Ties And Blindfolds

  • Ups: You could tie people up and interrogate him for clues of where his ship is and you could take other pirates prisoner for like 2 minutes before they are released!!

    Downs: People might get really mad that they are being captured and it might be a waste of time

    Extra: Hey guys tell me what you think about this is might be a good or bad idea, its just a thought that was in the head, thanks!!

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  • Edit / Add: I also want to say to everyone, this might either go well because you can maybe add something that could like take some gold from someone maybe max like 1000 or like take the quest the person is on. But its only if people want to rp which isnt very popular. Thanks everyone!!

  • @xxskydivingdude

    Would make nice use of the sloop's brig but I don't know how fun that would be to some players...

  • @crazyt101 Yeah thats the downside.

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