SKULLBALL LEAGUE - CALAVERA CUP | PvP Community Event | Saturday, June 30th 2018

  • The Iron Fleet doesn't need luck!!!!
    alt text

  • Nine more days! I can hardly contain my excitement!

  • While I''ll be out of town on the 30th, I'm confident @Woodsen-Moosen @Ticklish-Tim @Adrioth and @captain-landro will make the Iron Fleet proud! Best of luck to all! #9moredays

  • Come on forum lurkers, there has to be someone out there not in a discord that has 3 friends and wants to try themselves against these teams. All we need is a brave 4some to round out the competition.

  • Wish I knew this was on earlier, totally would have entered.

  • How in the world is every single player/ship going to be able to show up in the same server though? And if I may, can I help extend the reach of this by stream/record for the entire event between all the teams (This would be to serve for those who do not use Twitch)?

  • Team: The Blue Devils


    We do be the fiercest PvP community on the high seas, and we be happy to take the trophy at this here tourney

  • @captanbluebeard are you already entered or is this you applying to be the last team?

  • We're applying to be the final team for the event.

  • @captanbluebeard awesome.

    @SirioNDB I think I found our final team. Maybe? Subject to your decision

  • Had a few change-ups in the teams.

    Hopefully, the lineup is going to stick!

  • Organization: Fortune
    Team Name: Golden
    Logo: text alternatif
    Kit: text alternatif

  • Organisation: The Thirsty Thieves

    Team name: Thirsty Thieves

    Logo: text alternatif

    Kit: text alternatif

  • Organization: Tactical Fleet

    Team Name: Barnacle Ballers

    Logo: text alternatif

    Kit: text alternatif

  • Skullball tomorrow folks!
    Hope the teams are ready and have been practicing, I'm looking forward to watching some streams of it!

    Go fortune!

  • Today's the day!

    Here's a list of the streamers we got! We will open some slots for spectators, so stay tuned!

    Streamer List - Work in Progress:


    Spectators/Refs (depends on Ship Slots):


    Rogue Legends:


    Iron Fleet:

    Blue Devils:

    Fleet of Thieves:

    Tactical Fleet:

    Thirsty Thieves:

  • Let's Goooo TACtical!

  • Group #1
    competitor #1: Cutthroats' Cutthroats
    competitor #2: Rogue Legends' Blackwatch

    Group #2
    competitor #1: The Blue Devils' Blue Devils
    competitor #2: Tactical Fleet's Barnacle Ballers

    Group #3
    competitor #1: The Thirsty Thieves' Thirsty Thieves
    competitor #2: Fortune's Golden

    Group #4
    competitor #1: Fleet of Thieves' Fearless Fleet Fighters
    competitor #2: The Iron Fleet's Ironborn

  • Instead of mixer, for me twitch is better. if we ever get going...

  • @SirioNDB When is this gonna get going? I wanna watch

  • We've had a little trouble getting this started, but here we are!

    Follow our streamers!

  • Really good game! Crooked Masts was the perfect island. The only changes I would add would be more people streaming to get different views. A rule update wouldn't hurt either. Otherwise, I had an amazing time watching the games!

  • Had a blast playing in the inaugural Skull ball event and hopefully there is more. Good job to everyone who played and thank you to the organizers for putting this together.

  • Congratulations to the Cutthroats on winning the first ever Calavera Cup! It was an exciting tournament to say the least! Thank you to Fortune and @SirioNDB for organizing and overseeing this event, and to every fleet/community that participated and helped make this possible!

  • @princeofpromise

    Congratulations to the worthy winners, I heard it was an absolute blast!

  • @KattTruewalker can confirm it was a "blast" (pun intended for the commentators/referees ;) )! The addition of gunpowder skeletons made for a unique and unexpected twist!

  • Hi, can someone please clarify?

    I was in the team, The Thirsty Thieves, in the semi final match. I believe it was the first round (could be mistaken though), and a team mate shot himself out of a cannon. I followed, by shooting myself out too. This was deemed a foul, so we lost the point. Eventually losing the match.

  • @sobergrub said in SKULLBALL LEAGUE - CALAVERA CUP | PvP Community Event | Saturday, June 30th 2018:

    @murkrage said in SKULLBALL LEAGUE - CALAVERA CUP | PvP Community Event | Saturday, June 30th 2018:

    @dutchdeadschot said in SKULLBALL LEAGUE - CALAVERA CUP | PvP Community Event | Saturday, June 30th 2018:

    @murkrage hey man this was in response to the the OP saying the exact same thing on my thread.

    Still no need for it. Never stoop to the other person's level. It won't make anyone better.

    [Mod edited]

    That is not what’s going on here, matey. Read the full context before personally attacking someone. No need for it.

    Besides, if all you are going to say is: No. Then you might as well not respond to a topic like this. It’s just rude.

    I don’t appreciate you barging in on a discussion that ended quite a while ago. It adds nothing to the ongoing topic, which was about the finished community event. Please consider that the next time you post.

  • @siriondb Any of the streamers put up any vods of this? I was busy yesterday but really want to see how it went :)

  • I do have to give credit to these events, they are well thought out and do look like a lot of fun. Wheres the Fortune easter egg in game? After this and the first event i think some credit is due.

    It must be an absolute nightmare trying to get everyone on the same server and setting these up, and yet you always seem to pull it off.

  • On behalf of the Cutthroats, I would like to thank Fortune for putting on such a fantastic event. It was really great to see the community involvement. I think multi-fleet community events is the future for Sea of Thieves competitions. A huge congratulations to all the fleets involved.

    The Cutthroats are a tight-knit group. We put a lot of effort and we trained several times in anticipation to the event. It is a win that truly belongs to all the Cutthroats that got involved and helped us prepare.

    A deep thanks to @SirioNDB @KattTruewalker @PrinceOfPromise .
    We love Sea of Thieves!! Community events like this bring us all together! We are always looking forward to making new friends.

  • @o-bosun-bill-o a dit dans SKULLBALL LEAGUE - CALAVERA CUP | PvP Community Event | Saturday, June 30th 2018 :

    Hi, can someone please clarify?

    I was in the team, The Thirsty Thieves, in the semi final match. I believe it was the first round (could be mistaken though), and a team mate shot himself out of a cannon. I followed, by shooting myself out too. This was deemed a foul, so we lost the point. Eventually losing the match.


    First, I want to say congratulations on the great matches you guys had. Thieving Thieves clearly came out as a surprising challenge!

    To answer your question, you can only fire yourself out of the cannon ONCE at the beginning of the FIRST ROUND of your match.

    I understand that this might not be clear and for the sake of everyone we will rework on the wording of our rules.

  • @siriondb Hey i was just outside and that video the devs done a few months ago popped into my head randomly.

    Do you remember when they done the: "Pirate Olympics"? I was just curious if you had ever thought of doint a Fortune version? I think you guys could do a good job and be able to put your own twist on it. :)

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