A bond forged in blood.

  • Here is a tale.
    I was sailing the seas upon my Brig. The way I always do. When I happened upon a sloop with 2 fellow pirates aboard. I thought that I would challenge them for the treasure they had aboard, but I tried a different approach. I would befriend them, help them with there voyage, and wait for the moment to strike. It worked. After we sailed together to numerous islands. Fighting and gathering skulls. We sailed to crooks island, where they docked there ship in the inlet. I sailed my ship into the mouth of the inlet, cannons pointed at thier ship and blocking thier getaway. When one left the ship, I made my move. Letting loose with numerous canon shots into thier deck, igniting a powder keg which exploded below deck. They sank. I gathered up my loot from the win.
    As I explored the island the sloop approached. I board my ship and climb the crows nest to watch the approach. One of the crew jumped into the water and swam towards my ship. He fired a shot hitting me. I raised my pistol and fired, he fired at the same time. Both shots hit there mark. We met up on the ferry. Where we spoke and had a drink. At this point I had a change of heart and returned thier skulls. We added each other to our friends list and plan on recruiting a crew and sailing together. Mutual respect.

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  • @sharkbaitmorgan fair play, this is what I love about this game, we charge around killing each other and then, every so often we have these moments of friendship, thats what makes it good 4 me.

    Tell u a story, so im bad at this game, if theres a fight i lose. 1 day im solo slooping, as i normally do and bang some1 kills me. When i return from the ferry there no1 on my sloop. This is unusual, as normally some dudes onboard trying to rob and sink me

    All of a sudden i hear a voice 'u can keep ur loot and ship so long as u sail north' i proceed to do as hes says and sail north. Then he comes down from the crows nest, some PL dude.

    Takes me 2 his brigatine, introduces me 2 his mates, teaches me a load of stuff about the game i didnt know, chucks me some loot and even advises me about which headset to get!!!

    Now, i thought he was genna rob me blind and kill me with his mates. This was the moment i got hooked on this game so fair play 4 a bit of human kindness is what i say 2 u mate.

  • @sharkbaitmorgan @nikjw

    We had something similar happen tonight. We just logged on quick to sail a little and do a Merchant quest, we had a sloop full of empty pig crates and we're on Crow's Nest fort looking for barrels to fulfil the order, when the galleon flying the Reaper's Mark comes barreling down the seas towards us.

    We'd left it too late to flee, we weren't really stocked up for a fight and not that interested as we'd very little aboard, so we raised sails and stopped. One of the crew swam over and came aboard and it turns out it was a young lad, he was likely looking for something to do so we gave him a couple of CCB's and he gave us a skull in return. The rest of his crew came across and we said we were just poor merchants looking for pigs, so they escorted us to Devil's Ridge and the young scallywag came ashore and helped us find the animals we needed. He stayed with us while the galleon sailed on to Snake Island and we later caught up with them at Plunder Outpost... just another day on the high seas!

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