Annoying Mermaids

  • It would be great if mermaids only appear when you call them. If I try to do some sneaky pvp enemies are often warned because of them.

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  • @arodim said in Annoying Mermaids:

    It would be great if mermaids only appear when you call them. If I try to do some sneaky pvp enemies are often warned because of them.

    But how do you even call them? xD

  • @NinjaGamer741 Probably a horn of some sort. I'd love to be able to call a mermaid, not to be sneaky but since often I'm in the water near my ship but too far to reach it. But it would need a good cooldown to stop abuse. Then again the way it is there's nothing wrong with it.

    @Arodim I kinda like having the mairmaid spawning since I know to be vigilent. With the recent underwater visibility buff (thanks by the way Rare (no sarcasm)) we need to at least be aware to look out for someone. sure It's fun to sneak on board of a ship but honestly it's mostly griefing that players will do, throwing loot overboard so noone has it. And during combat situations with a sneaky boarder climbing the ladders there's so much going on that people often either dont notice or are vigilent anyway.

  • @hynieth Yeah, wish they had something like that. Can't tell ya how many times I've fallen out of the boat waiting FOREVER for a Siren. xD

  • @arodim
    Sneaky pvp or do you really mean outpost camp ;)

  • YES. A button command to call mermaids would be awesome. Always be givin' away my position.

  • We need the mermaid so people that want safezones have no ground to argue on.

  • I think they should automatically spawn around outposts. Out in the rest of the world, I'd be ok having to call them. Maybe give us a conch shell/horn to blow to summon them?

    I'd also like it if the mermaids around outposts always had smoke coming up from them. Even opponents' mermaids, just a different color maybe.

  • @logansdadtoo sagte in Annoying Mermaids:

    Sneaky pvp or do you really mean outpost camp ;)

    Nah! I tried to get on board of a galleon which was chasing me as an example. :-)

    @pikavenger sagte in Annoying Mermaids:

    I think they should automatically spawn around outposts. Out in the rest of the world, I'd be ok having to call them. Maybe give us a conch shell/horn to blow to summon them?

    I'd also like it if the mermaids around outposts always had smoke coming up from them. Even opponents' mermaids, just a different color maybe.

    Good idea! :-)

  • @arodim said in Annoying Mermaids:

    It would be great if mermaids only appear when you call them. If I try to do some sneaky pvp enemies are often warned because of them.

    no what would be great is if mermaids being small humanoid floating objects didn't put 4 holes in your ship if you hit them lol.

  • You've Found An Item: An Eerie Seashell.

    Blowing into one calls forth a benevolent siren that the wielder of the seashell can get a ride back to their ship from. The longer the distance in between the character and their ship, the longer the ride will be.

  • I concur with this. Let's get a sea horn of some kind. Perhaps a conch shell. The mermaids popping up automatically are terrible. Plus the amount of times they show up on the other side of an island is ludicrous.

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