
  • In another thread, now closed because it named names, the original poster said:

    [Someone] is booting people off of group posts in a party/game on sea of thieves to steal for their Athena voyage and to make money off of it. I have proof of [them] admitting to booting and [they] should get banned, not fair towards other players.

    What did they mean? What was it this "booting" of which they speak? I am just trying to understand what the exploit was here – if an exploit it was – so I can use it be on guard for it.

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  • @surveyorpete I think it may have been based on BS.
    Nobody can boot another player out of the game. No such hack.
    If anything it would have been a game bug or server error and they simply crashed.

  • One time i was told to block with your sword into the mast ladder and then try to dodge back with a and click x over and over at the same time and i would become invulnerable, naturally i had to try this, and it booted me from the game, and i did report it as a bug on the forum afterwards, but i bet it would still work. I normally wouldnt have fallen for that but it was during the alpha lol, so i figured any outcome would be good to figure out.

  • I was wondering about this earlier, when I saw the thread. I'm inclined to go with what @Admiral-RRRSole said here. Something didn't sound quite right, lol.

  • @a-cranky-eskimo said in "Booting"?:

    One time i was told to block with your sword into the mast ladder and then try to dodge back with a and click x over and over at the same time and i would become invulnerable, naturally i had to try this, and it booted me from the game, and i did report it as a bug on the forum afterwards, but i bet it would still work. I normally wouldnt have fallen for that but it was during the alpha lol, so i figured any outcome would be good to figure out.

    Still exist, as of few weeks ago.

  • Heres the thing, I think people are way to quick to jump to hacks on this forum. It becomes, "I don't understand it" therefore hacks. Generally hacking only manipulates the hackers side of the game. It simply doesn't influence your side of the game.

    The only thing I can think of, is booting is kicking players from the game. Otherwise, I have no clue what he meant. Side note, I got a kick of how the main message got deleted with the guys name, but you still could read it from the front page.

  • Thanks everyone. I could not understand what was going on, so inclined to suspect it was a misunderstanding of how the software works, too.


    Side note, I got a kick of how the main message got deleted with the guys name, but you still could read it from the front page.

    He he. I did not notice that.

  • @surveyorpete Are you sure it was booting, and not boosting using athenas?

  • @pomalotacusmk3

    The quote in my original post is a copy-and-paste. Yes, it was "booting".

  • @surveyorpete yeah, i thought maybe the original OP was a typo, and he was talking about boosting athenas?

  • this isn't possible mate they lie

  • think someone just threw a fit and created a useless post.

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