Muskets w/ or w/o bayonets could be a game changer

  • To the Sea of Thieves team:
    The coming update is including a weapon, the double barrel pistol, it is greatly appreciated by members in the community. The combat in the game could be more enjoyable and immersible, by adding a versatile weapon such as a musket (without a scope). Perhaps it could have the same damage, reload speed, and ballistics as the pistol. It could further elongate a gun fight between two player ships in a positive manner by creating a fight worth fighting for. Additionally, a bayonet would cause a more thrilling and heart thumping fight when it comes to boarding the ships of other players with fixed bayonets. The current long rage weapon includes a scope which feels out of place in the “pirate” world. The magical aspect to the combat in the game has outweighed the immersion to the life of a ship crew. Adding a musket would increase the interest of players and there for bringing more members to the community.
    The heart of this email comes from my boyfriend, who’s played the game far longer than I have (since the first day of its release). We’ve been playing this game together for a long time. I’ve been hearing him go on and on and on and on and on about muskets in the game. Pleaseeeeeee gets on knees help me

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  • I'd love a musket that draws the line between flintlock (55) and eye of reach (70). A bayonet sounds fun.

    I'd also love to see powder smoke for all weapons that is larger and lingers much longer to make ship combat more dynamic but that's just a personal opinion.

  • @lyzzyxd79 not sure if a musket will bring in new players... but I'm all for new content.

  • Since we've got the double barrel flintlock to draw the line between blunderbuss and flintlock, adding a musket to draw the line between flintlock and eye of reach would make sense

  • @lyzzyxd79 said in Muskets w/ or w/o bayonets could be a game changer:

    Perhaps it could have the same damage, reload speed, and ballistics as the pistol. It could further elongate a gun fight between two player ships in a positive manner by creating a fight worth fighting for.

    How would a musket achieve any of this? It reads as please add musket because good. Surely another weapon with clone properties of an existing weapon is pointless. Logically a musket would be higher damage and range in exchange for higher load time....we have eye of reach for that.

    The only interesting part of this idea (in my opinion) is the bayonet, presumably as some type of melee damage, possibly a charge at people style attack, but it would be likely overpowered to allow a weapon both range and melee (I know throwing knives get this but the melee damage looks negligible)

  • Since we got a double-barreled flintlock to usurp the flintlock at close-mid ranges we might as well add a musket to completely remove flintlock from the game

  • Too many weapon choices is never fun. So many things to balance until there is a meta. Leaving good weapons behind for “power plays”

  • @burnbacon said in Muskets w/ or w/o bayonets could be a game changer:

    Too many weapon choices is never fun. So many things to balance until there is a meta. Leaving good weapons behind for “power plays”

    I gotta disagree. The weapons would need to be balanced, but more weapons mean that combat feels less repetitive.

  • I am all for new weapons and items but i don't know what kind of slot this would fill. Flintlock is short range single shot and eye of reach is a bit longer and damage is 55 and 70 if i am thinking right. Blunderbuss is the shortest of the ranges to be accurate and is anything for 10-100 damage. Going by the videos for the dual pistol it might have the same range and accuracy? The video seems kinda close and i would think having two barrels it has a longer reload but we have no damage numbers for it so far so can't speak for that but i don't see flintlock being replaced by it as it will be a matter of taste i think more then anything. The throwing knife seems kinda like a mix between having your melee and range all in one while not excelling in either. Again i could be wrong while the video shows some cool stuff with it again no damage numbers we don't know an effective range etc. So to me it seems like if i was to guess at it the dual pistol and knife are like a sidegrade to the pistol and blunderbuss while the knife is also a possible sidegrade to the sword as well.

    However what would musket fill? I mean rifles are long range and the eye of reach covers that being a sniper. So if we get rid of the scope then it's a musket and then i would assume the same damage amount. So what would make this different at this point? I don't think speeding up the bullet or increasing the range would work. I mean a bayonet would be nice but then the problem you have is this weapon pretty much will be the best in the game period. I mean i would love a gun that would allow me to shoot and hit hard at a good range plus spear people close up for good damage. As of season 12 the knife is the only weapon that is melee and ranged but i am sure it's melee is not strong per the devs works the heavy attack looks slow to. How would you balance the bayonet? by Nature they are long range and spear like and kinda slow so if it does little damage it's worthless. If it's fast you have annoying pokes with a range shot too. If it does a lot of damage it will replace short range for boarding. I mean i will happily stab people climbing my ladder in the face if it does 50-75 damage if it's less then this it would be worthless as sword would and should be faster. Other then this it's giving it a knockback then for lower damage but then it will still outclass everything as knocking people of ladders wins fights and it's not always reliable on the bunderbuss. I know this is a lot to read but this has to be looked at when things are suggested.

    Honestly i can see things like a spear/harpoon and boarding axes weapon working and having it's space. I can see something like a mini flamethrower or sonic weapon like the ashen and sirens skull working (of course as their own thing not a quest item). I think in season 14 something like a hunting slingshot could work for another silent weapon that can do a lot but we will have the blowgun (sounds like it may not do damage) but this one could be the damage version of stealth ranged with effects. I mean i would be happy with having light medium and heavy swords with stats for them or different fighting styles.

  • @shifue-draven imo out of all the weapons you suggested a musket seems the most plausible mechanics wise and theme wise, it would be in-between pistol and eye of reach in both damage and range, similar to how the double barrel pistol looks to be in-between blunderbuss and pistol, although I can't see the bayonet working well for balance. But a musket over a flamethrower and sonic weapon makes more sense in a pirate game. The flamethrower and sonic weapons we already have fill that spot and make sense thematically being cursed skulls

  • @rotten-rocko Theme wise anything works as it's a pirate game but it's a fantasy pirate game. I don't see how it would be a good inbetween as the range and damage are so close anyways. So the functionality will be marginal at best and basically will just kill using the flintlock unless they make it do something else worth while. Out of the weapons i suggested spear and harpoons if you want to stick to pirate/time period are well noted on ships and we even have pictures in game with them and i think an emote(i could be wrong on this one). Boarding axes are common during the era of ships we have and in real life where common until 1840s when ships started becoming metal hulls even then they where still there but started becoming less used due to boarding and need wood was becoming less the way of naval combat. Hunting singshots have been around everywhere forever and a day and in all walks of life and different stats for light medium and heavy swords could work here or different styles as there are many schools of sword fighting and a rapier and cutlass handle and fight differently.

    As well yes i know we have the skulls that fill that spot and being cursed etc. The point i was more getting at is having a more useful way or meaningful way of getting something like this without the world event. The damage the ashen skull does is not worth the cost of losing it to keep it as a weapon. The siren skull is not worth it either for the slowing of the ship and the marker on your head. After all we could always get cursed weapons there is room for it.

  • This is something I have been advocating for a very long time. A musket in a pirate game just makes sense, and I don't understand why it hasn't been implemented.

  • @animeowl0807 said in Muskets w/ or w/o bayonets could be a game changer:

    @burnbacon said in Muskets w/ or w/o bayonets could be a game changer:

    Too many weapon choices is never fun. So many things to balance until there is a meta. Leaving good weapons behind for “power plays”

    I gotta disagree. The weapons would need to be balanced, but more weapons mean that combat feels less repetitive.

    I don't think this game has enough variables available for weapons to make multiples interesting. New ones will usurp existing ones or they'll be forgotten because they are worse.

  • @shifue-draven fair enough but you're argument saying a musket would be to similar to other weapons doesn't make much sense when you ask for different sword types there's only so much they can do to the sword otherwise everyone will complain ones useless and the others too powerful, like they already do with the one sword type we already have

  • With the new weaponry, I would like for them to add a secondary function to each of them:

    1: Pistol/Blunderbuss/Eye of Reach/Double-shot: Add a slow melee bash, 20 damage (Little bit less than sword, and not nearly as quick as swinging the sword). Can Charge it to do 30 damage (Like the Sword Lunge, but attack happens on release and you can't jump when charging)
    2: Sword: can do a quick jab (Just 15 damage, but will go through a sword block) or (if timed right) following a 3 swing block (From either the blocker or attacker), will do a quick sword riposte (basically an instant sword lunge)
    3: Throwing Knives: Parry. Basically allow the Throwing Knives the ability to deflect sword/knife swings... but it would have to be timed, and have a shorter arc than the Sword block
    4: Harpoon Gun: Jab with the pointy end. Would have a very limited arc (When compared to swinging the sword) but would cause the same damage as the sword but with a slower attack speed and limited arc (Lunge would also be there, though without the ability to jump when charging). If you don't have ammo it would just be the standard bash that the other guns have.

    With your musket, I think it would basically be like the Eye of Reach without a scope... maybe have it cause a little bit more damage (80-90?) but have it reload even slower. But it can also do the same Jab as the Harpoon Gun, only without it requiring ammo.

  • @rotten-rocko It still makes sense in all honesty with melee you can add more variety in a game like this. The guns for this time period there is only so much you can do before one just totally outclasses the other. For example lets look at it like this we have dagger,rapier,cutlass, and heavy swords we have like 3 oddballs that are not in the classes but we are just going to ignore that for the time. Now as it stands we have seen that dagger has a different style of play lets break up what could be done.

    Dagger- plays different then sword in the videos it looks like it swings fast and have a special heavy attack that is an overhead that stuns and does more damage from behind. It also can be thrown and no word on if it will be able to block or parry.

    Rapier- Light sword give it a faster speed and lighter damage and the ability to parry instead of block and it's a thrust weapon so it's poking instead of swinging. If we keep a heavy attack for this lunge would be fine if we want more flair riposte is the answer you successfully parry their is your follow up and your turn. Parrying if failed you take full damage or half damage. This keeps it balanced and give it the same level of skill while making it unique and different and effectively giving you a more defensive weapon.

    Cutlass- medium sword we could just leave this as it is or we could give it a more defined role honestly for the sake of this post we will leave it the same.

    Heavy sword- slower movement higher damage has a block. Reduced combo ability to balance out the damage. The charge attack i have a few ideals but lets use this one. Sword rush works like lunge except you have a button release(hold to charge like lunge you control the rush and release the button to swing and timer before it releases the attack if you don't release.). Upon hit heavy damage depending on how much range is covered. If it's blocked depending on range covered at short range light knockback, medium range heavy knockback(like lunge hits),long range Crush you take damage blocking like 30-40ish and have a 1-2 cripple effect. Sword rush downsides if missed it's a longer recovery then lunge if knocked out of rush (damage thresh hold of like 35-50) they are stunned. This is a more offensive style of play lending more toward solid offense you deal more damage while possibly leaving yourself more open. This of course will have it's own level of skill and balances out while again being it's own beast.

    This will keep all swords relevant and can help with a preferred play style want faster lighter hits that can harass or be more defensive? Rapier. Want to stay kind of middle of the road being good at everything but not excelling at one thing? Cutlass. etc. With melee weapons there is always an easy way to balance them and add function to them. Guns in games due to the nature of what they are it's easy to make one outclass another fast. If are all single shot like flintlock blunderbuss and eye of reach the only things that set them apart is damage, range, velocity, and accuracy. We are going to see if dual pistol will outclass flintlock come the 30th and it may or may not replace the flintlock and depending on damage the blunderbuss. That is the problem with ranged weapons if you are keeping your distance it's going to be the highest damage that is why 2 gunning in this game is so strong.

    • Basic Smoothbore Musket
    • Musketoon
    • Boarding Axe
    • Boarding Pike
    • Real Fused Grenades (3 second timer, and it's a quarter the power/radius of a keg maybe?)
    • Stink Grenades (This was really used and they were called Stinkpots)

    This is OP, but...

    • Swivel Guns
    • Cannons/Howitzers/Mortars on wheels we can carry around on land
  • @hiradc I think a musket with a bayonet is a great idea. It would be over powered if it had melee and long range but a solution to that could be it can only block sword or knife attack. Another solution is it could have a stamina bar for attacks were the more damage you make with the bullets the more stamina you gain in the bar

  • @olde-grim-jack said in Muskets w/ or w/o bayonets could be a game changer:

    • Basic Smoothbore Musket
    • Musketoon
    • Boarding Axe
    • Boarding Pike
    • Real Fused Grenades (3 second timer, and it's a quarter the power/radius of a keg maybe?)
    • Stink Grenades (This was really used and they were called Stinkpots)

    This is OP, but...

    • Swivel Guns
    • Cannons/Howitzers/Mortars on wheels we can carry around on land

    More weapons gives variety, especially when they all have different functions and uses. I can honestly see the musket being added in the future, but it might take a minute. The grenades are an interesting one though, I'd assume they could be found in barrels and such

  • @mrhornet06 I think it would be cool if they added moving cannons but it would probably have to stay on the island it was found on

  • @nukesuper like a portable cannon? Or cannons that have wheels and actually move around?

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