If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! The first post includes the list!

  • Hello,

    I wouldn't want new modes, I 'd like more stuff added to the one mode we have. A framework for wild pvp, not pvp modes; ways to develop a sense of epicness for the in-game community instead of having those 25-30+ people guilds created outside the game. I'd like slightly larger servers (few more players per server), with new maps: new 'zones' with larger islands and less open waters ( these zones could be instanced?)... More ship types... more stuff to interact with in the world, it feels emptyish.

    Bounties be cool though...

    No new modes, one mode with more (feasible) content.

    See you in game,

  • I like it as it is and expand from that. I don't think it should be clouded with minigames. I like open world and do what you will. Example. There are dice in the world. So Rare puts dice in game. That's it. If you want to play dice you and your buddies get dice and play dice, just as you would in RL. I think that is the concept they are trying to stick to. We the players decide, not them. Rares job is to make sure something like Dice is in the game. What we do with it.... is up to us. True open world.

  • @capt-baguette said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! The first post includes the list!:


    I 'd like more stuff added to the one mode we have. I'd like slightly larger servers (few more players per server), with new maps: new 'zones' with larger islands and less open waters ( these zones could be instanced?)... More ship types... more stuff to interact with in the world, it feels emptyish.

    I would like to see more stuff added to the mode we currently have as well.

    Larger servers for sure. The world does feel a little too empty.

    We will have to agree to disagree on new modes though. I feel they will be highly entertaining and have massive replayability but I respect your opinion. I am sure RARE's first major update will give us an idea of what their plans are for the future of the game. At launch the game will be what we basically already know. If the modes are not part of this update then I would like to think it will be a larger map and community events.

  • @ogshawnyboy-tt said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! The first post includes the list!:

    I like it as it is and expand from that. I don't think it should be clouded with minigames.

    First, reading the title a thread is usually the first thing people do. Some never do. I will throw you in the some category.

    Second, MODES are not to confused with MINI-GAMES. Even though you want neither. At least refer to them properly if you are going to be the classic didn't read the title of the thread guy that comments on an IDEAS thread for people who WANT NEW MODES even though he doesn't want new modes.

    You know what a mini-game is.

    Having a full on PvP mode that helps retain and grow the population of the game before it dies from lack of content is a little bit more then a mini-game don't ya think?

    I love this game. Many others do as well. It seems many others seem to think that doing the same 3 types of quests for 3 weeks straight is going to be community growing type of stuff. But it isn't. Maybe you like that, but most people will grow tired of that. Any fair person can concede this point. We are throwing ideas out there to give people more stuff to do. They are just ideas. No need to come in here and tell people that NEW IDEAS means they are "CLOUDING the GAME UP"

    Come on now.

  • @sneakler said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! The first post includes the list!:

    @ogshawnyboy-tt said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! The first post includes the list!:

    I like it as it is and expand from that. I don't think it should be clouded with minigames.

    First, reading the title a thread is usually the first thing people do. Some never do. I will throw you in the some category.

    Second, MODES are not to confused with MINI-GAMES. Even though you want neither. At least refer to them properly if you are going to be the classic didn't read the title of the thread guy that comments on an IDEAS thread for people who WANT NEW MODES even though he doesn't want new modes.

    You know what a mini-game is. Having a full on PvP mode that helps retain and grow the population of the game before it dies from lack of content is a little bit more then a mini-game don't ya think?

    I love this game. Many other do as well. It seems many others seem to think that doing the same 3 types of quests for 3 weeks straight is going to be community growing type of stuff. But it isn't. Maybe you like that, but most people will grow tired of that. Any fair person can concede this point. We are throwing ideas out there to give people more stuff to do. They are just ideas. No need to come in here and tell people that NEW IDEAS means they are "CLOUDING the GAME UP"

    Come on now.

    Wow. What is your freaking problem dude? Good lord this community is a bunch of jerks. Look if you post something I will give my friggin opinion and I really don't give rip what you think about it. So you know what you can do. All p***y just cause i don't jump on your little bandwagon.

  • @sneakler

    Let me be more specific, since you mention replayability.

    When I talk about frameworks for wild pvp, I mean bounties/ranking systems/ladders/set of achievements. That would add much replayability to the structure already present. Having a battle royale mode sure add replayability as well, but I reckon that it's harder to implement, and it completely transforms the game and obliterates the constant immersion and sense of 'liberty' to do what you please, though it'd be nice to have more stuff to do =p.

    I honestly think that new modes are the last thing we'll see in this game because it's a shared adventure open world, though I too would like it to be more competitive, I respectfully suggest that modes are not for this game.

    Cheers mate,

  • I'd vote no modes but think option to fighting sloops or galleons on a much smaller separate map would be a cool to practice

  • @ogshawnyboy-tt said in

    Wow. What is your freaking problem dude? Good lord this community is a bunch of jerks. Look if you post something I will give my friggin opinion and I really don't give rip what you think about it. So you know what you can do. All p***y just cause i don't jump on your little bandwagon.

    Lol, I didn't ask anyone to join my bandwagon.

    Sorry you people are so sensitive to people talking about game modes.

    If you only knew bud. Any thread EVER MADE on this forum talking about game modes has been trolled and derailed into oblivion.

    OUR SOLUTION...create a thread named:

    If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here!

    What ends up happening? You guys can't resist. It is actually sad. Then we you are reminded you are posting in an IDEAS THREAD for people WHO WANT NEW MODES...people like you come along and call us jerks for pointing these things out.

    Nobody is being asked to jump on a bandwagon and I could not possibly care any less if you agree with me or not. This is an IDEA thread for people who want new game modes. It is a simple concept there are no jerks here. Just people ignoring a thread title and posting as if it is a discussion about whether game modes should be in the game. There are tons of discussion threads and megathreads about whether you think modes are a good idea. Go to those.

  • @sneakler said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! The first post includes the list!:

    @ogshawnyboy-tt said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! The first post includes the list!:

    @sneakler said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! The first post includes the list!:

    @ogshawnyboy-tt said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! The first post includes the list!:

    I like it as it is and expand from that. I don't think it should be clouded with minigames.

    First, reading the title a thread is usually the first thing people do. Some never do. I will throw you in the some category.

    Second, MODES are not to confused with MINI-GAMES. Even though you want neither. At least refer to them properly if you are going to be the classic didn't read the title of the thread guy that comments on an IDEAS thread for people who WANT NEW MODES even though he doesn't want new modes.

    You know what a mini-game is. Having a full on PvP mode that helps retain and grow the population of the game before it dies from lack of content is a little bit more then a mini-game don't ya think?

    I love this game. Many other do as well. It seems many others seem to think that doing the same 3 types of quests for 3 weeks straight is going to be community growing type of stuff. But it isn't. Maybe you like that, but most people will grow tired of that. Any fair person can concede this point. We are throwing ideas out there to give people more stuff to do. They are just ideas. No need to come in here and tell people that NEW IDEAS means they are "CLOUDING the GAME UP"

    Come on now.

    Wow. What is your freaking problem dude? Good lord this community is a bunch of jerks. Look if you post something I will give my friggin opinion and I really don't give rip what you think about it. So you know what you can do. All p***y just cause i don't jump on your little bandwagon.

    Lol, I didn't ask anyone to join my bandwagon.

    Sorry you people are so sensitive to people talking about game modes.

    If you only knew bud. Any thread EVER MADE on this forum talking about game modes has been trolled and derailed into oblivion.

    OUR SOLUTION...create a thread named:

    If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here!

    What ends up happening? You guys can't resist. It is actually sad. Then we you are reminded you are posting in an IDEAS THREAD for people WHO WANT NEW MODES...people like you come along and call us jerks for pointing these things out.

    Nobody is being asked to jump on a bandwagon and I could not possibly care any less if you agree with me or not. This is an IDEA thread for people who want new game modes. It is a simple concept there are no jerks here. Just people ignoring a thread title and posting as if it is a discussion about whether game modes should be in the game. There are tons of discussion threads and megathreads about whether you think modes are a good idea. Go to those.

    Look, All I did was give my opinion. I have not been envolved in any previous threads. I have responded very innocently to about 5 posts this morning and was harshly responded to on all of them. Its ridiculous. Why ask questions on a forum if you don't want people to give their opinion? Anyway, I'm just here until the game comes out because I'm board waiting and I'm taking it in. I'm starting to learn that anything outside of the Devs gets pretty ugly pretty fast. I'll leave the post, no problem. I have my clan and I'm ready. So see ya around.

  • @ogshawnyboy-tt said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! The first post includes the list!:

    I will give my friggin opinion and I really don't give rip what you think about it. So you know what you can do. All p***y just cause i don't jump on your little bandwagon.

    Just know that this thread was designed so that every time you trolls show up and post, it bumps the thread and everyone can see the list of ideas on the first post.

    The people who want new modes literally got together and came up with the idea on how to take advantage of your inability to stay away from a topic with a name that literally is based on ideas for people who want new stuff in the game.

    You are welcome to keep posting in this thread all while knowing you are going off topic with every post you make. I welcome it.

    Am I a jerk, no. Just someone who wants new modes sharing some ideas. Something that bothers you clearly. We get it, trust me we get it, you don't want new modes. This is a topic for people who do and want to share their idea.

    You are welcome to make a thread called "If you DON'T want new game modes - Share why here!

    I am sure that thread will die within a day.

  • https://redd.it/8533vo

  • It is actually sad that in 2018 informing someone that they are posting in a thread made for ideas about new modes for people that want new modes is being a jerk.

    Trolls will do anything to try and derail a thread that they disagree with.

    Have some respect for people trying to peacefully discuss a suggestions/wish list/modes thread. The idea that somehow someone is a jerk for telling you that this isn't that type of thread is baffling to me. Can you read or not? It is very simple. Look at the title of the thread and post accordingly or don't post.

    If you make the choice of posting that you don't want game modes then you are willingly ignoring the title of the thread and you are now a troll trying to derail. Not complicated. As @sneakler said, thank you for continuing to bump this thread to increase visibility. Your troll deeds are crucial to our success.

  • @ogshawnyboy-tt said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! The first post includes the list!:

    Look, All I did was give my opinion. I have responded very innocently to about 5 posts this morning and was harshly responded to on all of them. Its ridiculous. Why ask questions on a forum if you don't want people to give their opinion?

    I am sorry that you posted 5 times and that you were harshly responded to. Forums can be toxic at times. I am not toxic. Just defending a thread that was specifically named to be about people who all wanted something. We are aware there are many who don't want these things. Which is fine to feel that way. But discussions about this topic are extremely toxic on both sides. We figured the best way to remove that from the equation was to make a thread for people who all wanted something and a place they could list their ideas without being attacked or told their idea was trash. It is just a list.

    There are many threads that are actual discussions and debates about whether these modes are a good idea or not for people to argue with each other. We were trying to remove that. So when people show up and put their two cents in about MODES being a bad idea. They are reminded that this is not the place for that.

    You said why ask questions if you don't want people to give their opinion. True story. Maybe the people in those other threads are guilty of that. This thread doesn't have a question to be answered. It is for ideas from people who DO WANT new game modes.

    Sorry if you were offended in any way but you have to understand the amount of people who chime in to say they don't want new modes and have to be reminded of what this thread is.

    I want to see the base game expanded on and I also want new modes. It is all about getting more stuff for everyone to do. Nobody should be afraid to share an idea from fear of being unloaded on by the anti game mode crew. Which is literally 10-20 people on these forums who pop up in every thread and derail it.

  • @akashic-destiny said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! The first post includes the list!:

    It is actually sad that in 2018 informing someone that they are posting in a thread made for ideas about new modes for people that want new modes is being a jerk.

    Trolls will do anything to try and derail a thread that they disagree with.

    Have some respect for people trying to peacefully discuss a suggestions/wish list/modes thread. The idea that somehow someone is a jerk for telling you that this isn't that type of thread is baffling to me. Can you read or not? It is very simple. Look at the title of the thread and post accordingly or don't post.

    If you make the choice of posting that you don't want game modes then you are willingly ignoring the title of the thread and you are now a troll trying to derail. Not complicated. As @sneakler said, thank you for continuing to bump this thread to increase visibility. Your troll deeds are crucial to our success.

    Except you're not going to succeed. The people asking for multiple gamemodes are a vocal minority, who's sole reason for wanting them is because other games have been successful with them in the past. You're completely ignoring the core concept of Sea of Thieves in favor of transforming the game into a short-lived cash grab based on the success of other games, instead of letting the game naturally evolve on its own, and in the direction RARE wants to take it.

  • @blam320 said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! The first post includes the list!:

    Except you're not going to succeed. The people asking for multiple gamemodes are a vocal minority, who's sole reason for wanting them is because other games have been successful with them in the past. You're completely ignoring the core concept of Sea of Thieves in favor of transforming the game into a short-lived cash grab based on the success of other games, instead of letting the game naturally evolve on its own, and in the direction RARE wants to take it.

    Okay use logic in your next response. This is a call-out.

    It is IMPOSSIBLE for multiple game mode suggestions to be a vocal minority.

    Let me explain why. Did you read what I said about Fortnite Battle Royale? Zero players asking for it. 40 Million downloads and breaking the concurrent players record at 3.4 million players at one time. It is impossible to know how many people would receive this change well. You can only base it off of statistics and market/genre trends. The trends are on my side, not yours. There is literally nothing you can point to that backs up what you say.

    Second, another call-out that I would like to see you defend. You said the people asking for these modes "SOLE REASON FOR WANTING THEM" is because other games have been successful with them in the past. Are you kidding me with this? Nobody has said this, and furthermore, if they have and I missed it, you said SOLE REASON. You are literally just making stuff up at this point with nothing to back it up.

    Personally my reason for wanting it is because I think it would be:

    A. Extremely Fun
    B. Grow the playerbase (possibly by millions if it is a success)
    C. Increase replayability as people become bored of questing

    Those are just 3 things off the top of my head. Notice none of those 3 things include me saying I want these modes because they were successful in the past with other games.

    Third, another call-out that I would like to see you defend.

    You said this would be transforming the game into a "SHORT-LIVED CASH GRAB"

    You are basing this on literally 100% opinion and it's a bad opinion at that. Not bad because I disagree but bad because it is flat out inaccurate. How in any way would it be short-lived. All the signs and trends point to that it would not be short-lived. Referring to them making this choice as a cash grab is just flat-out silly. It is just a CHOICE to add a MODE to your game to increase popularity and increase fun and replayability.

    Lastly, you have no idea what RARE's intention for the direction of the game will be. They could be developing this mode right now for the first major update. We have no idea. To them, that could be the game evolving as you say. These are unknowns. Let's not speak as if they are not.

  • @apocacide said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! The first post includes the list!:

    @chosen-predator also what is 'please drake play our game'?

    He is referring to Drake playing Fortnite I believe. Just so millions more people play your game because of that I suppose. Drake is a rapper in case you don't know who Drake is lol.

    Just out of curiosity. When you said lowest common denominator did you mean that if they introduced a PvP or Last Crew Standing mode that they would be caving in to please that audience?

    I just don't get it. If they keep supporting the main game mode and increasing content but also added this type of mode I would call it a smart game population decision, smart fun decision, and smart business decision. Just curious if you disagree with that.

  • @sneakler Yeah I am just taking into account what happened with games like H1Z1/Fortnite they tested the mode out, the MODE was a ultra success, abandoned the original survival game and basically "Left for dead" while they focus totally on the money maker aka Battle Royal.

    What I am saying is those games all had original core visions, all of them did battle royal modes, abandoned the original core ideas and focused it entirely on the battle royal feature. I am assuming if the numbers go down for sea of thieves..like hypothetically say RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 came out with some sort of mind boggling amazing online mode, A BIG CHUNK of sea of thieves community would dip..this is when i assume rare will do the MODE thing.

    we shall see.

  • @sneakler said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! The first post includes the list!:

    @blam320 said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! The first post includes the list!:

    Except you're not going to succeed. The people asking for multiple gamemodes are a vocal minority, who's sole reason for wanting them is because other games have been successful with them in the past. You're completely ignoring the core concept of Sea of Thieves in favor of transforming the game into a short-lived cash grab based on the success of other games, instead of letting the game naturally evolve on its own, and in the direction RARE wants to take it.

    Okay use logic in your next response. This is a call-out.

    It is IMPOSSIBLE for multiple game mode suggestions to be a vocal minority.

    Let me explain why. Did you read what I said about Fortnite Battle Royale? Zero players asking for it. 40 Million downloads and breaking the concurrent players record at 3.4 million players at one time. It is impossible to know how many people would receive this change well. You can only base it off of statistics and market/genre trends. The trends are on my side, not yours. There is literally nothing you can point to that backs up what you say.

    Second, another call-out that I would like to see you defend. You said the people asking for these modes "SOLE REASON FOR WANTING THEM" is because other games have been successful with them in the past. Are you kidding me with this? Nobody has said this, and furthermore, if they have and I missed it, you said SOLE REASON. You are literally just making stuff up at this point with nothing to back it up.

    Personally my reason for wanting it is because I think it would be:

    A. Extremely Fun
    B. Grow the playerbase (possibly by millions if it is a success)
    C. Increase replayability as people become bored of questing

    Those are just 3 things off the top of my head. Notice none of those 3 things include me saying I want these modes because they were successful in the past with other games.

    Third, another call-out that I would like to see you defend.

    You said this would be transforming the game into a "SHORT-LIVED CASH GRAB"

    You are basing this on literally 100% opinion and it's a bad opinion at that. Not bad because I disagree but bad because it is flat out inaccurate. How in any way would it be short-lived. All the signs and trends point to that it would not be short-lived. Referring to them making this choice as a cash grab is just flat-out silly. It is just a CHOICE to add a MODE to your game to increase popularity and increase fun and replayability.

    Lastly, you have no idea what RARE's intention for the direction of the game will be. They could be developing this mode right now for the first major update. We have no idea. To them, that could be the game evolving as you say. These are unknowns. Let's not speak as if they are not.

    We have repeatedly debunked all three of the arguments you listed, and you continue to insist that somehow, these can be incorporated without fundamentally violating the vision for the game set forth by RARE.

    If anyone is being illogical, it's you, my disillusioned friend. You've lost the argument, purely due to the fact that implementing new game modes goes against the game's core principle of being an open and immersive pirate adventure. Adding any of the rigid, structured gamemodes you suggested breaks that immersion by removing the defining feature that has been advertised since day one: the ability to, either in a crew or alone, sail freely and explore the many islands the sea has to offer.

    I feel obligated to call you out on that, since you seem incapable of realizing that on your own.

  • I know the way me lads!
    Sure having mods ideas are good! But the way forward for mini games should use what the game offers, rather than what such and such modification could offer.

    Dream away all you want, for one day it may become true. I shall not ever challenge OP. It is clear that the intent is to dream away and understands modes as both mini games and base game alterations to achieve such end.

    Another way to approach minigames would be to come up with minigames we can already do, such as battle vomit with your crew, or pick up GP and dodge the bullets.
    I believe the best next step would be to explore the dices and card implementation.
    Cards could be items that can be stored in inventory and in barrels. Barrels could be used to shuffle cards.
    Using inventory wheel, you could see the cards you draw. The wheel screen showing all cards, would be your hand.
    Much like the treasure maps you can look at it, or show it to others or keep it close to your chest, hiding it from lurking eyes. 3 options + storing options.
    Don't know how we could store decks of cards, but having your own cards before playing with the deck of someone else could allow you to cheat lol!
    Any card games with standard 52 cards could be played ingame. With crew and/or other crews.
    All you need are cards, a barrel, a game to play, players.

    Or dice. You just have them as an item. Can select 1/2/3/4/5 dice from the wheel ? You just roll them and see what happens. You can't really lose them for they always magically find their way back. You can shake them in your fist and/or throw them.

    Yes but what about bets ?
    Well, bring treasures chests and/or animals and/or skulls.

    Don't know if I was any clear or even relevant...

  • @blam320 said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! The first post includes the list!:

    We have repeatedly debunked all three of the arguments you listed

    Addresses nothing I have said. Seriously pick one thing in my post that you quoted and DEBUNK it for me lol. So silly.

    Says 3 things were debunked and then doesn't list them or personally debunk them.

    Posts in a thread called "IF YOU WANT NEW MODES - PUT YOUR IDEAS HERE" to say they don't want modes.

    Please keep bumping this post for visibility. The thread is designed so that trolls like you help us in achieving our goal.

    Look forward to hearing your response. More and more people are seeing this first post by the minute. Seriously thank you.

  • @ironuzuka said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! The first post includes the list!:

    I know the way me lads!
    Sure having mods ideas are good! But the way forward for mini games should use what the game offers, rather than what such and such modification could offer.

    Dream away all you want, for one day it may become true. I shall not ever challenge OP. It is clear that the intent is to dream away and understands modes as both mini games and base game alterations to achieve such end.

    Another way to approach minigames would be to come up with minigames we can already do, such as battle vomit with your crew, or pick up GP and dodge the bullets.
    I believe the best next step would be to explore the dices and card implementation.
    Cards could be items that can be stored in inventory and in barrels. Barrels could be used to shuffle cards.
    Using inventory wheel, you could see the cards you draw. The wheel screen showing all cards, would be your hand.
    Much like the treasure maps you can look at it, or show it to others or keep it close to your chest, hiding it from lurking eyes. 3 options + storing options.
    Don't know how we could store decks of cards, but having your own cards before playing with the deck of someone else could allow you to cheat lol!
    Any card games with standard 52 cards could be played ingame. With crew and/or other crews.
    All you need are cards, a barrel, a game to play, players.

    Or dice. You just have them as an item. Can select 1/2/3/4/5 dice from the wheel ? You just roll them and see what happens. You can't really lose them for they always magically find their way back. You can shake them in your fist and/or throw them.

    Yes but what about bets ?
    Well, bring treasures chests and/or animals and/or skulls.

    Don't know if I was any clear or even relevant...

    I want RARE to explore any and all options as far as mini-games and modes are concerned.

    I want them to explore modes possibly being part of the main game where you actually sail to a specific island to queue for a specific mode instead of selecting the mode at the main screen. I do want things to revolved around the base game.

  • @sneakler said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! The first post includes the list!:

    @blam320 said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! The first post includes the list!:

    We have repeatedly debunked all three of the arguments you listed

    Addresses nothing I have said.

    Says 3 things were debunked and gives zero information.

    Posts in a thread called "IF YOU WANT NEW MODES - PUT YOUR IDEAS HERE" for to say they don't want modes.

    Please keep bumping this post for visibility. The thread is designed so that trolls like you help us in achieving our goal.

    Look forward to hearing your response. More and more people are seeing this first post by the minute. Seriously thank you.

    Hah! Take a look through the past four pages, and I think you'll find a good number of people here, including myself, who have clearly explained why more gamemodes shouldn't be in the game, including given your three reasons listed. Which, I may add, are your opinions, and not definitive reasons why new gamemodes should be added.

    And thanks for the "troll" accusation. In hindsight that was quite predictable, given your interactions with everyone else who disagrees with you in this thread.

    Rule number one of the internet: never give your opinion if you're not also prepared to start an argument.

  • In the recent Reddit AMA Mike Chapman states 'Whatever we do we'll look to continue players' immersion and not take them out of the world into a mini game or separate modes.'

    So although some are good ideas there will be NO MINI GAMES & NO SEPARATE MODES!

  • @blam320 said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! The first post includes the list!:

    @sneakler said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! The first post includes the list!:

    @blam320 said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! The first post includes the list!:

    We have repeatedly debunked all three of the arguments you listed

    Addresses nothing I have said.

    Says 3 things were debunked and gives zero information.

    Posts in a thread called "IF YOU WANT NEW MODES - PUT YOUR IDEAS HERE" for to say they don't want modes.

    Please keep bumping this post for visibility. The thread is designed so that trolls like you help us in achieving our goal.

    Look forward to hearing your response. More and more people are seeing this first post by the minute. Seriously thank you.

    Hah! Take a look through the past four pages, and I think you'll find a good number of people here, including myself, who have clearly explained why more gamemodes shouldn't be in the game, including your three reasons listed. Which, I may add, are your opinions, and not definitive reasons why new gamemodes should be added.

    And thanks for the "troll" accusation. In hindsight that was quite predictable, given your interactions with everyone else who disagrees with you in this thread.

    Rule number one of the internet: never give your opinion if you're not also prepared to start an argument.

    In the debate world...this is what we REFER TO AS A DODGE.

    Nice dodge.

    Those are not my opinions...those are my LIST or REASONS. You said the SOLE REASON we wanted something was X and I explained to you what my actual reasons were.

    You literally chose not to defend the three things you were challenged on. I will accept that you have no answer.

    Thank you for bumping this post to the top of the page once again. Your help is appreciated.

    The reasons I listed for why the modes would be a success are just reasons. They are nothing more then just reasons. Can you point to one of these reasons that is inaccurate?

    Posting somewhere that is called "If you want new modes - Put your ideas here" to tell people they have bad ideas makes you a troll. I did not accuse you of being a troll. You are a troll that is assisting us in adding visibility.

  • @sneakler said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! The first post includes the list!:

    @blam320 said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! The first post includes the list!:

    @sneakler said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! The first post includes the list!:

    @blam320 said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! The first post includes the list!:

    We have repeatedly debunked all three of the arguments you listed

    Addresses nothing I have said.

    Says 3 things were debunked and gives zero information.

    Posts in a thread called "IF YOU WANT NEW MODES - PUT YOUR IDEAS HERE" for to say they don't want modes.

    Please keep bumping this post for visibility. The thread is designed so that trolls like you help us in achieving our goal.

    Look forward to hearing your response. More and more people are seeing this first post by the minute. Seriously thank you.

    Hah! Take a look through the past four pages, and I think you'll find a good number of people here, including myself, who have clearly explained why more gamemodes shouldn't be in the game, including your three reasons listed. Which, I may add, are your opinions, and not definitive reasons why new gamemodes should be added.

    And thanks for the "troll" accusation. In hindsight that was quite predictable, given your interactions with everyone else who disagrees with you in this thread.

    Rule number one of the internet: never give your opinion if you're not also prepared to start an argument.

    In the debate world...this is what we REFER TO AS A DODGE.

    Nice dodge.

    Those are not my opinions...those are my LIST or REASONS. You said the SOLE REASON we wanted something was X and I explained to you what my actual reasons were.

    You literally chose not to defend the three things you were challenged on. I will accept that you have no answer.

    Thank you for bumping this post to the top of the page once again. Your help is appreciated.

    The reasons I listed for why the modes would be a success are just reasons. They are nothing more then just reasons. Can you point to one of these reasons that is inaccurate?

    Posting somewhere that is called "If you want new modes - Put your ideas here" to tell people they have bad ideas makes you a troll. I did not accuse you of being a troll. You are a troll that is assisting us in adding visibility.

    Read the post immediately above the one you just posted, the one by @LogansDadToo, and you'll see the final answer to this debate. An answer that I, as well as several others, have repeatedly told you, but now you're hearing it straight from the top sea-dogs at RARE themselves.

  • @logansdadtoo said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! The first post includes the list!:

    In the recent Reddit AMA Mike Chapman states 'Whatever we do we'll look to continue players' immersion and not take them out of the world into a mini game or separate modes.'

    So although some are good ideas there will be NO MINI GAMES & NO SEPARATE MODES!

    Ideas/Wish list thread.

    Nothing has been ruled out. I guarantee they would dodge this in a second by making you sail to a certain vendor where you queue for a "race" or a "war" but regardless...this is just an ideas thread.

  • @sneakler Dreams it is then. Fine thing to do! I encourage you to spend as much time as ye can dreaming!
    Be careful about what dreams you share for some have been condemned in order to prioritize more concrete stuff. You will be called up upon it, fairly and nicely I sure hope.
    Keep on and good luck to ye!

  • To be fair. I think it was a known thing from the beginning that RARE wants to keep most if not all of the game concealed within its initial game world.

    There are many things that are known. Many hate modes and many want them.

    This was only just a ideas thread and people need to understand that and not get so upset and feel they need to chime in and tell people how these things are a terrible idea. What does anyone gain from chiming in to do that.

    Can't we all just get along.

  • @apocacide I forgot the exact wording they had a weird tweet to drake because of the recent record breaking moment on twitch with NINJA, when you click on the tweet and you look at all the comments to RARE/SOT the backlash was so hard.

    It's just a particular gut feeling this game is more geared towards streamers/youtubers then us but I will be proud to be absolutely wrong about that.

  • @apocacide said in If you want new MODES - Put your ideas here! The first post includes the list!:

    lowest common denominator: pop music, reality tv, partisan politics, and c****y video games, but it's ok i ain't mad, gonna be done with this game by fall anyway

    Yeah sadly I feel this game will be a spring/summer game and will fade by fall as well. The potential is there...but I feel the first major update or two will literally make or break this games future.

  • Would love ship races ..... testing the skill of a crew against a prevailing wind.

  • @mbl666 A Regatta ;D that be technical fancy language for ship race.

  • Realistic/Survival mode.

    When you die you start all over again with a new ship, There's food/hunger too.

  • I like all of the above , good ideas all of them . It would be neat if there were nations and you could get bounty’s from the nations and npc players hunted you based on bounty .

  • @sneakler ok yup is that what you want? ....ok please forward to the next window

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