[Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena

  • Personally ( & it's only, my best 'reckon' )

    I would like & think it's in the main game, & not a selective option.
    Thoughts being that the "Arena" would be a selected area ( a random island/area), where said event (PvP intensive ) would occur.

  • I actually love this idea, I will be honest, when I get bored I do like to go and engage in pvp, which I will still do, but the arena gives me another place to go fight! Meaning the pve players out there can keep your loot for a bit longer.

    Keep up the fantastic work Rare, been a massive fan of all your games, so I know this is safe in your hands.

  • I'm wondering (part of this mode, at least) might be universal treasure maps - as in, all crews going after the same treasure maps.
    The video shows pirates digging and carrying treasures - also what looks like some sort of different gun power keg (with bones on it).

    Very curious.

    I know a lot of players want increased PvP encounters and I knew the main game was not going to offer that (to the degree that would work for the main game and make some players happy). This could be a good addition to the game.

    I do hope it does not harm the integrity of the adventure game and I hope that is paramount to the team as well (I suspect it will always be the most important thing for them).

  • @tuukkatl

    That wasn't the game mode that did that to the game, it was the developers. The developers made the decision to abandon their previous versions to do what they wanted with their BR. Do you actually see Rare doing that? No!

    They can easily balance these two modes to compliment each other. The fact that it's not its own game should give you hope that the greater Sea of Thieves will not be abandoned.

  • Oh wow, I feel deflated by that announcement.
    I'll reserve judgement obviously but in all honesty right now I feel disappointed that time and money has gone into a seperate mode and splitting the player base.
    Looking forward to learning more and seeing how this turns out.

  • @orbisinfinitus said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    Can't say I'm necessarily excited for it, especially since it will inevitably split-up the number of people playing the main game. I'd rather see them keep focusing on large content sets that enrich the existing world in the game.

    I totally agree. I much rather have seen bigger, better, long lasting content added that grows the current world, attracts new pirates, and keeps us all sailing and fighting together on the same sea. This update is very disappointing!

    They might as well go ahead and make a PvE mode for the players that want to play that way as well. Maybe that is what adventure mode will end up becoming.

    Adding ways to allow us to come together in groups of our own ships and change ship size without leaving the server would have been much better for everyone that this sad scaled down version of a battle royale mode.

  • Wow! They actually did it.... uh.... Good job Rare! Have to see when it comes out, but this looks to be a great addition to the game.

  • @personalc0ffee I truly believe this will breathe new life into the Sea of Thieves. Rare will also be able to take the increase in player base and encourage them to go out and adventure outside of the Arena mode. I have high hopes! I know there are a lot of people that don't share my view... but I hope we are all pleasantly surprised with what this mode does for the game.

  • @personalc0ffee I know it is a new mode but I hope adventure stays the focus, they can have a pvp specific cosmetic set but if you want to arena in say the ghost set you need to play adventure. That's what I mean.

  • I don't really get the negativity, if you've been enjoying the game thus far what is it are you afraid of exactly? Those who enjoy the non-PvP focus will still have that to enjoy. Would you prefer PvP players flood the vanilla experience or for Rare to simply put a more PvP driven focus in the base game? Personally for me this will be a reason for me to return to the game as I've long wanted a more PvP focus for sometime now. Numbers are my only concern.

  • @danqrl said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    Oh wow, I feel deflated by that announcement.
    I'll reserve judgement obviously but in all honesty right now I feel disappointed that time and money has gone into a seperate mode and splitting the player base.

    Right? I never paid the game for that knowing that it has always been said they'll never split the playerbase...

    Oh well

  • Not sure if this is for me. I'll need to see it in action so testing it will give Pioneers a good gauge. I'm on the fence.

  • @personalc0ffee said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @starquest said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @personalc0ffee No I think only adventure mode rewards should carry over into arena so people want to play adventure and look cool in the arena.

    I can all but guarantee you, they will not.

    It's a new mode. So it needs new rewards and things to work towards. If they just bring them the same rewards, no one is going to go for it.

    Those things should be entirely and remain separate from the Adventure mode.

    I totally disagree. In the trailer we can see ship skins, figure heads, etc that are all in Adventure mode. I highly doubt that Rare would make us RE earn those ship cosmetics. I'm sure all of the ship customization we've unlocked will transfer over into Arena.

    Not to mention they said we're getting a new trading company called The Sea Dogs. I would assume that we'll be able to unlock various skins and such through them just like the other three companies and we'll be able to earn cosmetics that transfer back into Adventure.

    I do agree money should be kept separate but the cosmetics shouldn't be.

  • Joe's favourite thing about arena. "It's about the intensity and heart rate, someone is going to be competing against you getting the same treasure as you.


    • contested skull forts mean nothing?
    • contested skull ships mean nothing?
    • 6 ships per server mean nothing?
    • Reapers mark means nothing?

    The actual game, plus Rare's amazing server merge system and their ability to throw you towards other ships wit quests was all designed to give you that thrill of excitement.

    This is development time that could have been spent on other full content. It could've gone toward bug fixes, keyboard and mouse support, text chat for xbox, better servers, faster loading times, more cosmetics, implementation of pets/fishing/new weapons/new treasure/legend content.

    Waate. Of. Time.

  • @personalc0ffee said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    All it seems to me is that it will split not only the player bases but the development load to both modes, rather than focusing on one complete experience. It is going to also yank PvP players out of the seas and what will remain is PvE'ers which removes the excitement.

    This is what worries me the most to be honest. It's not like the updates we got so far were huge. If this game mode splits the teams, this might make things worse. I hope I'm wrong about this.

    Also, I'm ok with getting special PvP sets from there for all the modes but no gold, doubloons or rep.

  • Like the barrels this could be the start of something great imo, it opens a lot of possibilities for different content to be added.

    People have been making threads about loads of different mini games since I joined. It would be great to see different ones. I’m intrigued personally..

  • @ant-heuser-kush Sarcasm? or change of heart about PvP area?

  • @prodigy-burns yes I would prefer them to do that, they flooded it in the start and it was ok.

  • @sshteeve said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    Joe's favourite thing about arena. "It's about the intensity and heart rate, someone is going to be competing against you getting the same treasure as you.


    • contested skull forts mean nothing?
    • contested skull ships mean nothing?
    • 6 ships per server mean nothing?
    • Reapers mark means nothing?

    The actual game, plus Rare's amazing server merge system and their ability to throw you towards other ships wit quests was all designed to give you that thrill of excitement.

    This is development time that could have been spent on other full content. It could've gone toward bug fixes, keyboard and mouse support, text chat for xbox, better servers, faster loading times, more cosmetics, implementation of pets/fishing/new weapons/new treasure/legend content.

    Waate. Of. Time.

    The empty servers and boring cargo runs beg to differ.

    This game needed something like the Arena... those of us who want to just dive in and enjoy high intensity combat situations without investing 2 - 4 hours to only maybe get what we want out of the game have been begging for something like this for months.

    I do enjoy all of the end of the world sentiment from some of you forum regulars... but just like 2012 the Arena mode will be introduced and the Sea will continue to churn. :)

  • @musicmee said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    Anddd.... did anyone spot the crab?? ;D

    He's the little fella... to the right... with the sword.
    Took me four goes to notice him... I'm embarrassed

  • @prodigy-burns What I’m concerned about is that by splitting players we’ll end up with PvP and PvE completely separate. I know some people really love that idea - I am not one of them. I like playing Sea of Thieves - sometimes I’m adventuring, sometimes I’m in a ship battle, sometimes I’m just doing nothing in particular. The joy of Sea of Thieves is building an emergent world of different opportunities and reasons to play - I still think it is lacking currently but I love how it has been evolving.

    A ‘new mode’ which immediately separates players might mean that I’m likely to have fewer ship battles and interesting encounters in ‘adventure mode’. I also have zero interest in playing a Battle Royale game - what is Sea of Thieves for me now? I desperately hope I’m wrong and that this has just not been explained well, in the wrong environment with limited information but I was gutted by the announcement.

  • @tuukkatl Hey I wouldn't mind that as well but there's clearly a ton of opposition towards focusing too heavily on PvP in the base game.

  • @skulliah said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @danqrl said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    Oh wow, I feel deflated by that announcement.
    I'll reserve judgement obviously but in all honesty right now I feel disappointed that time and money has gone into a seperate mode and splitting the player base.

    Right? I never paid the game for that knowing that it has always been said they'll never split the playerbase...

    Oh well

    So many other ideas could have kept the community together and happy while keeping the game true to what brought us all together in the beginning. Proves Rare still does not listen and has absolutely no clue what to do with this game and all its players.

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    Good job, guys. We effectively have PvE and PvP servers. It's whatever, I called it. A new NPC and competitive trading company with comms, titles, and cosmetics.

    LOL yeah, you definitely stole a bunch of ideas out of another thread and made your own thread. Great work!
    "I called it"

  • @wkd1337 said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:


    That wasn't the game mode that did that to the game, it was the developers. The developers made the decision to abandon their previous versions to do what they wanted with their BR. Do you actually see Rare doing that? No!

    They can easily balance these two modes to compliment each other. The fact that it's not its own game should give you hope that the greater Sea of Thieves will not be abandoned.

    Yeah we shall see, they promised they would not split the player base and this will do that. Not to talk about wasting time to make something like this, this time could have been actually used to give something to do for pirate legends, maybe new type of voyages for legends. But no, a separate game mode.

  • @skulliah The best option is IMO is to add a large port town on one side of the map for players to sail to and merge into the area's instance for PvP. Doesn't look like what it's gonna be, but they can always do something like that later. I'm just glad to be actually excited about an update, I even got my friends to say they will come back to try this out. I was just about to call it quits and give up on SoT, but this gives me hope for the future of this game.

  • How do we protest this idea and get it removed from the plans for the game? How are we supposed to expect that Rare will update the Arena mode with useful and full updates when they can’t even do that for the current version of the game? Right now we are getting empty DLC’s and events every couple of months with many bugs and we’re supposed to expect that they can pull this off? Does this mean the design teams are going to be broken up into even smaller teams and we’re going to get the same meaningless updates but at double the time frame?

  • @mancfoo I think their intention is to keep the base game mode the same and so you'll still have that mixture of PvP and PvE if you are looking for it. This seems more like a potentially new audience so those modes populations probably won't be heavily effected if most are already enjoying them that is.

  • Just my 2 cents but I think this is a great idea. I get the concerns being voiced but there are some points to consider.

    First, Rare has been hiring for quite a while now as they've been building a forth team for developement on SoT. While Arena will take resources from Adventure development, the additional staff eases that burden and should allow continued growth of the world.

    Second, this goes a long way to solving the PvP vs PvE discussion. While splitting the community generally sounds like a bad idea, I would argue it is already split to a detriment to the community as a whole. There is already a large part of the community that are purely focussed on PvP, and some of them are very toxic about it. This scares (runs) off new players, family friendly players, and purely PvE players and errodes the games growth over time. It also has the same effect on PvP only players who get bored chasing players who run at first sight and won't engage. This should grow the community as a whole, and allow for a longer life span of the entire game.

    Third, PvP is great opportunity to monetize. We are all going to face the facts of monetization sooner or later if we want this game to live on. PvP games have traditionally been better generators of additional income for games than PvE. More money, more developement, longer game life.

    Now there's no guaranties that Rare won't abandon one mode for the other in the pursuit of $$$. We've seen more and more developers do that lately and have every right to be sceptical. I just think Rare has earned a little trust here. It'll still be up to the community to keep engaged and keep providing feedback on both sides of this discussion in order to keep improving this game and community. They've been listening so far.

  • @firedude331 it's too late for that. They've announced it and made a trailer. It's coming.

    I don't know how they are expecting to attract new people to this game with an arena mode. The game still costs $60. There are cheaper and better options for that game mode out there.

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @wkd1337 said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @ant-heuser-kush said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    Good job, guys. We effectively have PvE and PvP servers. It's whatever, I called it. A new NPC and competitive trading company with comms, titles, and cosmetics.

    LOL yeah, you definitely stole a bunch of ideas out of another thread and made your own thread. Great work!
    "I called it"

    What are you talking about? I created a thread about the reaper flag, not BR. Try again.

    It's all good man. The future is bright and the sea is blue! … or kind of blackish if your in the wilds, but never mind that...

  • @x-crowheart-x said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @skulliah said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @danqrl said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    Oh wow, I feel deflated by that announcement.
    I'll reserve judgement obviously but in all honesty right now I feel disappointed that time and money has gone into a seperate mode and splitting the player base.

    Right? I never paid the game for that knowing that it has always been said they'll never split the playerbase...

    Oh well

    So many other ideas could have kept the community together and happy while keeping the game true to what brought us all together in the beginning. Proves Rare still does not listen and has absolutely no clue what to do with this game and all its players.

    Well, they just focused on the wrong feedbacks: PvE and PvP modes.

    All the players that want PvP are going to go in this PvP mode and let the original world so friendly and safe.

    There are way more ways to bring competitiveness and cooperation than following all these BR games mode.

    I'm so confused, what is the current vision of Sea of Thieves now? Sadly it's not what brought me in the game anymore, but well, who cares at Rare? I guess that bringing more money and being at the top of Twitch is more important than keeping their supporting players.

  • How Can you call this game mode "competitive" if crossplay is enabled? Lol Rare.

  • @skulliah said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    That's going to bring so many toxic players in the game :(

    We talked about this a few hours ago before the XO18 Special this is not what Sea of Thieves needs right now :(

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @wkd1337 said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @ant-heuser-kush said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @wkd1337 said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    @ant-heuser-kush said in [Mega Thread] Sea of Thieves: The Arena:

    Good job, guys. We effectively have PvE and PvP servers. It's whatever, I called it. A new NPC and competitive trading company with comms, titles, and cosmetics.

    LOL yeah, you definitely stole a bunch of ideas out of another thread and made your own thread. Great work!
    "I called it"

    What are you talking about? I created a thread about the reaper flag, not BR. Try again.

    It's all good man. The future is bright and the sea is blue! … or kind of blackish if your in the wilds, but never mind that...

    No. You said I stole ideas. Where? Don't try and call out me and then back out. You were wrong. Period.

    I said time and time again that we need a new NPC that rewards PvP.

    This megathread isn't about you and me arguing about who said what first. Which by the way was me. Let's just sidebar this and stay on topic. This new mode is going to be a really good time. I'm really excited for it.

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