Ideas while floating on the sea

  • Me and my captain think about a lot of things for the game while on the sea as we have endless hours I bettween isle during the day. Here are some ideas we thought would be cool to implement

    More emotes

    if you ever played WoW or any other mmo game that has emotes you can find a emote that will make it look like the character is blushing or nervous as if they were around a significant other they were not sure how to react
    Not an explicit way like giving the finger but maybe rasing you fist or something along that(for that one ship that won’t knock it off)
    You know to add viraty
    For when your friend accomplished something and you want to be melodramatic
    A emote that show you throwing your hands on your head either one in frustration or two from being frightened
    Perfect for when your mate “accidentally” sells the pig at the wrong outpost

    Those are the main ones we hope get added one day but I bet there are a ton more that other players can stir up

    Appearance feature
    3)Expressive hair colors
    4)The weapons you carry holstered on you physically able to be seen (more reason to the cosmetics)
    5) alternating peg legs and eye patches and hooks
    6) use more than one of #5 at a time
    That way I can just be purely blind with two eye patches or I can hav Ron legs or no hands something like that#merrik

    Ship features
    -Custom flags
    Now I don’t mean let people draw whatever they want that would lead to some unwanted and profan things being drawn but I mean let players pay to make a custom flag from shapes and other pre given colors and flag styles
    (May be good spot to implement title styles or reason to prsue other event/bilge Rats)
    Alternatively just give use every color shape, size you can think of we can choose from
    -not sure if it’s been confirmed so I’m just gonna sugest it, different cannons
    -more things for private legends
    Give me more of a reason to keep playing after I get my ship customization and fully outfitted some of us live for the cosmetics xD
    -Different color of flames for lanterns
    If me and my gally crew play together I’d like to make it look like a edm club
    -more glowy things
    Whether that’s the wheel,anchor etc.
    A aura thing for your ship(glowing in The cracks similar to Athens chest)
    -different styles of ships
    I don’t mean more ships (that’s cool idea though) I mena let us alternate the back of a sloop so it’s diffrent overhang or a slightly extended back
    Give each ship something unique to customize that other ship can’t have
    More variety=more unique and personal the game becomes.

    I have a lot more ideas but captains yelling at me to get on the cannon
    When I have more time I’ll refer to add to my post

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  • @flyingwalrus87 I agree there should be more things to do whilst on your journey towards long distance places. One could be walking the plank, where you could vote for one of your crew members to be sent to walk the plank.
    We should be able to beg for bananas in the brig and the animation to eat bananas whilst your in the brig is like your eating as if your starving. This adds more depth to the ship experience.
    Card games should also be considered on the boat as well as it will give thrill and tension to your ship journeys.
    I also think sliding down the masts ropes should be a thing obviously this is coming from pirates the caribbean
    I do think they are addressing this problem as I’ve heard hints of rare dropping fishing into the Forsaken Shores update.
    And one last thing we should be able to name our ship. Just above our captains cabin there is a perfect spot for it

  • @k7-dart
    I did here about the fishing thing!! I think the mention it in a e3 conference with players asking questions

    And the card game is perfect
    I think they have given hints at it cause I see dice on the load up screen
    I really would like a way to gamble for money in the game. Me and my friends would have so much fun putting wages on each other

  • @flyingwalrus87
    Yes they need to add that and also just make the whole ship interactble, for example you should be able to sit in the captains chair and shut and open the captains door. But gamballing is needed massively

  • @k7-dart the door thing!!! That’s 100% needed
    Also along with the sitting
    I wish we could drink our grog or have a banana with our crew when we do the sit emote that way taverns also become more imersvive. Give us a reason to mess around lol

  • @flyingwalrus87
    Yes we definitely need to be able to do it in taverns, because the emote isn’t real enough.
    Also one question what is your thoughts on harpoons being added to the game me and my crew always discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having a harpoon, they seem like they would fit

  • @k7-dart it depends on how the function would work. megladons or whaling or you mean pulling ships in

  • @flyingwalrus87
    Mainly for combat

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