We Shall Sail Together shanty

  • I'm sure everyone enjoys this shanty as much as I do, and I often have it on repeat at times. Once you become a pirate legend, you're able to play this shanty to open the hideout. However, the shanty doesn't sound like the actual full song, like most of the other SoT shanties.

    Might a future update change the shanty to be played in its entirety rather than a loop, except for a few medleys? Especially since the intro to the song has a really nice buildup, and you can clearly hear all of the in-game instruments being used (even the to be released fiddle).

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  • @luaaarrrrn would also be cool to play it outside the tavern

  • I agree. I feel that the Shanty of the song we got in-game was kind of disappointing, not just because of the loop of a part of the song, but also the fact that it is only playable in the taverns and the only way to play it elsewhere is by carrying the shanty. I feel We Shall Sail Together as a playable shanty should be like the current ones. It play's the full song, and at the end of it, it simply repeats. I also think that it should be able to get started anywhere, like a ship, and not just the spot near the stairs in the taverns.

  • @navillicious I think it would be cool but still needs to be kept to legend players only

  • Yeah I meant as a legend exclusive ;)

  • @nintenkid9000 couldn't agree more, the full song with each instrument would sound so good; a worthy reward of reaching the Pirate Legend rank. Hope Rare sees this ;)

  • @luaaarrrrn It feels kind of obvious that pirate legends should be rewarded this shanty to play anywhere, not just to open the hideout. Would even be cool for other non-legends to be able to join in when a legend starts playing. It would be another small, but charming thing for folks to aspire for.

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