Signalling Peace on the seas

  • In my time on the seas I have sailed past many other ships. I have always been wary of if they will engage me on my pass or if i can pass with my loot safe, as we have no way currently of raising any flags to display our intentions i have been using the only thing i know that works, this being the lantern held high and flashing a few times to signal to the other ship that we will pass by peacefully and they can do back to signal peace on the passing, i know this may be a silly idea but i though that if they wanted to attack it would be obvious but if they are only going to attack to defend their loot it may have a way to avoid the conflict for the peaceful players who just want to go about their business.

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  • I've been doing this as well to varying degrees of success. Learning Morse Code is a good idea, lights have been used for hundreds of years on the open waters. Just let your light shine your intentions!

  • Surely you don't really believe a pirate would show true intentions, The choice is yours, engage in a friendly manner and hope for a pleasant encounter or avoid completely to try secure the best chance of losing nothing. Personally i just sail where i want if i encounter a group good or bad it's an encounter. Since when has virtual goods or reputation outweighed human interaction.

  • I’ve had success with playing music on the front of the ship. If they have I’ll inten it’s known right away.

  • When thinking twice there is already a feature using the latern you described.
    Why? Because everyone blinks with the latern or says "Ahoi" when trying to signal to be peaceful.
    Everyone who asks the question "how to signal peace" to himself would probably use the same item so sender and receiver both know whats going on.
    It obviously has to be the latern because its the only item thats able to spread out a signal over far distances at day and night.
    Well a weapon projectile is able as well but I doubt that anyone will recognize a sniper shot as peaceful so nobody will do it with the intention of signaling friendliness

  • YARRRR the crew of The Bananahole cares not for yer signals when there's booty to be had.

    Honestly if we aren't looking for a fight and have treasure we just man the cannons and don't fire unless fired upon. Obviously seeing guys on the cannons looks ominous but better safe than sorry.

    And on the other hand, if I have no treasure on board and I see someone trying to display non-aggression I assume they DO have treasure. So... pirates gotta pirate.

  • @bobotank said in Signalling Peace on the seas:

    In my time on the seas I have sailed past many other ships. I have always been wary of if they will engage me on my pass or if i can pass with my loot safe, as we have no way currently of raising any flags to display our intentions i have been using the only thing i know that works, this being the lantern held high and flashing a few times to signal to the other ship that we will pass by peacefully and they can do back to signal peace on the passing, i know this may be a silly idea but i though that if they wanted to attack it would be obvious but if they are only going to attack to defend their loot it may have a way to avoid the conflict for the peaceful players who just want to go about their business.

    I have heard rumors and hints from devs that a flag system is on the way in future updates. (White flag for peace, black for fight, etc.)

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