Good patch today

  • Zero sarcasm, I had to buy a new sloop as couldn't load guilds but had a night of hourglass with zero disconnects. Decent queues where lots of people playing, great night. We did lose cannons from shipwright but still massive improvement

    I called my sloop 'guilds won't load' 😅

    3 champ streaks, felt good to pvp

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  • @hiradc most importantly though… did your game crash?

  • I always have two ships. Guild and non guild

    Just because things have been happening with guilds it seems.

  • @hiradc
    I took days off work to play this game early knowing it was going to be awesome from playing the beta.
    But the early aces hits and I’m siting there with a FAT (cigar) blunt ,that costs a lot more than the game, ready to throw down on the high seas…. And the game says I have to sail SOLO! For the next 5 days!?

    I’m like ok.. might aswell hav sum fun…
    10min later a gallon Rolls up next to me and boards. Spawn killing me while they sail my ship to the edge of the map.
    They did not even take my loot.
    And hey I get it, “pirate” as jack always says. I’m not mad at players… it’s just the fact that I know I never stood a chance because of the Company…
    Really bad taste in my mouth.

    Kinda tastes like my own butt if you get my meaning

  • Rough start but it's alright for me now.

    No crashes so far for me which is awesome after 2 months of it (we shall see how it goes)

    Environment feels so much better with skelly ships fixed and the cof in the fof.

    They keep "nerfing" megs which annoys me as a game direction but I dunno what they are actually nerfing because they haven't changed much with spawns in the last 3 nerfs lol. Which is fine with me.

    Still have another update to get through in less than a week but today's update seems manageable for me personally and there are some improvements overall that I appreciate.

    Really looking forward to using skelly galleons again as my crew against brigs and sloops that attack me. I missed it.

  • @tesiccl nope not at all. Was great.

    I realise this is probably Stockholm syndrome where the game has been so rough recently, that I'm grateful for actually staying on the server and not having me or crewmates dc every fight but hey I'll take it. I was very thankful to my kidnapper 🤣

  • @hydroharmony373 honestly a lot of people would say that open crew has high chance of trolling or griefing crewmates so although more effort it's better to find other people to sail with by alternative means.

  • @hiradc said in Good patch today:

    @hydroharmony373 honestly a lot of people would say that open crew has high chance of trolling or griefing crewmates so although more effort it's better to find other people to sail with by alternative means.

    Alternative means like what?
    Friending random people online?
    I’m not allowed to play with anyone I don’t already know.


  • @hiradc thank the whale lord! I did try earlier but couldn’t rely on my own experience if it was a fluke. So happy to hear it’s fixed!

  • Full day of no disconnects for me, the first in a couple of months.

    No issue with diving/raids, first time in a couple of months.

    I was getting random freezes as well in the last couple months and didn't get any of those today.

    Makes a huge difference when not having those disconnects/crashes looming over sessions.

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