Titles and Badges

  • Our shiny new titles definitely give a sense of pride and accomplishment, but I was curious if any others would be added to the mix, be it for in-game achievements or another method.
    We have
    -'Insider' for Insiders
    -'Founder' for Tech Alpha players
    -'Pioneer' (Pre-Orders?)

    Additionally, what titles would you guys add? Maybe titles for faction reputation, or PVP combat, wealth, fame.

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  • Yeah it would be nice to have more forum titles and the abilitiy to choose which one should be displayed since i believe 4 are the max amount you can show.

    And i mean forum titles for special stuff you did ingame, maybe also maybe add some special avatars.

  • Pioneer is a tag for a certain testing group that was in the alpha, and I guess since it remains, we'll still be in use. I'd like to see a tag for the faction you align to though.

  • yes we need more exclusive titles!

  • Wow @zodemere!

    Reviving a 9 month old topic, that must be a new necro record. It would almost validate a badge.. of shame.

    @Deckhands close this one please.

  • @fishst1ck said in Titles and Badges:

    Wow @zodemere!

    Reviving a 9 month old topic, that must be a new necro record. It would almost validate a badge.. of shame.

    @Deckhands close this one please.
    Whaat is wrong with this topic? Why should it be closed? What would hhappen if it wasn't closed??

  • As this thread was 9 months old, and revived today, it will now be locked. Please feel free to start a new discussion on this topic!

    A general reminder to all, please avoid reviving threads aged past 30 days, as it is considered a necro, and is against our forum rules

    Bumping Threads
    Bumping threads with content that is not providing additional information to the original post is not permitted. Resurrecting very old threads is also not permitted. A warning will be issued and the thread locked. Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

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