3rd person view - ps5

  • @jjblackhat giving up on this thread now, you state everyone else is inaccurate and not factual yet your only support for this is that you have game design experience. Your general condescending tone makes it clear you're not actually wanting feedback on your idea. Implying you hope devs are 'wiser' by seeing sense is just deluded. They have designed the entire game ui, experience but they should abandon all those principles because someone claims that people will leave if they don't completely overhaul the game. You're the only one trying to present claims and opinions as facts here is the irony.

  • @jjblackhat no the advantage 3rd person has over 1st person is the shoulder peak there's a reason dayz has 1st person only servers! Anyone who has experience in a game that offers both views will tell you that 3rd person view players have the corner peek advantage.... 3rd person view should never be added to a game 6 years after release!

  • I'm going to be honest here I just got the game not too long ago I don't like the first person perspective everything that's not in front of you is basically a blind spot where enemies or players could get you a first person perspective is not for everyone I just don't understand why the devs didn't make it so that you can toggle between third and first person it would make the game a lot easier for PVE combat now a third and first person perspective will have their advantages if a person is able to toggle between them for example a first person perspective will let you aim better with guns while in third person you can use your melee weapons a lot easier I think the devs should make a third person toggle a thing in Sea of Thieves

  • @jjblackhat said in 3rd person view - ps5:

    @whitestag1992 ya its almost a waste of time trying to defend 3rd person. From what I can see so many players are afraid of change or just prefer 1st person and are self exhorbant so instantly yell down No to 3rd person. It's crazy. Hopefully the developers are smarter otherwise they will eventually have a very quiet sea.

    Why would they eventually have a quiet sea? The game is 6 years old and very successful. I don’t think that we’re going to go back in time and see SoT fail because it doesn’t have 3rd person.

    Many people within this thread have given reasons, that doesn’t make them afraid of change.

    Too many post on these forums essentially saying “do this thing i like and Rare will make more money”. I think Rare would love to see the numbers you’ve compiled on that.

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