The Kraken is my BFF!!!

  • While playing a few days ago I was heading to an outpost to unload my booty. When I arrived I found two galleons camped out around the outpost that I was planning on stopping at. Both had same hull and sail skins. I was alone on a sloop. One initiated an attack while the other proceeded to block escape routes. How was I supposed to survive this? Well, I prayed to the villainous skull(amongst other very valuable booty I had gathered). After taking a few hits, repairs, and about 45 minutes of evading, I noticed that my sloop was slowing down, thats when I noticed the black water. Sure enough, my BFF made an appearance and after feeling a bit of a tug, he grabbed the galleon on my six instead and I was able to escape his grab. The other galleon dropped off to help his buddy and I quickly broke for the nearest outpost. Needless to say that was a well earned 7K that day...

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  • @gargoyle-05
    The kraken is a friend to the sloops indeed... It gave us free reign to dispatch the galleon we were in hot pursuit of for close to 15 mins... Great tale, I hope the sea continues to treat you well, and remember... "Fortune favors those bold enough to seek it!!" - Captain HonestGr1ft3r, Captain of "The Passing Fancy"

  • @honestgr1ft3r Aye cap'n!!! May the winds blow ever in your favor!

  • Juat wait until that megalodon starts using sloops for toothpicks ;P

  • @honestgr1ft3r Haha loved the fact that you quoted yourself :)

    @HoppenTosse i hate that i know this.. but it means Best Friend Forever ;)

  • @hoppentosse YW TC

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