Athena’s chest idea!

  • As the Athena voyage is given by a legendary pirate ( insert name ) by the pirate lord. I think a great idea would be when you dig up the final chest the named Skelton should be clutching it with his dead hands and as you pick it up he comes alive and you need to fight him off it. He could be like one final super boss!
    What you guys think?

  • 4
  • Last thing I want is Athenas to be more annoying with some 48hit skeleton, and take longer

  • Interesting idea...

  • I do think that finding that chest is anticlimactic. But “Boss Fights” are really a thing in this game. I like that because the other players is where the difficulty comes in. The thrill of being followed by hungry pirates with an Athena’s chest onboard is some of the best excitement in gaming right now.

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