Sea of Friendship

  • I had a lovely experience last night with another crew.

    So I began my day as a duo sloop. We had a typical voyage (thanks for raising those capn chest drops Rare!) but skipped the last island, Mermaid's...Rest I think, due to a galleon being anchored there. Once we turned out loot in, my partner needed to leave so i figured I would head back to the last island.

    Wouldn't ya know it, that galleon was still there. Grrr. Ah well. I pull up within firing distance of the galleon and just hang out hoping they'll finish soon.

    Next I know, I see Ahoy! and a pirate climbs aboard. We exchange emote pleasantries, dance, and drink. His crew joined him on my ship and we all danced and such. During this time they were trying to get the Hold My Grog achievement, and I was happy to provide a sitting target. I even managed to get it myself, even though I missed the ship.

    Once the fun was over they went ashore and asked me to come. Great. I don't mind helping, especially if it means they'll move on faster. After some time, we defeated the captains and I helped return the goods to their ship.

    I suppose they lost someone, because they asked me if I wanted to join them as they turn it in. Sure, why not? They invite me to the group, and it turns out they have quite the collection of skulls! Ten minutes later I'm 10k richer! AND one of em was a legend who showed me the hideout! Awesome!

    The moral of the story is to ask yourself how richer you would be if you didn't shoot first in every situation.


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  • @a-trusty-mango said in Sea of Friendship:

    @themastashonuff inb4 it's Sea of Thieves, not Sea of Friends.

    I already covered that! xD

  • It is indeed surprising when you run in to a crew that wants to help out. In my experience up to this point that has been few and far between. However the times it has happened, it has been enjoyable and enriching :)

    Have had some good luck on a few Skull Forts helping out other crews and then sharing in the booty. I find this game to be a very interesting social experiment.

  • I was cashing in at an outpost one day and a pirate started putting chests and tea crates on my sloop! Next thing I knew, he was sailing away like some Pirate Santa, off to deliver more gifts. It easily cashed in at 6k. If you're reading this, Pirate Santa, I am forever grateful! #SeaOfFriends

  • @corvus-tx said in Sea of Friendship:

    It is indeed surprising when you run in to a crew that wants to help out. In my experience up to this point that has been few and far between. However the times it has happened, it has been enjoyable and enriching :)

    Have had some good luck on a few Skull Forts helping out other crews and then sharing in the booty. I find this game to be a very interesting social experiment.

    I think the fact that so many run-ins are negative, getting to work with others becomes that much more notable.

    I very rarely shoot first, and even if I'm shot at I don't always return fire. I had a guy board me at a fort, shoot at me a few times (really bad aim), and leave once he realized I'm not fighting him back. Ended up helping him until a galleon sunk my ship and I died to skeles. Ah well.

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