Positive Feedback for the Dev team

  • Just wanted to write and say that I think you guys are doing a great job. Yes, we all hit obstacles and road blocks in life. However, ever week, you are growing this game into a more robust experience, and I think you deserve some praise for that. In the old days, its true, you'd develop a game and hope people like it. Now, you can modify and change as the base adopts it. Which has its ups and downs for both paths, but really growing the experience with the community is pretty cool. With an old school game, you just hoped you got enough of a positive response to make a sequel. With new school games, you can really cater to your audience and learn from mistakes on the fly.

    So don't worry too much about deadlines. You need an extra week? No worries! You're doing your best to create something great. I am looking forward to a future expansion with ice wastelands and things of that nature.

    Keep up the great work!

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  • @grogosaur couldn't agree more with you.

    Take your time folks, and deliver us the best possible polished result for Devil's Roar.
    People will always complain anyway (and unfortunately)

  • @grogosaur Also kudos to the Product/Leadership team for actually making the call to delay rather than push on and patch later.

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