New Legend of Brandy: Chapter Two!

  • Handcock Herb

    Here is my story legend of brandy. if you haven't seen chapter one you can find it here.


    “Where do you suppose she washed up from?” The cobble-skinned old man asked his friend. Sand blew by briskly, seasoning the young lady embedded in the shore the fishermen stood on.

    “Seems obvious to me what with all that cannon fire we heard a few hours ago.” He surmised. He laid his fishing pole on the shore, spat a w*d of tobacco out, and knelt down to inspect Brandy. He took note of her minor scrapes, the pistol tucked into her belt, and foreign jewelry draped on her neck and ears. Through his large square nose, he could smell the burnt gunpowder from her frayed and partially charred dress. Not a marine or civilian. She was clearly a pirate. Old but weathered into a strong stone, the man heaved the soaking and saturated heap that was Brandy onto his shoulder without trouble.

    “What do you think you are doing, Herb!?” Exclaimed his even further aged friend. The wrinkles on his forehead were colored with concern. “We got to tell the marines! If they find out we hid her, we are gonna get in a lot of trouble. Haven’t pirates caused you enough problems?”
    Herb delivered a hard stare to him, then proceeded to a small shack up the hill, toting Brandy along. He laid her inside and placed a harsh green fabric over the soaked lass. He studied her for a moment more and the smallest smile broke onto his lips. Rough and ragged as she was after her ordeal, there was a sense of familiarity emitting from the young lady. He touched her cheek with a leathery hand extending from his chiseled arm. “She’s not Elsa, Herb.” His fishing partner declared from over his shoulder.

    “I know,” he considered, “but I like to think if my baby washes up to an old fisherman’s feet someday, he’d give her at least this much too. Every pirate has a father out there somewhere.” Herb’s friend put a wrinkled hand on Herb’s shoulder and sighed. The two shared a solemn moment as Herb stood up and his friend nodded in acceptance. He understood Herb’s desire, despite not agreeing with aiding a pirate. They left the shed, leaving Brandy to recover.

    Brandy slept clear through to the following night. She had not sustained any lasting injuries, but was completely exhausted from the tumultuous events. She may have slept longer still, but Herb crept into the dimly lit shed and whispered, “Hey! Hey!” He jostled Brandy who began slowly opening her eyes. They began to focus and landed on the overly tanned fifty-five years old man. “Hey, are you in there, lass? Come now. That’s it.” Her eyes rolled a bit more as he sat her up and she smacked her lips tiredly, dropping her gaze back on Herb. In a flash, Brandy was on top of the man with her hands at his throat.

    “Where’s my Uncle?!” she roared. She took Herb by surprise but he rolled his hips and got the upper hand on the freshly conscious girl. “Stop that! Settle down you! Keep quiet!” Herb said as Brandy, unable to move under his weight, attempted to snap at him with her teeth like a cornered crab. “I scooped you off the beach and kept you out of their hands this long, doesn’t that buy me a little respect?” Herb said as he struggled to hold the young lady down.

    Brandy relaxed flat on the floor. “What do you mean? Where am I? Whose hands?”

    “I’m Herb. I found you washed up on the shore I fish at yesterday and you’ve been resting in here in my shed. I know you’re a pirate and your ship was attacked I think. I heard the cannon fire and put the rest together. Don’t worry, I didn’t alert the Marines. My daughter Elsa is a pirate too, so I suppose I have a bit of a soft spot for trouble makers.” He smiled. Brandy took in this strangely well preserved older man. He must have stood six and a half feet tall and had bronze colored muscles colored by years working in the sun. His brown and white working clothes barely managed to contain the man’s brawn, but he didn’t come off intimidating. There was an air of kindness surrounding him.

    “There’s trouble coming.” He warned. “I was down at the market earlier this morning to sell my fish, and I found this.” He handed her a poster carrying a sketch of her likeness and offering a ridiculous reward for live capture.
    Brandy glanced over the bounty once, then tossed it away with a scoff. “I don’t have time for this! I need to find my Uncle. He was hurt and I have to help him!”

    Herb was startled by her blasé reaction to this threat, but he didn’t know Brandy’s upbringing. As a kid who was bounced from island to island she learned from all manner of people, from wealthy noblemen to dastardly villains. Whoever her Uncle entrusted to keep watch over her until his next visit. This was a child who had many a bed time story interrupted by bullets and blood. A price on her head was trivial. James had told her many tales of Marines and other pirates trying to hunt her father Revan and the Devil’s Own crew. Even James visits with her would invariably lead to some perilous altercation with some enemy who had tracked him. But James, Revan, and the Devils always came out on top and Brandy was brought up in this image. She learned to fight from James and the Devils all throughout her life. They knew how important it would be for her as attempts on her life and kidnapping were going to be a way of life for Brandy. She didn’t know it, but she was special which translated into valuable for foes. Ignorant as she was to this, she was no stranger to peril and how to thwart it.

    Herb decided this behavior must just be the nature of pirate life, but gave further information. “I heard the marines posting the bounty say they had already caught one pirate. Do you think that could be your Uncle?”

    “Could be,” Began Brandy hopefully as she stood up. “We were attacked by pirates in red coats with black tricorns though. Might be one of them.” This confused Herb as it sounded like she was describing the marines he saw in the market.

    “Was their ship by chance red and gold with a serpent on its sails?” He asked. Brandy confirmed with an inquisitive nod. “I’ll be damned. I heard a rumor sometime back that the marine unit stationed here on Ica Island was actually a pirate crew, but I figured that was a ridiculous claim.” Herb thought out loud.

    “I remember my Uncle saying the name Esmeralda before we were attacked.” Brandy recalled. “He has told me a few stories about her and how she was able to hide in plain sight carrying out her piracy while the Navy turned a blind eye if she kept clear of the mainland and robbed specific competition to their trades.”

    “That’s the commanding officer here!” Herb exclaimed. “I can’t believe it’s true. I guess you can never judge people for what they really are. She did always seem a bit too casual with visiting officers to be in the military, but I just can’t imagine her as a pirate captain. She actually helped me out a few times with merchants who weren’t willing to pay their debts.”

    “Well, for what it’s worth, Uncle James always spoke very highly of her. Said she was incredibly loyal, but not to ever cross her or there would be hell to pay that even the Devil’s Own couldn’t afford.” Brandy said. “But why would she sink Uncle James and I? I’ll have to ask her myself and we will see who pays hell.” Her mission in mind, Brandy headed for the door of the shack, but Herb grabbed her wrist and listened intently. There were heavy boots walking about outside. Through the cracks in the loosely boarded walls the two could see the red clothed pirates posing as marines searching the area by lantern. They held their breath as one came closer by. He discovered the shack emerging from the glow of his flame and began to head over. Brandy grabbed her pistol, but Herb motioned for her to remain calm. Herb opened the shack and came out, shutting the door behind him.

    “What’s going on here?” He questioned. The marine stopped and lowered the lantern casting red and orange shadows on his face to address Herb.

    “We are looking for a black female pirate. We know she’s somewhere on Ica. A fisherman has reported seeing her in this area. Have you seen anyone unfamiliar around here?”

    “Ah, I saw that wanted poster this morning in town. I haven’t seen anyone new around here in months.” Herb lied while concealing his anger at his fishing partner’s betrayal. “What did this lass do? She doesn’t look that dangerous.” The pirate playing as a marine tightened his face.

    “Tell that to the six serpents she killed who tried to arrest her two days ago.” Annoyed, the pirate studied Herb a little closer. “I know you, you’re that fisherman whose daughter ran off with one of our sloops a few months back. What was her name? Ellen?” Herb looked down and corrected the serpent with is daughter’s real name, Elsa. Three months ago, his daughter took off, leaving only a note declaring her love for her father, but a desire to start a fresh and adventurous life. She had met a man. A pirate. He convinced her to run off with him and live the wild life of lawless freedom. Things had not been the same for Herb since. The mention of her name disturbed him. “Yah, well, whatever her name, she turned herself in last week.” Herb jerked up in surprise. “We see the way your family leans. How do I know you aren’t harboring another pirate right now?” Herb dropped his head again trying to take in this startling news. “Ha! Probably not,” determined the serpent, thinking Herb a submissive lug. “I can see why your daughter came back viewing your soft hearted genes. She said she made a mistake and wanted to come home, but that won’t be happening after what she did. Must be right proud of your little thief, yeah?” Herb boiled inside, but the man couldn’t detect this in the dim light and continued. “Right then, let us know if you see this new girl” He turned to search elsewhere, but offered one last thought. “Just know, your daughter Erin will pay us back what we are owed, one way or another. She’s a pretty thing so might not take her too long to make amends if she knows how to behave.” He winked back to Herb and chuckled licking his lips.

    “Her name is Elsa!” Herb grabbed the marine pirate by the back of his head and rammed him into a nearby palm tree. Dizzily, the man dropped onto his back squirming and mumbling for help. He began to search for the firearm on his belt when Herb jumped on him and put his massive hands over his taunter’s mouth to muffle his voice. The other two serpents in the area were still looking intently for clues only a few dozen yards away. Wiggling away from the massive tan hand clasped over his mouth, the man summoned his cohorts with shouts for help and they charged toward the sound of their mate’s cry.

    “Oh come on Herb, I thought you were going to help?” Brandy quipped bursting from the shack. She ducked below the brush and intercepted the next man on the scene with the butt of her pistol. She buried it deep into his forehead, knocking him cold. Brandy knelt to her knee like James taught her long ago to steady her aim. Cloaked in the bushes, she placed her iron sights at the opening where the next serpent would arrive. “No!” Herb shouted in a hurried whisper. “It will be too loud and bring more!” Brandy raised her hands as if to ask what else can she do? Then the man appeared in the opening brandishing his gun.

    “Hands up you!” He said with his rifle trained on Herb who was holding his crewman down. He hadn’t noticed Brandy in the dark bushes and watched Herb lift his hands slowly. “OK, don’t make any sudden moves and follow my instructions exactly if you want to live,” began the marine imposter. A pistol smashed across the man’s face causing him to trip backwards, dropping his rifle. Brandy reached for her blade but it was absent, apparently lost to the sea from her earlier battle. Her cold eyes changed gears and she ran over to the lantern left by the first man. She snatched it mid stride and caught the serpent just as he began to hazily sit up holding his broken nose. His face caught the lantern’s glass shards and the flame took a liking to his tricorn. The fire started to cook the man’s punctured face and he took off screaming. A few yards away he slammed into a tree and crumpled to the floor, the fire quietly chewing on his hat. Brandy stamped out his cover and began tying him up. Herb stared at her in disbelief and caught her eye. “What?” Brandy said continuing her work. “I had to do something!”

    Herb felt his adrenaline rushing, feeling alive for the first time since his daughter had disappeared. Tying up and gagging the man he had subdued, Herb spoke. “I’m coming with you, Brandy. I have to save my daughter. She is everything to me. I know I am old, but I know this town and these muscles aren’t just for show. I’ve been in my share of scraps.”

    Brandy considered this a moment. “You are definitely strong for an old man. But this is going to get crazy. Are you sure you’re ready for that?”

    “Crazier than throwing your loaded gun at an enemy and then lighting him on fire?” Herb chortled in doubt.

    Brandy darted an incredulous face at him. “Hey you said don’t shoot it’s too loud! Adapt and overcome. That’s what my Uncle always says. I’m always going to do what I have to, Herb. Many more guns will be thrown, and I am certain there will be at least two more fires. Still want to come?”

    He turned toward her determined. “I’m not getting any younger. My baby set out to find her freedom and live life. The only thing harder than losing her to some silver tongued pirate would be thinking of her wasting away in a prison, locked up for his crimes. Girl, you better believe I’m sure.”

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    Here is chapter three!

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  • Old Man Herb in the pixel! I just learned how to do some pixel stuff so I will try to put a little amateur pixel picture in with each chapter if I can. Tonite, I will post the next chapter with Esmeralda! but for now please fill free to comment and let me know what you all think. Thanks :D

  • @revanjstone The changes you made are great and I love the extra details you added, especially the fishing.
    Wow, I can really relate to Herb's character, reminds me a lot of my granddad who loved fishing and the sea (he was a Marine, served in the Australian Navy), haha.

    Anyways can't wait the read more!!

  • @stacky-a yah haha i dont really recall what i had changed on this chapter. i know next chapter i more established the relationship between brandy and herb with a bit more dialogue and their ethical oppositions. also i got a pretty cool pixel art i made of esmeralda :D

    im probably gona post that chapter within an hour or so and elsa will appear lol. i think the chapter after that one i do more with her character. shes like an actual character now and not just a throwaway haha. ill do a pixel art of her for that chapter

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