Lucky Solo

  • The year is 2018, an with no landlubber in sight, I decide to commandeer a sloop.
    So I set sail for the a Galleon hunt, after an hour of searching I found one an force it to shuttle/ or maybe I did sink it. I not sure, but down to Davy Jones they go.

    Luck would have it, a Skull forts pops up, Keel Haul Fort.
    I just turned in my treasure at Golden sands, so I sail towards the fort, or over to the rocks, between the fort an Sailors bounty.

    Cause I wasn't the only pirate that had notice the price to be had.
    The hole server was there 4 sloop an 1 galleon + me(hidden)
    I didn't want to rick my ship, so I swam to the island to see if I can negotiate with one of them, they killed me.
    But manage to negotiate with another sloop.

    So the 2nd time I swam to the island, the sloop laid off, cause more of the sloops were coming back.
    so I watch them battle for a while, But then I started clearing waves, 1,2,3,4,5 WHAT captain, Lucky I had hid a Barrel of love, an blew him up.
    Grab the key an started swimming out to my boat.

    Now all of the sloop turned toward the island, an was so close to spot me, but my ship was well hidden, an got on an sail away an hid the key to sail back.
    Found out that nobody know who has the key.
    So the sloop I negotiate with starting chasing they other sloop around, I help, but in my confusion, I let an enemy board me, he killed me an sunk my ship with the gun powder I had stash.

    So I sail for the Key i had hid, at that point Irl. I had to go to work soon.
    So sail with the key to the fort, waited a little to lay port, cause there where people on the island, an sloops around.
    Don't know how, but I open the door with nobody noticing, grab the skull an back to the boat, But the GREED, I jump in a took the Stronghold chest to, now I was good to go.

    I headed to Sanctuary outpost, got chased a little , but the 2 sloops chasing would rather fight each other, so a easy turned in. an back to the island just to taunt a little an tell the guys what had happen in the mist of all the confusion.

    That's was my little tail.
    An I will shamelessly tell that I Stream on twitch some time, an that was one of them :P fair I only have on Subscriber an 4 viewers, But a least they were ENTERTAINED.

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