Reapers Mark Doubloons Challenges

  • I saw that for this weeks challenges their are some for completing voyages with the Reapers Mark flag on. Do you need this active for whole voyage or just as it completes?

    I am looking forward using it to attract more pvp but at the moment would just like to rush through the challenges and get my doubloons up.

    Anyone know if this works?

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  • @chunkgb You'll need to put the mark up before you vote on a new voyage and then keep the flag up until the voyage completes. Otherwise it won't count I'm afraid.

  • @chunkgb Exaclty what @LucianSanchez82 said.

    Also I made a thread yesterday about an issue which can cancel your progress, I’ll throw it here for ya :)

  • You need it up the whole time. And it need to be up before you activate the voyage and you cannot change it before the voyage is completed. Not even to make alliances. Or else it won't count.

    About the PvP for the reaper flag, you can forget about that. Nobody is going till you because of that. Since most of people are still trying to complete the legendary commendations.
    At least it's been my experience so far and I've already completed all the commendations.
    People keep friendly, wanted to test the cursed in a friendly way without fight.
    I've only encounter 3 hostile crews so far. And it was in the beginning so probably they wouldn't even aware of the new features and adventures.

  • Before you start the voyage until after completion for It to count

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