What if the crashed are intentional?

  • So we have a game currently only unplayable on xbox on microsoft store, and the game coming out next month on playstation.

    So what if this is all some diabolical plot to push for playstation buys?

    xbox users realize that it doesn't work on microsoft related products, and refusing to buy a pc get a playstation?

  • 8
    xbox one
  • the whole "any press is good press thing" isn't a real thing most of the time.

    a product like this, in this space, with its social media presence, isn't going to benefit from the "broken game" narrative

    they want it to work well, they try to achieve that, no conspiracy in performance of the game

    this game has been successful entirely because of how awesome it is as an adventure game, it sells itself at the beginning and then all the cool free updates turns people into long term enjoyers

  • ...this is a joke, right? i doubt that theres some supervillain plot to get us to buy the Ps5

  • @gameglarb
    Yes, lol. This was my attempt of "Birds aren't real" fueled by sleep deprivation.

    I wanted to see if people would actually accept this.

  • Just no.

    I would be seriously surprised if PlayStation isn't plagued by issues early on, server capacity and the like. Natural teething problems etc

  • “Yeah let’s sabotage our own game so we can p_ss off the playerbase and force them to spend money on buying our game on a different platform cause reasons…”

    Some people shouldn’t be allowed internet privileges.

  • @ccc-735

    sucks for them because I didn't have many crashes and I'm not buying a Sony product if I can help it.

    Y'all ticked everybody off for nothing lol...

  • Causing people on pc or xbox to crash to try to make them buy something on a console they probably dont have makes very little sense. I have no idea where this idea is even coming from, but generally making your game unplayable is not profitable, especially if you are doing so to try to get people to spend money on a system they probably dont have.

xbox one
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