Mario Tennis Aces?

  • Did anyone else play the Pre-Launch Online Tournament (multiplayer demo) last weekend?

    I did, and it was super fun. I wasn't expecting to have as much fun as I did and now I'm really looking forward to its release on June 22nd. I had so much fun in fact, that I finally decided to get a LAN adapter to remove the 2-3 ms of latency added by using my 5 GHz Wi-Fi, plus a 128GB Micro SD card for my Switch.

    My biggest complaint was that the netcode could be better (hopefully is addressed for release) and it could prioritize lower pings more often, but other than that, it was awesome.

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  • @perfect-code Didn't get to play the Pre-Launch Online Tournament but definately interested in this game when it comes out, looks super fun!

  • @perfect-code Me and my partner played... we loved it! Will definitely be buying... its much better than the Wii U tennis game.

  • @stacky-a said in Mario Tennis Aces?:

    @perfect-code Didn't get to play the Pre-Launch Online Tournament but definately interested in this game when it comes out, looks super fun!

    It is it is... I was addicted the entire weekend the demo was up hehe

    @musicmee said in Mario Tennis Aces?:

    @perfect-code Me and my partner played... we loved it! Will definitely be buying... its much better than the Wii U tennis game.

    Nice nice. I'm pretty curious to see how the doubles matches end up playing out. Adds more reason to be concerned about the netcode handling 2 more players but hopefully it will indeed be sorted at launch and everything works out well. Heard it expands the court boundaries (but still uses the same maps/courts) so it's not too squeezed together so should be interesting.

    There's still a bunch that's unknown about all we can do in the full game but also hopefully, Nintendo will have put in the ability to do private/custom matches/tournaments and make it simple to invite people to team up and do matches. Nintendo still has a lot to learn and catch up on when it comes to online play for games but at least they've finally put their foot in the water.

  • Saw a stream of this, and I almost bought a switch the next day. I probably would have if the demo was up beyond that day, or if the game was out already, because it looks like a blast. The switch is about 1-2 solid games away from me investing in one again. Really looking forward to what they have to show for E3

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