Hungering Deep: Can't Complete.

  • I love Sea of Thieves and was so excited to play the Hungering Deep content. I finally got on with my brother last night and worked through all the initial quests.


    However we were very frustrated to find that in the end we need to somehow team up with 3 other people, and in the world of Sea of Thieves that is extremely rare.

    The speaking trumpet doesn't help, because even though we've tried multiple times moving from Party to Game chat resulted in us unable to hear each other, let alone anyone else. We fooled with settings to no avail.

    Then everytime we head to Merric to see if anyone wants to team up there are ships there that are only interested in killing us.

    Asking for help on here or in looking for group doesn't help either, as even though I can get a 4 man crew together I have to work with someone else for the 5th, and you can't meet someone in game, because there is no guarantee you'll end up in the same server.

    Setting aside the other numerous issues with this new content, my question is how am I supposed to complete it? How did others do so without being able to set up a meet online AND in game chat not functioning?

    We only have two weeks to complete this and this is looking less likely by the minute. I find my enthusiasm for the game, and upcoming expansions, greatly diminished.

    Any help would be appreciated.

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  • I get the feeling you needed to tackle it within the first 48 hours or some such time period. Without an incentive to repeat it it sounds like getting it finished will be a gamble on running into the few people nice enough to linger to do the content over. I won't be able to mess with it until tomorrow so...hopefully I'm wrong and I fully admit I very well could be considering I haven't even had time to launch the game most of the event.

    I'm not necessarily mad over it and I'm sure with a little patience I can get it knocked out before it's over but my excitement has diminished a bit over things as life obligations will most likely make each event into even more of a time crunch on my end. Shame. I like the direction they took but it definitely put a lot of faith in the player base. Like I said though....I'll happily be wrong in this case.

  • @mail0rderninja the trumpet in my experience is good for about 2 maybe 3 galleons distance away just keep asking someone will help ive done it numerous times with no problem at all people always seem to be using the megaphone just got to be close enough try waiting near merrik for alittle while

  • @ajm123 The speaking trumpet only works if in game chat works right? I can't seem to get chat to work with my crew or any other ships.

  • @mail0rderninja yeh in gamechat it works when i use it i switch over 1 then use the emote chat say "FRIENDLY OR FOE?" then start talking almost always people respond if they dont then assume the worst

  • the speaking problems you are having is most likely due to microsofts terrible nat issues and teredo problems.... Its god awful and should be better integrated. hang out by merrick and wait thats what we had to do :(

  • @john-hatter That might be the biggest problem: the faith put into the player base. The people who got on and did it right away aren't interested in doing it again, which I get, but even worse many of them seem intent on camping the quest area and just ruining other player's fun, which I have a hard time even comprehending the reason behind.

  • @mail0rderninja Just keep trying at it man that's really all you can do. There is no way that in a 2 week period you wont find someone that's looking to team up. Yeah it sucks at times when people are not looking to do so. But lets be honest, did we really think the hungering deep was going to stop everyone from PvP all the time. Na.
    So just keep trying and your bound to get a MEG fight. goodluck

  • @mail0rderninja
    Add to that the amount of people on a server. Normally I like their approach to server populations and the reasons behind it but it really shows it's flaws with this stuff.

    I get people say to just hop servers but I feel like that shouldn't be a mechanic required for a timed event. I don't know how they should have tackled it but everyone should be able to log into the game, experience the content and move on without having to resort to server hopping and external group forming.

  • @hondaboycoop
    This is just my personal jump on the two week bit, I realistically don't think the game should change for me or anyone in my shoes and as a whole you are correct...that said...

    Two weeks isn't a long time if you don't get to play much. Out of two weeks I personally will only have 2 solid shots to try and tackle the campaign and that's a week after it has come out being the first chance. Throw in all the potential hiccups with having faith in a server and I can't help but feel like I have to hope the stars align.

  • Just join random crews. If you already have the drum, eventually someone will ask you to help kill the shark.

  • @knightfire098 You absolutely nailed it. The fact that we don't have real tools to facilitate this is boggling to me. It is also something that keeps me from ever being able to take a Skull Fort. Even if someone works with you long enough to take it, they just turn on you in the end.

    The speaking trumpet is the worst way they could have solved this.

  • Do an open party galleon, join up to make 4 players and then head over to Merric, you will come across 1 person that way at least that wants to do it with a bit of patience.

    Alternatively, get discord and ask people to crew up. Will still need to wait for the 1 extra person to join.

  • Interesting, I've discovered a surplus of friendly and collaborative players throughout this Hungering Deep Journey (ok there were 2 jerks but that's their prerogative, it is a pirate's life amiright?).

    Luckily Xbox has that Looking for Group feature. But I've never seen Merrick without at least a few other pirates looking to team up.

  • I can't find anybody either. Gonna give it one last shot this weekend.

  • Yeah, I had trouble finding people too but I managed to beat it last Saturday using the Xbox app's LFG. Seems like more people play over the weekend so now is your chance! I'm sure that there'll be even more people coming out of the woodwork since this is the last weekend before it ends. Every time this gets brought up on the forums you have those people who come up talking about how easy it is and that they've done it 8 times or whatever... I wish it had been that easy for everyone. Just don't give up, there is still time.

  • Well if anyone is still looking to complete it then I'm in. I have the drum...just haven't managed to complete the Slaying of the Hungering One...due to lets just say camping and leave it that..

  • I got on the first two days the campaign was going and did the quest to get the items. Both days there were plenty of people on shark bait wanting to go. A few days later my crew of 4 gets on and heads over to shark bait to find a 5th. Nobody was there, for a few hours. We even split up on 4 different servers looking for people and found no one. We did find a sloop close by but they just wanted to fight us. We tried again a few days later and couldn't find anyone for 2 hours on 4 different instances.

    Really too bad. I want to fight the shark so bad and I'm sure that would be a great experience. But waiting on shark bait for 5 hours total over 3 days is not a good experience. Really not fun.

    Please fix. :)

  • Unfortunately tried to complete this for past four days...never seem to meet anyone interested. When I managed to get enough mates on and find the golden fifth person...low and behold we were engaged by other players. I know it is a PvP game and yar that be the Pirate way...well no actually. No historical pirate ever attacked another ship unless there was something to gain from it. Sorry for rant, just fed up with hearing that line...Problem ultimately is better group forming is needed. I have around 8 mates who play but I don't have anyway of getting us all in the same server etc. Otherwise we could have had two galleons to do this straight up. Unfortunately some of us are actual adults and have jobs as well as other commitments. So we can't necessarily grind out a time limited event in the first 48 hours. Which from what I'm hearing was the golden period.

  • If you guys want to server hop, we're at shark bait cove right now

  • Yeah I havent been lucky finding a full group to spawn him either.

  • @ulfwizard finally someone states HISTORICAL FACTS. Thank you, I'm sick of hearing that's what pirate's do because they dont research....which is exactly what the t***s at RARE did. I want my 60 dollars back Joe Neate for this shell of a game delivered on lies, that never should have passed submission with functionality bugs such as achievements not working......

  • @the-edible-pet I can provide more historical facts.
    Pirates never fought skeletons.
    Pirates never shot themselves out of cannons to board ships.
    Pirates used to remain dead after drowning or being shot in the head.

  • As my crew and I were fighting waves of skeletons for the order of souls on a very tiny island, two pirates came swimming ashore yelling "WE WANT TO HELP". Their gally was anchored at a nearby island at a safe distance and in clear view (perfect way to approach). After we loaded our skulls on board they asked for help to summon the Meg. Knowing that the servers were about go down in a few hours and the meg voyage will be no longer, I just wanted to complete as many OOS voyages as I could. We came up with the plan that only one of our mates sail with them to summon then mermaid back. Perfect, right? Our mate appears shortly after arriving to our next island. Turned out they were super uncoordinated, very little supplies, and just too much to bear. "Ain't nobody got time for that." He said.

  • @crimsonraziel No S***e!!! I'm talking about the main premise and mechanic of the game...obviously pirate did not die and p**f into a green mystical smoke or just eat bananas to survive and feed pigs ten thousand bananas to keep them alive....I'm talking about all the idiots that think pirates just go around pillaging everything and everyone and saying that's what pirates pirates actually adhere to the pirate code unlike the sad version of humanity today that is selfish and have no morals or ethics or respect for code or values....

  • @the-edible-pet
    Pirates killed and pillaged mate. Not sure what kind of morals you want from this type of game. I mean we cant tell u have loot till we sink you most of the time. And im sure plenty of pirates attacked ships and got nothing.
    You think the ppl that died that day thought pirates had morals?

  • @the-edible-pet exactly what I was getting at. I'm all for PvP and enjoy it generally. If someone beats me and nabs my loot then fair play. However they are either being idiot, think I'm an idiot or other to think I'm going to take on a monster that can sink my ship with loot onboard. So we come to the third option which is they are doing it for kicks or another non in game reward. So rather than say it's the pirate way and be honest and say your being a.....

  • Always thought it was best to get the special events completed as soon as possible because once everyone’s done doing them they tend to troll a lot and camp at specific locations which sucks.. for the people who has schedules and aren’t able to play as much as others. Has come across many people who haven’t completed it in time. Most of them in which didn’t have people to play with because no one wanted to play it over again.

    Hopefully you have better luck this time:: enjoy!

  • I’ve almost forgotten about that app. thank you for the reminder because I definitely need more people play with! @harlton-cheston

  • I’ve said this before so I’m just going to mention it again.

    You can do these in bits and pieces. They don’t have to be done in order.

    They are much easier to complete this way.

    For example I got 3 shots on the shark. I didn’t summon it and I wasn’t in a crew. I got credit and was able
    To do the rest at my leisure.

  • Can i not do this campaign? is it timed? I'm just getting into Sot and am levels 27-27-25 but this guy isnt on the map anymore.

  • @l3git-j4nitor said in Hungering Deep: Can't Complete.:

    Can i not do this campaign? is it timed? I'm just getting into Sot and am levels 27-27-25 but this guy isnt on the map anymore.

    Nope it was a limited time.. they didn't do a good job of making it clear when it was expected to stop. Many didn't even know it was limited. But the Shark from the event is sort of still around they are huge and some will attack some wont. So you can enjoy that part of it. But the limited cosmetics are gone, and the story/mission is gone.

  • @l3git-j4nitor The Hungering Deep campaign is over now so you won't be able to fully experience it. The megalodon can randomly be found in the world though so you can still take part in a giant shark attack! You are just in time for the next big drop though, The Cursed Sails :)

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