A very misfortune confrontation

  • I'm not really sure if this is the right segment for my story, but here it goes...
    Yesterday I sailed with my friends in a brigantine, looking to defead the cursed squeleton ships. We found 3 other ships in the area (1 galleon, 1 brigantine and 1 sloop), it was almost a perfect adventure, although there was some confusion in communication because my crew and I speak mainly Spanish, were only two of us speak English (me not so well, I'm not that quick to respond or undersant 100% of it, but I can get a hold of it, like 80%). We sold the items, there was a problem at the begining we sold 2 items, before them, then he explained to us about distributing all the items on the sand for a perfect pay, but they understood and distributed the rest of the items fairly, then we started to do friendly pvp with each other, we were actually having a lot of fun joking. Then some people from the English speakers had to go (they were all in a Xbox Party, approximately 10 to 12 people, some of them were playing other games), with some of them a nice girl who was like they leader, had to go. In that second adventure, right from the start there was some confusion because the other crew said they all had to go and the were giving us all the fleet, so we Spanish speakers made another Xbox Party so we could communicate, then they said that they were not leaving so we only were able to invite 2 other friends to join us, so we were in 2 brigantines with 1 person of the English speakers. We sailed to the area and we started fighting the cursed ships, then someone from our party said that the sloop was trying to sink our boats so when I saw the sloop near I boarded it without thinking and I killed one guy. Then I saw the second player of the crew appear right before he killed me. The sloop didn't sink. We ignored the sloop to keep fighting, kept busy also repairing and getting water out of it. Then the sloop kept coming to our brig, sometimes with gunpowder barrels near to us but we manage to stop them before they were under our brigantine. Here's the thing, I didn't notice that there was a second sloop till later. There was an outsider who joined the fight without notice. It was not on my near sight. This was a huge confusion because I thought that the sloop in the alliance betrayed us. The other crewmate who speaked fully English was in the game chat and we said to him to explain so I also thought that he explained the situation. I was wrong, again more confusion (you know it can be like that were we all are saying directions to our own ship crews). I changed parties, I went to the English speakers and instantly a man named "RED" (I'm afraid to give his true gamertag and I don't know if I should out him) who took the leader roll started to yell to me, swearing, he was very very angry, he didn't even let me talk where he knew of my language capacity. Then through all the yelling and his swearing I somewhat manage to explain and also tryed to understand what happend, sometimes I manage to get him to hear me when I raised my voice to a lever where he could hear me, never yelling like thim, thought. Then one girl from their crew stepped up and explained the issue with the other sloop and that there was this huge misunderstanding, so we get in an agreement to don't attack each others and defeat the cursed ships and then go to sell. RED was never calm, he repeated what the girl said like if I was a moron. I know that it is comprehensible to get angry, but man, when you get THAT angry like him, you need some anger management.
    So we finish the fight and then we sailed to the nearest outpost to distribute the loot. That's when the big problem started, someone from their crew sold some items right at arriving at the outpost, and they blamed us. Then we all put the rest of the loot in the sand, those guys, I'm not sure if RED was the one who distribute it in 4 different piles, but he was the one who assigned us the piles. All the piles got 1 cursed skull and 1 cursed chest and some random items, of course he gave us the ones with the poorest items, but anyway, they all started to sell, I remained still holding one skull watching all of them running, again some confusion and RED got really angry , he starts yelling and swearing again I asked what was happening and he said it was because my other crew, the one in the other brig started selling the "wrong" pile (were all the piles had 1 skull and 1 chest), then my other mate who speaked fully English and I tried to translate between the crews, again more confusion, RED was not trying to undersand and kept calling us liers, then they started killing my crewmates so they start attacking them back, I manage to sell the skull and then they killed me, I didn't attack no one, but anyway... I went to their party to ask very calm "hey, what's happening? What happend?" and again he kept swearing, saying that I was a lier or that my crew was lying to me, that he didn't even was going to explain anything to me and that I better get out of the party (all of this through swearing and calling me bad names againg) I really tried to keep a decent and calm conversation but no, he kicked me out of the party. At this point I was really annoyed of all of his swearing, so I impulsively send him one text message, with only one word that I knew it was going to offend him, I'm against of this type of behaviour and specifically the use of this bad word, because I'm part of the lgbtq+ community myself, but still I sended him a "f4g", huge error, I know, but I got pretty annoyed of all the bad words he called me, I only used this one word that one time (and till the end of all). Well, you can imagine, all hell breaks loose.
    When I went to the English speakers party instantly all of my party disbanded, but I thought they, or some of them, were still on the game. Then someone killed me "who's the "f4g know" he said. They put me in jail, the other one in my brig said to the other crews in the alliance, "hey, come here, let's start killing this b***h" and start killing me again and again calling me names, I didn't get out of the game because I wanted to keep the two brigs, but they kept killing me, RED remained dead on the lament ship(?) so he could attack me verbaly everytime I died, he had all the time in the world to torment me till I was out of the game, he said. So I saw I was the only one left of my crewmates. I didn't said a word throught all of this, I was somewhat between amazed and terrorized and a friend told me to transmit the videogame on twitch so he could see. So I did. Then I tried to talk to red one las time, he kept demanding that I talk, "who got your tongue now?" so I tryed to talk with him one last time. Again, big error, he didn't let me talk, I said I was sorry for calling him that word, but I did it because right from the first moment that I ever talked to him he only swered, how it can be that with one bad word his anger scalated even more and that I had to put with all of his swearing? But, he didn't care. So at this point my pride was somewhat hurt so I decided to stick a while, even thought they kept killing me (and I manage to kill them inside the jail). So I'm pretty much convinced that all of their party reported me (where we should have reported them from right on the start from all the bad words), so I got my first microsoft suspension. I never do things such like this, and trust me, I knew it, but now I really learned to never, never, get carried away again feeding haters. But what worries me a lot is that, he said that I messed with the wrong people, I saw his profile, a grown middle age man with a list of 500 contacts and I'm afraid that they keep telling people to report me again and again. He must still be pretty angry because my friends and I also report him (we are like 6 people) and he may be suspended as well. So, should I wait? Should I change my gamertag, and make my profile unapproachable to anyone so people cannot see me? Should "not English speakers" refrain to play the game till we can choose different not English speakers servers? I have never had this type of confrontation with an English speaker, I've even found some really nice kind players who dont's speak my language, thought, I'm disgusted and afraid of this specific case. I know we can form and select the crew for our own ship, but what about the rest of the players of the servers? I know, "it's just a game" but we all gamers love videogames and that's why we are passionated about it, thought we should not take things seriously, but I only want to enjoy my games like the majority of us. I'm not keen with this kind of terrorism... What should I do if I keep getting reported because of RED? I'm sad about this...

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  • I play League of Legends when I'm not playing Sea of Thieves, so I can understand what this is like (League of Legends has an incredibly toxic community). Try not to worry about people like RED, there is always going to be people like them and there isn't much we can do to stop them. For some reason I can't hear the voices of other players so this hasn't happened to me in Sea of Thieves, but it's best just to ignore them sometimes, or jump servers if you really want to get away from them. Luckily, these people aren't very common in my experience.

  • @becausescience1 thank you!
    I really LOVE this game. I'm sad that there's this kind of toxicity in videogame communities. What should I do if I keep getting banned? I mean, before this I have never caused a bad behaviour to get reported for, and I will not cause it in the future, because that's not my thing. I'm just a gamer girl whose like to be under the radar. This time I choose the use of the word "girl" and not "person" because, in reality we can still get easily targeted, but that's another thing, haha.

  • @cleopatraoctava No problem! If you do get wrongly banned you'll probably have to get an appeal from Rare (ask them to unban you), but I don't know how bans work in these games. I hate seeing other people go through this kind of stuff, but sometimes it happens. Anyway it's good to see different cultures being brought together by games. Maybe we could friend each other? I'll be able to play mainly on weekends, but note you'll have to use pirate chat to communicate because I can't figure out how the voice chat works.

  • @becausescience1 ohhh ok. I hope it doesn't come to that...
    Yes, that's the beauty about MMOs, different cultures in the same world :)
    And sure thing! You can add me, I just send you a friend request. Don't worry, I won't be able to talk with voice till saturday I believe, lol. It's fine with me if you only want to use the pirate chat, I hope you can hear me when I'm able to talk, thought, hehe. If not, that's fine too. I believe you can change the settings of the voice chat, so you can hear them in your headphones or your speakers.

  • CleopatraOctava there is a pirate code, the security team do whatever they want, it is unfair what they do you are lucky they didn't Redbeard you for speaking up just look at what they did to vautek there is a website about it. http://piratelegends.000webhostapp.com/
    pirate legends tale

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