Reworking Achievements: Adding to and Updating the current Achievements and Commendations

  • With the next update being a collection of smaller changes, I think it's time to look at achievements in the game. A while ago, commendations were changed to be easier to earn, but the respective achievements for them were never changed. The achievements requirements should be lowered to match that of the commendations.

    Additionally, new commendations should be added for the existing factions to match new content. For example, there should be a commendation for the Gold Hoarders and Order of Souls based on # of ashen loot turned in, similar to the "shipwrecked loot" commendation. Merchant should also receive commendations for cargo. While I understand there are bilge rat commendations for some of these things, considering this content is now just as permanent as the other stuff it seems weird to not have Grade I-V commendations like everything else.

    Furthermore, new achievements should be added based off of the new content in the game. This is pretty standard with most games that release DLC or content updates, and it would make sense for Rare to do the same.

    Examples could be:

    • Achievements for new commendations (Mentioned above)
    • Achievement for Athena Rank 10
    • Achievements for Athena Commendations
    • Defeat the Megaladon for the first time (Similar to Kraken Achievement)
    • Complete a quest in the Devils Roar
    • Defeat a Skeleton Ship Crew
    • Buy something from Duke's Shop
    • Something rowboat related? (row x miles, etc.)
    • Achievements based on Legendary Bilge Rat Commendations, like Mermaids, Skeleton Thrones, etc. (Would give incentive for new players to do them, adding content)

    Last but not least, Rare should finally add "Time Played" to the statistics displayed in the achievements section on Xbox/The Xbox App. Literally every other game I know has it, and I think people would appreciate being able to see how much time they've put in.

    Would love to hear peoples thoughts on this, and any more ideas for achievements or commendations.

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  • @joeismoe I don’t have the sources to hand, but a representative from Rare on Reddit did say they are working to edit some of the existing achievements. It just has to go through Microsoft / Xbox Live first; a waiting game I’m afraid.

    New achievements? Yes please! I’m an achievement hunter at heart and would love for some more to earn!

  • @thetwistedtaste said in Reworking Achievements: Adding to and Updating the current Achievements and Commendations:

    @joeismoe I don’t have the sources to hand, but a representative from Rare on Reddit did say they are working to edit some of the existing achievements. It just has to go through Microsoft / Xbox Live first; a waiting game I’m afraid.

    New achievements? Yes please! I’m an achievement hunter at heart and would love for some more to earn!

    I didn't know about that, that's definitely good to hear. Hopefully that'll be ready to go by Shrouded Spoils.

  • New achievements?
    NO WAY

    afther what happend in the first place and afther 6 months still nothing.
    it just to late.

    fix the ones that need to be fixed.
    and move on with the game.

    leave it for ingame commedations.

    No body who hunt achievements care about this game anymore.

  • @joeismoe achievement hunting is one thing that I know is a big thing with a lot of gamers and I have to agree with you. The majority of game update their achievement list after the release of major updates or dlc. SoT has so many opportunities for achievements beyond the wide selection we already have. I feel like this game could easily have over 100 if rare really wanted to add them.

  • @silverleader448 said in Reworking Achievements: Adding to and Updating the current Achievements and Commendations:

    New achievements?
    NO WAY

    afther what happend in the first place and afther 6 months still nothing.
    it just to late.

    fix the ones that need to be fixed.
    and move on with the game.

    leave it for ingame commedations.

    No body who hunt achievements care about this game anymore.

    I care, and you don’t. That’s 1-1 and i’m sure we can both find plenty of others to take each of our sides. Some love achievement hunting, some just don’t.

    New Achievements bring a plethora of new content to YouTube, Twitch and Mixer. Content creators want to be the first to release their guides to unlock X, Y and Z - I don’t see why this is a bad thing - if anything, more free advertising for the game!

    Yes there were problems with the Achievements at launch, and yes some milestones are still rediculous - but I believe Rare has learnt from it. They’re already trying to edit milestones for some

    The game also has its own in-game challenge tracker, AKA commendations. Adding new achievements tied to existing and new commendations would not take a lot of manpower to implement. Pirate Legend commendations are coming in Shrouded Spoils after all

  • @thetwistedtaste said in Reworking Achievements: Adding to and Updating the current Achievements and Commendations:

    @silverleader448 said in Reworking Achievements: Adding to and Updating the current Achievements and Commendations:

    New achievements?
    NO WAY

    afther what happend in the first place and afther 6 months still nothing.
    it just to late.

    fix the ones that need to be fixed.
    and move on with the game.

    leave it for ingame commedations.

    No body who hunt achievements care about this game anymore.

    I care, and you don’t. That’s 1-1 and i’m sure we can both find plenty of others to take each of our sides. Some love achievement hunting, some just don’t.

    New Achievements bring a plethora of new content to YouTube, Twitch and Mixer. Content creators want to be the first to release their guides to unlock X, Y and Z - I don’t see why this is a bad thing - if anything, more free advertising for the game!

    Yes there were problems with the Achievements at launch, and yes some milestones are still rediculous - but I believe Rare has learnt from it. They’re already trying to edit milestones for some

    The game also has its own in-game challenge tracker, AKA commendations. Adding new achievements tied to existing and new commendations would not take a lot of manpower to implement. Pirate Legend commendations are coming in Shrouded Spoils after all

    well i do not care that its 1-1 because in the end you have a far lower number.
    then again. Achievement hunters avoid this game now because of the Bananacrate one.

    If Rare has learned i do not know.
    This takes very very long to change atleast 1 achievement.
    On Sony PS4 they have changed Trophies in weeks.

    First fix what needs to be fixed. then put some more in the game that if you have done onces doing it a second time mathers.

    afther that lets see about achievements.

    No one will believe me but i am sad i have to talk negative about Rare.
    I grow up with the games, but this is not what i know Rare for.

    I am sure they can do better.

  • I would absolutely love it if they added some new achievements. On the other hand though I wish they would correct the ones they already have to match the commendations first. There has not been any word in a long time on how that process is working out. Its pretty frustrating at this point.

  • @silverleader448 What is the problem ? If you don't care for achievement. What is the problem with more achievements ? You don't need to see them, just turn off notifications.

    Only thing more achievement does is make the game more fun for the people that cares. It's no downside.

    I love achievements, because it gives me goals in the game. Commendations is okay, but why not make it an achievement as well?

    Btw. I am pirate legend. And have over 200k gs.
    So I care for the game and care for achievement..
    So if the game had achievement for reaching athena 10. I probably would tried to reach athena 10. But I don't see the point.

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