Sometimes you go with the crazy...

  • So I was playing a bit earlier today, and I joined an open crew sloop. I was teamed up with a new person to the game, and while he wanted to work for the merchant alliance, I managed to get him to help out in an order of souls voyage.

    We got down to the last skeleton captain left after already having 2 hateful skulls and 2 disgraced skulls from a previous fight (we had more skulls too, but cashed them in already...) and we went to Crooks Hollow. Here is where the crazy begins.

    When we got there, another sloop was there, but this guy was by himself. He was looking for chickens, and I didn't want to bother him as chickens aren't worth much unless on a voyage to deliver them. But my buddy wanted to loot this poor man and we found his ship near our skeleton fight.

    My buddy checked his ship out, I fought the skeletons, and the guy followed me to our ship with one of his chickens with him. After I placed the hateful skull down with the other skulls, I told the guy to take his chicken and leave, but the guy stuck by.

    My partner came back with the guys other chicken in hand, and I told this guy to take his chickens and leave, but instead he just played music and danced. We played along for a bit, but this guy wasn't going, so I pulled my gun out and gave him 5 seconds to run. He didn't move, I killed him.

    We took off to the nearest outpost, and we found this guy chasing us. I told my partner that he should protect the skulls and if he boards our ship, let him take his chickens and only his chickens.

    We got to the outpost, I quickly cashed I the expensive skulls first, and while doing so, this guy and my partner were fighting over the chickens. I managed to cash in 4 of the 5 skulls we had and on the last skull, the guy tried going after me, but I was quick to cash in the skull and I quickly killed this man who ended up with nothing at the end.

    I killed the guy and cashed in the skulls, my partner cashed in the chickens which this guy and my partner fought over while I cashed in the skulls, and the poor guy didn't leave and gave us his chickens when I told him to leave and I was gonna leave him alone. W*F!!!???

    Oh well, after killing this guy, we sank his ship and I left the game. What a weird, crazy adventure.

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  • Seems it's not just the sharks being affected by the stirrings in the deep!

  • @thegreatluthe Did you try to text chat him?
    Sometimes most times the in-game chat is faulty enough that it doesn't even work between our own crews.

    I don't mean to make you feel bad about yourself, just saying, maybe he didn't hear you.

  • gave him a chance, unlike some players. Kudos to you.

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