More than four hours of experience with Sea of Thieves...

  • @clumsy-george That is no problem, we play with everyone who can say "Guten Tag", "Achtung" und "Kaputt". In discord and LFG asking for german contributers does not mean that we are looking for Germans, only people who can talk to us in German. You know, the game has a lot to do with language. I like to watch english videos of crews with a sense of humor, who give the game its own funny story. My English is not good enough to do that and be part of it. I'm the one spoiling the party because I won't understand the joke ad hoc. I will potentially execute ironic orders as serious, laughingly ignoring serious commands. When you laugh, I wonder, when I laugh, you throw me in prison because you think I'm crazy. :)
    I can do that in German. It's incredibly much more fun to play the game in your mother tongue - or a foreign language you're very good at. The last time I spoke my English was at school or on holiday. My accent, as I am told, is pronounced and somewhat unpleasant to some. When I am at vacancies in Wales, they think I was from Leicester. Or dutch. Some of you will know, what I mean. (Greatings to Wales and Leicester, by the way, and of course to the Netherlands). Be that as it may.

    The other day I drove a few hours with a boy from Canada. After some time a harmless insult word slipped out of me (Bombengranatenelementplitzplotzdonnerwettersappramentnochmal!!). He laughed, he was at a German school and knew the movie my word was from, we could also speak German. Then we spoke a mixture, he didn't knew every word in German, I didn't knew every word in English. Functioned well and was funny.

    I sailed with a crew mix of russians and italians, we tried to meet in english, it was a mess.

  • Sorry that happened. If you need a crew mate to sail for Athena's when you have'best conditions' let me know. I just did an Athena Halloween night in devils roar solo in 2 hours.

  • @qtrmaster-zeta sagte in More than four hours of experience with Sea of Thieves...:

    Sorry that happened. If you need a crew mate to sail for Athena's when you have'best conditions' let me know. I just did an Athena Halloween night in devils roar solo in 2 hours.

    Congrats. I tried yesterday, found empty discard and lfg, startet random, quit, started athena solo, began my first riddle. Met another girl doing solo sloop, offered alliance which was ignored, gave her some chests I found starting my riddle, and helped her solving her riddle, then she sunk my ship. Restarted to be chased by a brigantine, had one hour fun tricking them. Was in need to visit the bath and scuttled my ship. Restarted again and sorted my orders.
    My router demanded to do some critical updates at once and I had to quit.

    Have not finished athenas since two or three weeks, or so.

  • @d-jaguar I'm not saying her point is invalid (altho I can understand why you would think so).

    I'm just trying to help a person to the best of my ability. It could take a week but it could also take years before Rare implements a better Matchmaking tool, and even then it's still dependant on people. I can start a Ranked match on gold in Overwatch and get that guy who keeps picking farah against a really good widow, that's playing with randoms for you. From the OP it wasnt clear that the poster had used discord and if I can help someone have an awesome time with this game I will. :-) Now I know more because of the discussion above and I see the problem and it's out of my league.

  • @marsmayflower sagte in More than four hours of experience with Sea of Thieves...:

    @goedecke-michel we're arguing?

    No, we're not.

  • @goedecke-michel lol sometimes we get bad days in Sea of Thieves (aka clown attack from last dev stream). I just take a step back and go play another game in the mean time. I love SoT for its sandbox adventure but when I get a bad day I just move away from it otherwise i'll end up just not wanting to play anymore.

  • Oops, sounds like you hadn't done the proper preparation for a night of Athenas, I have created this guide for people in your exact position!

    That being said, I don't understand why people consistently get such bad luck with crews, took me two starts to find a good crew to complete a DR Athena with last night.

  • @qtrmaster-zeta sagte in More than four hours of experience with Sea of Thieves...:

    @goedecke-michel lol sometimes we get bad days in Sea of Thieves (aka clown attack from last dev stream).


    Yeah, the clown attack was bad. I hoped that the developers would realize that this constant jumping had to be stopped technically, so that a jumper gets out of breath after a few jumps, the jumps get smaller, you can no longer aim calmly because of heavy breathing... But no. They found it enormously funny, I was surprised.

  • @eelporridge sagte in More than four hours of experience with Sea of Thieves...:

    Oops, sounds like you hadn't done the proper preparation for a night of Athenas, I have created this guide for people in your exact position!

    I have to smile, no, that's not my exact position: My friends list in the Xbox is long, I'm not an online troll, but hardly anyone of my friends plays Sea Ot Thieves anymore. We aged together, everyone is now legendary, not everyone knows what to do with it.

    It's no problem to find a crew with a little effort. I'll summarize my arguments from the discussion, if you don't mind, so you don't have to read everything:

    Discord and group search of the Xbox are only third-party tools. Although I can contact people using those tools, this happens outside the game, which leads to some awkward consequences. Therefore, further steps follow - I list them alltogether, as I remember them, wether they partly only apply to Discord, group search or both:

    • Start a query or Find a query
    • Notice many discord or group searches are orphaned because they just forgot to delete them hours ago, many members are offline or busy doing other stuff.
    • Waiting for feedback or invitation
    • Search the corresponding X-Box account of the interested person
    • In order to invite it, you need to add the account to your friends (and maybe delete it later if it was not a friendly contact)
    • Starts the game on everyone without any problems, or someone has forgotten the update
    • Due to the system of group search I start in a party, but prefer gamechat, so have to argue first fo do that
    • In case of Discord you will have to tell and make clear you can not communicate by Discord channels, as you can only have xbox party or gamechat. (Don't know about pc's, I guess they can).

    They're all breaks to me. I want to immerse myself in the game as quickly and uncomplicatedly as possible.

    • How easier would it be to have a solution in the game? Just the fact that active people are and still are in the lobby would show that they have started the game and want to play it, now.

    The effort by Discord and Co is higher, a shift of the crew selection into the game itself would be much easier and in my opinion highly desirable.

    Translated with

  • @Goedecke-Michel
    I know exactly how you feel. I tried LFG alot in the early days, since none of my friends liked the Alpha/Beta enough to get interested in the full release of SoT. My fallback option was my wife, but i couldn't get her to test the game until the 20th March.
    Her reaction? "Meh, can we stop playing now?"

    After spending too much time on open crews (since closed ones didn't exist, duh) or semi soloing a sloop, both with mixed success, i finally tried the LFG feature.
    And most of the time it was just awkward. Just like a real life blind date. You know you want to play for the same goal, but if the chemistry or motivation is just wrong it's nothing for long.
    But i don't think this kind of problem can be addressed if they implement something like the LFG directly into the game.

    I think you only need a bigger pool of "friends" who are really invested and good in this game. Or maybe just some few hardcore friends who can implement you in their crews.

    At the end my solution was to "bait" my coworker ( @Fuentchen ) into the game. She is a non-gamer and now almost a Sea of Thieves Fanatic. A real late bloomer. But this was just by accident.
    Even better, thanks to her my wife finally joined us and now really has fun playing the game. Currently we only use the Sloop and Brigantine. (A change your ship feature is really needed.)

    So speaking of which, if you like, you can join us on Athena Hunt. Side effect: After this long time, i can steer the Galleone again. I will add you on Xbox Live.

    Viele Grüße aus Niedersachsen

  • @dmxbox Danke sehr. Nach einem Leiterunfall und Treppensturz bin ich noch etwas ausser Gefecht, würde mich aber natürlich freuen, meinen SoTspielenden Freundeskreis wieder zu vergrößern - der von Fünfzehn auf nunmehr statistische Einskommafünf geschrumpft ist. Zwischenzeitlich kommen immer wieder ein paar dazu, doch sie spielen nicht so lange, möchten mich aber gerne zu anderen Spielen überreden. Doch auf der Xbox wirst Du mich nicht finden, mein männliches Alter-Ego in der Box ist "Moo Crumpus". :)

    Bei Interesse, schick mir doch bitte die Gamertags von Dir / Euch, da könnte ich meine Liste schon verlängern. Solltet ihr streamen, während ich ds Krankenlager hüte, wäre das natürlich schön ... aber nicht zu verlangen. :)

  • @goedecke-michel

    Oh, das hört sich übel an. Auf jeden Fall schonmal gute Besserung!
    Du findest den Mixer Stream (welcher übrigens auch der Grund ist warum @Fuentchen mit Sea of Thieves angefangen hat) von mir unter:

    Wenn dir gefällt was du siehst kannst du gerne mich ( @dmXbox ), meine Frau (nitsili) und Freundin/Kollegin ( @Fuentchen ) hinzufügen.

  • @dmxbox Feine Sache!

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