The Best Compliment For a Gamer

  • Is to be called an hacker and not be hacking...

    For that player, who is crying wolf, thinks you are soooooo good there is no way that is possible without hacks...

    I know this is a sea game but dang there is so much salt.

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  • Lol h-a-c-k-s is a bad word?

  • It's kinda like when religious folk cry out "Witch!". Just 'cause something transpired that you don't quite get, doesn't make it unholy.

    There's always a rational answer mates.

  • @tundra-793 Honestly, everyone who is reporting players because they lost a fight is causing it to where it takes longer to ban the real hackers. In two days I was called a hacker 4 times because I got on their ship and killed their crew and when they tried to kill me I ran ate bananas, ect.

    Honestly, I don't think I have seen a hacker playing yet. And I have played every day since release.

  • Allow me to quote Arthur C Clarke: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

    To console players who have never played a FPS with a KB/M, the movements PC players can pull off look like hacking. If a console player sees someone spinning 30 times a second when they couldn't even dream of it, they of course will think shenanigans are afoot. I've danced around console players like Bugs Bunny dodging Elmer Fudd.

    Once I realized the huge difference between the versions I downloaded it immediately on my computer and haven't touched it on console since.

  • @themastashonuff

    Great post.

  • @themastashonuff this be why I hope they remove pirate to pirate combat from the game an' the only combat be ship to ship...

    yarrharr, no' really, t'would be a terrible idea. But I do try to keep combat limited to cannon an' sail for that very reason. If I get jumped by 2 good PC players, an me wit' me controller... t'would have to get lucky to walk away from that one the victor, I know me limits.

  • @el-dth-taco I've been called an "aimbot user" and I play in XBOX, hahaha. quite a compliment there. The tip is to LEARN TO SHOOT WITHOUT using the aim button, you'll be able to jump around, dodge, get behind players, etc.

  • @carlosylu There is a steady progression I have noticed doesn't matter if I am on xbox or pc, usually starts with getting called a "bundle of sticks" then progresses to being called a hacker or aimbotter followed up with an I am going to report you.

  • @aa-yeti Hahahaha, I've never been reported though, do they give you a heads up (I mean xbox support)?

  • When I was younger and in my gaming prime I was constantly accused of hacking and getting kicked playing Counter Strike for being so awesome.

    Now I'm just told I suck and people say mean stuff about my mom.

  • @glannigan lol isn't that the truth. I am horrible with fps on controller now.

  • @carlosylu They used to have a break down of things that you were reported for but I don't think its accessible anymore.

  • @awesomecoreusa said in The Best Compliment For a Gamer:

    @themastashonuff this be why I hope they remove pirate to pirate combat from the game an' the only combat be ship to ship...

    yarrharr, no' really, t'would be a terrible idea. But I do try to keep combat limited to cannon an' sail for that very reason. If I get jumped by 2 good PC players, an me wit' me controller... t'would have to get lucky to walk away from that one the victor, I know me limits.

    One of the bright sides of increased shark spawns? Less boarding actions, more cannon fights.

  • I long for the day I receive a message accusing me of being a "PC cheater". On that day I will uninstall the game (from my Xbox), content there will never be a higher achievement.

  • I'm and old gamer using a 6yr old PC with a GTX570 and I was told yesterday that "I was being reported".

    As the OP says it's one of the best compliments I can get.

  • @El-Dth-Taco I think the best compliment I heard was one time when I had gone to an outpost at the end of my journey. I had done a duo sloop and we turned our stuff in and he logged off. I went to look at the clothes shop a bit and heard my ship cannoned upon. I came outside and saw a galleon and two guys hopped onto the pier and told me I was gona die.

    I sliced them both to ribbons and ran on board killed off the other two barely and grabbed their villianous skull to turn in. They came at me again on the island and I killed two more. The whole time they were like 'shes op shes op, its peter pan guys!' i was like haha peter pan? .... ill take it haha

  • @el-dth-taco said in The Best Compliment For a Gamer:

    @tundra-793 Honestly, everyone who is reporting players because they lost a fight is causing it to where it takes longer to ban the real hackers. In two days I was called a hacker 4 times because I got on their ship and killed their crew and when they tried to kill me I ran ate bananas, ect.

    Honestly, I don't think I have seen a hacker playing yet. And I have played every day since release.

    Considering your name is [Mod edited players have to be the most spongey players I’ve ever played against in any game. Their pings are all over the place because of their unstable internet, and it doesn’t register when you shoot them or hit them with a sword. This might be why people are saying you hack.

    I have nothing against [Mod edited] just their internet. The whole “I was eatting banans” thing could be true at times, but I’ve come across people where I’ve shot a couple times and hit with a sword a few times, and I see they never had a banana in their hand, and they don’t die.

  • @brodycanuck Nope not Hispanic at all. Live in the states with 150 mbs internet and my ping sits at 40.

  • Getting hackusations in Sot
    alt text

    Probably my favorite thing, Its' a rite of passage really. It means you are good revel in the moment.

  • @revanjstone dang if I could be called Peter Pan it would be amazing! When I was maybe 5-6 I wore a Peter Pan costume for months straight. I think I need more practice though, still not great at boarding/combat.

  • @el-dth-taco said in The Best Compliment For a Gamer:

    Is to be called an hacker and not be hacking...

    For that player, who is crying wolf, thinks you are soooooo good there is no way that is possible without hacks...

    I know this is a sea game but dang there is so much salt.

    So I checked my xbox reputation for the first time ever after playing this game, and the time my own ability and skill in this game started to take off correlated with like 10+ reports of cheating. My rep is still good, just found that to be funny.

    I'm also pretty sure some reports came from salty land lubbers on these forums.

  • @el-dth-taco said in The Best Compliment For a Gamer:

    Is to be called an hacker and not be hacking...

    For that player, who is crying wolf, thinks you are soooooo good there is no way that is possible without hacks...

    I know this is a sea game but dang there is so much salt.

    My buddy who used to play always blamed hackers for dying. He was good but impatient so he'd run off and solo board. He could usually wipe a crew, but if he died, oh lord. 20 minutes of "hacker blah blah"

    Only ever came across one crew hacking since launch.

  • me and a friend were doing duos and to be attacked by a galleon with 3 players, started with "You guys suck! Stop playing the game and get good!" quickly and regrettably for them turned to many colorful words and "Hackers! Invincible! Im reporting you and recorded you! I have proof! Aimbot god modder pieces of **** cant play the game without their little hacks"
    Which we explained how we won, followed up with "If you guys said we suck, at the start of combat...when you first shot at us, and now getting your ****kicked in, we dont suck...but we are hackers...Got you. Thanks."
    Best SoT experience yet for a pile of salt

  • @BrodyCanuck Please refrain from singling out players due to ethnicity, or presumed ethnicity, and from making remarks that involve such. It is a violation of our Forum rules, and your post has been edited accordingly.

    Derogatory Language
    Name calling and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

  • @mysticeagle21 haha i dont know much about peter pan i definitely didnt know he was a swordsman haha i thought he was a magical kid. but i know hes cocky and always wins ? so i accept it. we can all be peter pan mystic lol

  • @brodycanuck racism = prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior

  • It is, indeed, a wonderful feeling. I think it’s somewhat a shame that this game seems to invite the accusations as frequently as it does, though.

    Usually those accusing do not understand the game mechanics enough to understand how they were defeated. They also can't recognize lag, etc. And on SoT, anything odd that a lot of players seem to run into results in barrels of salt being unloaduued into the sea. Lol

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