Founder Pack?

  • Anyone been recently updated on when we will receive our founders pack?

  • 22
  • Within 2 weeks. That's all we know.

  • Just got a code but not sure what's in it yet. Will update soon

  • UPDATE... redeemable code for Founders sail and a special title above my head.

    Nice, thanks RARE. 👍

  • This just the sail or was there something else ?

  • It's a sail and a title, as Timbo said.

  • @super-poopsy yep its not a bad sail some colour would of been nice a ship hull to maybe a white and grey colour theme.

  • @pilks4k Was this for being in the Alpha or Beta? I got an email saying I was getting the pack too but still no code. Just waiting :) ready to have those sails though!

  • @capt1an-nz not sure I was in both but you have the founder title so should be good don't wait for an email like I was as its sent via xbox messages lol so if your on PC too load up the xbox app.

  • @reddirtsquatchy Yeah I got an email too saying I would get Sails.

  • I received mine yesterday

  • @capt1an-nz they should of linked them to accounts instead people are selling the keys already, lol Pirate Legend means nothing and now turns out the founders title is meaningless as well, I hope I am not seeing some kind of trend starting

  • i havent gotten the founders pack yet ;s

  • I played only the last open beta. Can I get the founders pack?

  • i think everyone who pre ordered the game for 60 bucks should get founders pack

  • @tekaymcgregor Sorry, you had to be here for the alphas. An insider before dec 2017.

    @DungeonDavroar They get blackdog pack.

  • @xcalypt0x I'm not so sure, I just missed the last alpha (but still became an Insider in early December). I still got an email that I'd get a founder pack, although I still haven't gotten a message with a code, so I'm not positive.

  • @stillsameguy If you weren't on the forum before dec 2017 you won't get it. I am only an insider and I too got the email. I had to buy the founder code from someone who didn't end up buying the game.

  • I activated the code of the founder pack but no gifts! What to do so that gifts appeared in the game?

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