Tracking ships for Alliances

  • I think that is pretty difficult to track down ships on a server, just to see if they'll join an alliance. Maybe a way to communicate with other crews in a server without revealing locations would be awesome. Currently joining a clan, or waiting at a skeleton Fort for other ships show up is the best option. slow, and time consuming. It's a trying task with a busy schedule to dedicate so much time. Thoughts?

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  • @sneeke27 would also make it easier for people willing to sink you to find you. I think it's working as it should, need to work for your alliance a little bit ;)

  • I think having other crews on the server show up in the menu (much like yours already does) would be helpful, but it also opens up potential harassment.

  • Just use game chat when you meet ppl on the ferry?

  • Many people are using the LFG on Xbox live to find crews with an alliance.
    I’ve noticed many people posting like 30 minutes before the event.
    Or just like the guy before me said.. you can also find people on the ferry of the damned. There’s also a browser application that tells you about on going events and when the next upcoming event starts.

    Anyways, good luck!

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