book, Micro-transactions on pets I don't Mind. I likely wont purchase one and have no care to do so. However I do wee why Rare would make these MTX. As they are constantly publishing without charging any fees, they are going to run into financial problems at some point if they don't manage an inflow of funds.

    When all the lore, and content of the SEA of thieves world is locked behind their physical store all people do is throw money at them. This won't stop. Needless to say they way of gaming seems to be turning to a micro-transaction world anyway.

    They should charge for The Arena if they want to charge for Pets.

    I didn’t read all the comments so I’m not sure if this has been said.

    While I personally can’t stand Microtransactions and that in itself is a massive debate me and Mr @Ant-Heuser-Kush on a few occasions haha and one I have no plan to start again :P

    I believe they did specify that some pets will be unlockable in game aswell. But there will also be the Mtx ones also. Which will probably look better then the unlockable ones.

  • @shurthugal Well, in my opinion The Arena gives players without that much fantasy as I have a goal to achieve. If you compete for glory in The Arena and challenge your Rivals, as De Marco Sing****h said in the Trailer, then it would be the perfect opportunity for players to get involved in PvP more direct. In The Arena there is no escape. It is the perfect place to improve for adventure-mode and experience a much more hectic encouter which is rich of action, blood and sweat.

    I'm looking forward to The Arena and to more changes for Adventure-mode. Every change can be appreciated in a different way.

    Best regards, Peter

  • It's the small things I miss in this game.

  • @crimsontifical


    I had not heard of that one.

  • @surveyorpete You didn't hear anything because that isn't confirmed by the devs, it's confirmed by a stupid leak of a pioneer. And @Crimsontifical, that breaks the rules of the forums:

    Posting Unreleased Content / Hacking Data Files
    Do not share data-mined information as the post will be removed and a warning issued. Ignoring the warning will result in a permanent ban.

    (That also includes Pioneer leaked things)

  • @Crimsontifical Posting about unreleased content is against the Forum Rules and as such I have removed your post.

    Posting Unreleased Content / Hacking Data Files
    Do not share data-mined information as the post will be removed and a warning issued. Ignoring the warning will result in a permanent ban.

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