FPS And Ping Setting For Consoles

  • Having a setting to show fps and ping on consoles (if needed and wanted) would be amazing and helpful for those who wanna know that information just like PC players. Other games have them including this one but it’s not available for console players… I think it’s time to add that… a small feature but important to lots of gamers still :)

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  • As long as it was toggle-able I’d be totally okay with that.

  • Having a setting to show fps and ping on consoles (if needed and wanted)

    Why tho? Im console and I have no clue what anyone wants to see this useless infomation.

    I must ask the correct questions to have the only “replied” comment XD

  • @burnbacon you probably play on your tv with 60fps that’s why… it’s a setting a lot of pro pc players use and even console players on other games that play competitive they like to see what their frames are at and ping to see if they are lagging or not. It would be an option to turn it on or leave it off. You don’t have to get so upset over it and call it useless information when it’s not lol. It’s actually very important information to a lot of gamers

  • @burnbacon If it's useless to you it doesn't mean it's useless to everyone else and it is a toggle option like on PC it shouldn't concern you in anyway.
    Learn not to argue about every post you see in the forums especially when they're clearly positive ideas. We are only here to give Rare ideas & feedback.
    Happy sailing!

  • @jumli7 just stating facts not fighting lol and “lots” of console players actually like to see this setting it’s on other games as well you know…. even pc players like to see it. What you’re saying is your opinion and that’s why they would have an option on or off so players can freely choose if they want to have it on or not and they wouldn’t be forced to have it :)

  • @unhumanbliss Yes, I fully agree with you! It should be an option on console like it is on PC! Happy sailing!

  • Agreed. I wouldn’t necessarily use it myself, but don’t see the issue and it would be an easily-implemented minor upgrade for those that would.

  • It is a good idea the game is getting older and im suprised there isnt one already

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