Usable Dagger (Weapon/Tool) and Environmental Targets

  • I think adding a usable dagger to the game would add a lot of fun, game play, and roleplay options. The dagger could obviously be used as a weapon. However, it would also function as a tool.

    What We Would Get:
    A dagger as a weapon and objects designed as targets placed in the world to be used with the daggers or guns.

    How It Would Work:
    The base dagger would look like the one we throw down to vote on voyages. Except it can now be selected and placed in either hand. When stabbing with the dagger it does less damage than the sword. However, the power attack allows the dagger to be thrown at a target doing more damage when thrown at another pirate or skeleton.

    The dagger would then have to be picked up before using it again. Someone else could even pick it up and throw it back! If a thrown dagger is not retrieved, it could be re-equipped by going back to the equipment chests or found again in the world if disposable.

    The dagger could be found as a temporary resource like rowboats around the world stabbed to a barrel, wall, tree, etc. With a note or even voyage under it. An alternative to the dagger being a disposable item found randomly in the word.

    We would be able to throw the dagger at skeletons and other players. Various objects around the world would become targets to cut, break, and pry. These targets would slowly respawn back into the world.

    New Dagger Gameplay

    Stab & Throw: Attack skeletons and players. Regular attack stabs. Heavy attack throws it at the target.

    Daggers: Have targets to allow us to have a dagger throwing game like darts hanging outside taverns.

    Dagger Duels: Shortvsnd to the point way to settle disagreements and disputes.

    Cut: Cut barrels bound with ropes to roll out tripping and over what is in their way. Cut the sail rigging to make them temporarily unusable to until repaired similar to boarding up holes. Free prisoners taken by the skeletons like in my Outpost Under Siege event.

    Pry: Could be used to pry open things. Could be used to pry open barrels and crates. Could be used to pry open new giant clams for a chance to find pearls, including a rare golden pearl.

    Nerve: A new pirate challenge mini game called Nerve or Five Finger Fillet. The mechanic is to use the dagger to stab in between your fingers laid spread out on a table as fast as possible without hitting them. Rounds alternate between two players getting faster. The first to miss drawing blood loses.

    Fillet: Prep and fillet the fish we catch for frying up with cooking!

    New Skins: Shops sell new skins to customize your dagger’s look. The skin also changes the dagger when thrown down voting on voyages. @Ixxolos is very anxious to coordinate all his pirate bling.

    Who Needs a Fork!: Stab bananas to eat. Thanks @ClosingHare208 for the idea!

    New Gun Target Gameplay

    Environmental Targets: Have coconuts, pineapples, and rum bottles to shoot.

    Contests: Create marksmanship contests!

    Just Hold Still: Shoot bananas off your crew mates’ heads sober and drunk.

    Playing with Fire: Shoot those burning jars used as lanterns to start fires to burn skeletons and players. How about going even further. We can buy or make them. We can set them in place like traps to shoot and spread the flames. Could also throw them like Molotov cocktails.

    My Ideas
    Fishing, Crabbing, Digging Clams, & Harpoon Monster Hunting
    Walking the Plank
    Outpost Under Siege
    Sea Folk Magic
    Usable Dagger: Weapon/Tool & Environmental Targets
    Fly More Flags
    Diving Helmet

    Community Ideas Master List
    You can find a lot more creative and fun ideas from the great minds of the community in Community Ideas Master List. Who knows maybe some of them will be coming our way soon in a future Bilge Rat adventure or update!

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  • I like these ideas in that they bring a leisure side to the game... They open up a lot of possibility for community events which is something that i feel this game is a gold mine for in possibility.

  • @x-crowheart-x said in Suggestion: Add a dagger and more gun targets.:

    I think adding a dagger to the game would add a lot of fun and options. The dagger could obviously be used as a weapon. However, it could add a lot more fun things to do like:

    ~ A retrievable thrown weapon.

    The throwable dagger should be one time use item, I have never seen a boomerang dagger.

    This item should be discoverable via the barrels and would be part of the player inventory system. They could use the same mechanics from the shovel, which is in the player's inventory.

  • @dumy2008 said in Suggestion: Add a dagger and more gun targets.:

    I like these ideas in that they bring a leisure side to the game... They open up a lot of possibility for community events which is something that i feel this game is a gold mine for in possibility.

    Totally agree! That was what I was thinking and hope it would bring to the game. Think these things would fit very well and bring so much life and fun in between our voyages.

    With doing the Festival of the Damned I would like to see a Burning Skeleton Bilge Rat adventure.

    It could be on an island under a truce were we get together to do these type of games and other challenges as we play music and get drunk together. Have to burn skeletons on bonfires as well or their effigy if to much for some pirates stomachs.

  • @friedwilly said in Suggestion: Add a dagger and more gun targets.:

    @x-crowheart-x said in Suggestion: Add a dagger and more gun targets.:

    I think adding a dagger to the game would add a lot of fun and options. The dagger could obviously be used as a weapon. However, it could add a lot more fun things to do like:

    ~ A retrievable thrown weapon.

    The throwable dagger should be one time use item, I have never seen a boomerang dagger.

    This item should be discoverable via the barrels and would be part of the player inventory system. They could use the same mechanics from the shovel, which is in the player's inventory.

    Lol not returning mate. Retrievable means we would have to go get it from where it was thrown.

    Being able to smack skeletons and even players with our shovels would also be fun.

  • @x-crowheart-x said in Suggestion: Add a dagger and more gun targets.:

    @friedwilly said in Suggestion: Add a dagger and more gun targets.:

    @x-crowheart-x said in Suggestion: Add a dagger and more gun targets.:

    I think adding a dagger to the game would add a lot of fun and options. The dagger could obviously be used as a weapon. However, it could add a lot more fun things to do like:

    ~ A retrievable thrown weapon.

    The throwable dagger should be one time use item, I have never seen a boomerang dagger.

    This item should be discoverable via the barrels and would be part of the player inventory system. They could use the same mechanics from the shovel, which is in the player's inventory.

    Lol not returning mate. Retrievable means we would have to go get it from where it was thrown.

    Being able to smack skeletons and even players with our shovels would also be fun.

    Yes, I have requested in previous posts that the shovel be a weapon. I thought odd from day 1 that you could not use a shovel to hit skellies or pirates.

  • Yes from i to all of the dagger suggestions.

    We already have one in game though, we throw it into the voyage table often.
    Maybe use this dagger for the aforementioned suggestions and finally give it a reason to have dagger skin options from the many clothing and item styles available.

  • @ixxolos said in Suggestion: Add a dagger and more gun targets.:

    Yes from i to all of the dagger suggestions.

    We already have one in game though, we throw it into the voyage table often.
    Maybe use this dagger for the aforementioned suggestions and finally give it a reason to have dagger skin options from the many clothing and item styles available.

    Yep just make the dagger usable for more than stabbing a voyage. I know it will take time and coding to make things like this happen. Could start with basic throwing and targeting. Great idea about skins for it!

  • I have long wanted a dagger as a weapon choice. Sure the cutlass is an iconic pirate weapon, but so are daggers! Great suggestions here on some expanded functionality for it as well.

  • @x-crowheart-x yes you could be like William tell with the banana shooting

  • @o-hitman-47-o and you could stab a banana with it and eat it that way

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