Athena Fortune book releases today!

  • Who is reading it and what do ya think so far? Just got mine today and just starting it.

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  • I hope it arrive today with the comic:) Really look forward to reading it:)

  • @winglessthomas I read the comics. They are decent. This book looks like it will have alot of info and excited to see parts about pirate lord and Jim

  • @barnacle-blake Yeah:) I have not read any of the comics yet. ordered the volume that was realses some weeks ago. Im looking forward for the lore in the book. about how the world of sea of thieves is and why. And of course the story of the pirate legend:) Hope it will be at home when im finished at work:)

  • I've already started reading a little bit and can't wait to discover what happened to Ramsey and his crew, the Magpie's Wing!

  • Got it meself today...really been lookin' fore t' this one. I be a huge fan o' th' 'Lore' of Sea of Thieves :-D

  • I only looked at th' title page 'n a couple pages in. I noted it has a few illustrations. Nicely evil mermaids a few pages in :-D

  • Instant buy if translated into german, otherwise i have to refuse , sorry :-(

  • I bought mine today @Barnacle-Blake idk when it will arrive

  • @barnacle-blake getting mine on my birthday

  • @specialadvisor are they from the art book?

  • @specialadvisor me too!!!!

  • @closinghare208 the mermaid image I mentioned above is from the new Athena's Fortune book...but yes very similar to what was also in the art book.

  • I see @Clumsy-George name and his trusty blunderbus made the book congrats its around page 62-63

  • @barnacle-blake
    Wait ...i'm in the book? Jezus , and all the calender Saints...That's the highest honor that a dumbo like me can get...The Rare people are all in possession of a Golden Heart ( * Hahahahaaa, moron, you are probably the dumbest pirate around in that book and then the book isn't fantasy but straightforward realism)...i can't wait till i get me copy now, you made me curious Mr Barnacle Blake.

  • Instant kindle version. Not to far in, but liking it so far. Kind of want to see people lose health while in the shroud now :)

  • @specialadvisor I've got mine now so I see

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