Meet Yecats, the pirate cat!

  • Inspired by the Sea of Thieves concept art of a cat released a while back (pictured below), I really wanted to make one

    So here he is....... FINALLY! (He was made by a slow process of needle felting wool)

    And here is his story...

    Dagger Tooth was a bustle of activity, traders selling their wares, crews coming and going as well as the occasional outburst heard from the direction of the local tavern. It was early morning but already the Bonny Badger was pulling up to the jetty.

    The captain, a big stocky man with a wooden leg and bright red beard was the first to disembark. “Look lively mateys” he bellowed. His crew followed the order, making their way down the wooden jetty. Amongst them a scrawny fellow covered in tattoos, a solid dark-haired lad and a young blonde lass bearing a deep scar across her cheek.

    They each made their way with purpose while the captain paced impatiently. His missing leg was the result of a shark attack a long time ago but that is another story entirely. His crew knew better than to bring it up and despite his maimed leg and fear of sharks he was a fair man and well respected.

    He raised his head as the blonde lass came back into view, fished out something from her pockets and threw it at the ground. “Ashton! …” but then he stopped, what was the point; she glanced over with a smirk and then back to the little cat that had slunk its way out of hiding. The little cat quickly grabbed the food eyeing her cautiously before setting about to eat it. He was a small grey cat with many scars. She watched him for a bit and then picked up the barrel of supplies, making her way back to the ship.

    “ye should stop encouraging ye cat” The captain barked. Ashton just shrugged and dumped the barrel down below deck. Cats often frequented the outposts scavenging for food and she probably didn’t help the situation but she had grown attached to this little one. When the rest of the crew soon arrived the captain gave the order to set sail.

    Now you must know that pirates are a superstitious bunch and no more so than Captain Redman. When all was well, it was a good omen but when things weren’t then it usually foretold of bad things to come.

    It was the fourth night at sea when their tattooed lookout spied a shadowy figure streak across the deck. He raced down the crow’s nest to raise the alarm but stopped, hand on the bell listening for any more noise, nothing. Strange, he searched around the deck and then popped his head down below but all was as it was, the others were sleeping soundly. He was about to go back to his post when he noticed a dead rat lying outside the captain's door. A rat was nothing strange to see but this one was dead with fresh blood still seeping out of its neck.

    The captain’s light was on so he knocked on the door. "Captain, something is awry. There be some sort of creature aboard" and he showed the Captain the rat. The Captain just shook his head "Ye cat!" He growled and stormed out of the cabin.

    On deck the sea had calmed the others must have noticed it too as they came up from below. The captain forgetting his exasperation looked up at the sky, pitch black with no stars and the occasional flash of lightening in the far distance. "I don' like the feeling of this".

    There was a heaviness and faint scent to the air, a scent you couldn’t quite put a finger to. They all heard it though, soft and soothing. It filled their senses, calmed their movement, an intoxicating lullaby.

    Then all of a sudden another sound cut through their consciousness, a high pitched yawl. It was enough to snap the Captain back to his senses in time to grab the wheel. The little cat continued to growl fixated on a dark patch of sea. The others came to and tended the sails.

    Becalmed as they were they would not be moving fast. “Block ye ears!” the captain yelled.

    Time seamed to stand still, each of them cupped their ears watching the little cat on deck. He stood tense, teeth bared, ears pulled back and tail twitching. For what seemed an eternity he remained poised then as a breeze ruffled his fur he raised his head to sniff the air. The wind began to pick up and everyone's heads turned to the billowing sails. Ashton glanced back down to where the cat had been but he was no longer there.

    Sailing for hours they did not stop. The dark –haired lad, Isaac, eventually relieved the captain from the wheel and he retired back to his cabin to check the maps. Ashton took over watch and their tattooed crew mate Fitz went below deck.

    It was only when light began to dawn on the horizon did they speak. "You reckon the captain will let ye keep that cat?" Isaac asked. Ashton just shrugged; probably not likely, he never had a great love of cats.

    Sure enough when they returned to Dagger Tooth the Captain ordered they release the little cat, having caught it in an ammo box. The little cat however had other ideas and somehow found its way back on-board. It accompanied them on many journeys after that and even the Captain became somewhat fond of him. Well until it decided to use his wooden leg as a scratching post that is. “Yecats!!!” he would yell, and so that is what they named him. He had mischievousness to him and was either getting into trouble or proving his worth finding treasure or sensing danger; and not to mention he had saved their lives that night.

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  • An amazing work!
    The story has enchanted me :)

  • This is awesome, @stacky-a! Very cool and well made. I kinda want one.

  • @stacky-a that's awesome! My wifey really enjoys needle felting as well. I should show her this.

  • @stacky-a A true Artisan in crafting both feline and words. Excellent work on both Cat AND tale matey.

    (Write another 8 and ye be 'avin yer own Cat'o'nine 'tales' ) Sorry, couldn't resist 😆

  • @stacky-a That is AMAAAAAZING! I've needle felted before but nothing that big lol
    And I love the story. You are one clever lady! :D

  • I've never wanted a cat on my ship more
    The story & the creation are both very awesome, thank you for sharing this masterpiece :D

  • @stacky-a That is absolutely stunning work! So brilliant to have a story to go along with him too, fabulous!

  • @El-Espectro-0 @JediKnightXIII @SappyElephante @Wargrym @lizalaroo @Clumsy-George @Erinom3 @KattTruewalker

    Thanks everyone for your kind comments :)
    This little guy took me months to create (and he is actually not that big, only about 20cm or so in length) so I am really glad you like him and his story :). Of course I did have the help of my very own pirate cat, Zelda (whether I wanted it or not) She always insists on helping with any of my projects.

  • That is phenomenal!!! 😲 Wow...just wow.

    My expression when I saw this great work of art...

  • @xmuddynucklesx Thanks! :)

  • @stacky-a Woah! I don't know what needle felting is but that is impressive! The Story also reminds me of something...

    alt text

    You might know where that is from...

  • @stacky-a Great, great job mate !

  • Superb work! Great character embodied here. Entertaining
    yarn, too!

  • Wow you really do have some talent and I’m very impressed please keep these comming it’s amazing work

  • Beautiful work!

  • @Khan-Azukr @DMaxx11 @Zombie-P1ague @BiggX01 Thanks!

    @Ecljpse Thanks! and Wow you are right! I think you are referring to Red Lead, the cat onboard HMAS Perth (I). Apparently she walked through red paint and left little paw prints on the ship haha! Unfortunately this ship was sunk and she was lost/died at sea. Also interesting was that she had tried to leave the ship a few times before this disaster but each time the sailors had returned her to the deck, (maybe she knew) - it was often thought that cats brought good luck aboard a ship and the fact that she tried to leave must have been a sign of bad luck to come.
    To commemorate her they left tiny red paw prints onboard the HMAS Perth III.

  • @stacky-a I originally heard that story from a sailor stationed on the HMAS Perth III. We would trade ship paraphernalia whenever we sailed with a foreign ship.
    alt text
    Of course we were going to ask.

  • @ecljpse oh wow that's cool! Yeh I like to read different stories relating to animal companions/ mascots during the war, and particularly cats. This one I remember from aussie history at school. My grandad served in the Australian Navy as well.

  • @stacky-a Same. From Simon the cat on HMS Amethyst during the 1949 Yangtze incident and Rob the dog who landed with allied forces in North Africa in 1945 (Both awarded the Dickin Medal I believe, one posthumously I think) through to amazing tales of incredible bravery, loyalty and friendship. With animals you always knew their actions were genuine and unconditional. Even many centuries ago, people and animals did some incredible things together.

  • @wargrym here are two stories of true animal bravery and dedication to their human friends.

    During World War II, the 22nd Artillery Supply Company of the 2nd Polish Corps had an unusual soldier among its ranks, a 440-pound Syrian bear named Wojtek. Wojtek first came to the company as a cub, but over the course of the war he matured and was given the rank of corporal in the Polish army.

    “heroism of highest caliber” and “bravery under fire.” The general solemnly lifted an engraved solid gold medal from its case and pinned it to the hero’s uniform. In response, the Times reported, the solider “licked his chops and wagged his diminutive tail.” Sergeant Stubby, a short brindle bull terrier mutt, was officially a decorated hero of World War I. The award was not a formal U.S. military commendation, but it symbolically confirmed Stubby, who’d also earned one wound stripe and three service stripes, as the greatest war dog in the nation’s history. According to the Smithsonian National Museum of American History, he was the first dog ever given rank in the U.S. Army. His glory was even hailed in France, which also presented him with a medal

    This is why I can’t wait to have a pet sail along side me in SOT

  • This is awesome!!

  • @stacky-a interesting background-look forward to reading more about the war cats :)

  • @snrdelgado You might find this website interesting then. I know I did :) -

  • @stacky-a very cool-yes it seems most of these stories have revolved around dogs. Also i guess cats are much more useful on ships!

  • @stacky-a Wow this is so cool, I'm glad I got a chance to see it since its kinda old post. Do you still have yecats floating around somewhere haha?

  • @revanjstone Thanks 😊 yep he sits on one of my bookshelves tormenting my other two cats who aren't allowed up there haha

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