Spyglass/ship spotting

  • Just a suggestion, but what if something were added with the spyglass as such:

    1. When looking through it at another ship, other than just showing you the ships name and captains name, you can see the following;
      A) the quantity of crew on the
      B) next to the ships name, show a
      chest that signifies they have
      loot on board. But make it as
      a bronze chest for small
      quantity/value of loot (1-
      20,000) silver chest for
      medium (20,001 - 50,000)
      gold chest for large loot
      (50,001 and up)

    My idea behind this is from experience, zero loot on board the ship and being chased. When you tell them you have no loot, they don't believe you because people can lie if they have loot. But we've been sunk before by being chased for loot, said we had none, and afterwards we sailed back to that spot and found our log book and barrels. They just wanted loot and didn't believe we had none.

    This could help eliminate that happening to people, make people less likely to hoard huge amounts of treasure on their ships (which I've heard can cause lagging). And it would also help people choose targets more and instead of just attacking every single ship, or spending 30+ minutes chasing a ship with no loot.

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  • This extra information does more harm than good. You can use the emissary flags to determine whether the possibility of loot is higher, but you should never be able to see the kind of information directly.

    This eliminates a lot of plays like offloading your loot into a rowboat and escaping, since you'd be able to see immediately that there is no loot on board. You'd be able to see whether crew members are on or off the ship, which lets you know when exactly to strike or whether to expect boarders, etc...

    It's a terrible idea.

  • No. Both are just so that people will turn into targets where they otherwise wouldn't be. A will even lead to solo-slooping being ever worse then it already is.

    Part of the fun of the game is that you don't know what you will encounter and you have to weigh risk and reward. If you already know it before you engage (because you know the crewsize and lootsize), it will only lead to predictable fights, because people will just pick on ships that are outnumbered and on ships that have lots of loot. It will only remove the risk for the attacker. Hard no to that.

  • Eliminates some of the risk vs reward game present.

    Would mean no benefit to bluffing about your crew size or hiding your highest value loot, which would make the game a lot less interesting.

  • Yeah, I'm not sure about that to be honest, kind of feels like this would do the opposite than suggested.

    The only thing I would love if they added is if you could see the captains title. I mean since you see the ships title, the captains title should be displayed as well. This might add a deterrent that OP wishes for. If you see someone with a super hard to get one, you might think twice attacking that ship.

  • @d3adst1ck

    I did not say to show how many are on board the ship, just how many crewmates there are. If you're in a sloop with 2 crew members, and only one is inboard, it will still show as 2 in the tally.

  • @super87ghost

    The risk reward is still there. You could see a brig that says 3 crew members, but are all 3 on board? Is one somewhere else at an island? Is one potentially about to board you if you're too close? Who knows.

    As for the loot quantity, it would deter the issue where players may be fishing, or doing a quest, or may just be out racking up miles for their ship.

    There are tons of players who are nonhostile and don't wish to participate in pvp, this would help alleviate that and give them that freedom to relax.

  • @restlessboredom said in Spyglass/ship spotting:


    I did not say to show how many are on board the ship, just how many crewmates there are. If you're in a sloop with 2 crew members, and only one is inboard, it will still show as 2 in the tally.

    Why do you need that information? A sloop is for 2 players, a brigantine is 3 and a galleon is 4.

  • To add an additional suggestion. Maybe have a tally that the captain can turn on, on their ship, that says if they are non hostile or combative. It doesn't negate pvp and they can still be attacked/sunk, but it atleast gives players an edge to know who will fight and who won't.

    Obviously some people will still attack regardless. But atleast one non hostile will know when sailing towards another and will know if they are or not.

    And to eliminate the lying/false attitude that could happen;
    If a player has non hostile and attacks another player, they lose that tally and it no longer shows them as non hostile.

  • @restlessboredom said in Spyglass/ship spotting:

    To add an additional suggestion. Maybe have a tally that the captain can turn on, on their ship, that says if they are non hostile or combative. It doesn't negate pvp and they can still be attacked/sunk, but it atleast gives players an edge to know who will fight and who won't.

    Obviously some people will still attack regardless. But atleast one non hostile will know when sailing towards another and will know if they are or not.

    And to eliminate the lying/false attitude that could happen;
    If a player has non hostile and attacks another player, they lose that tally and it no longer shows them as non hostile.

    Everyone is just going to turn this on, making it a false flag and essentially useless.

    This essentially already exists with the Alliance offer flag and the "We're Friendly!" quick chat, both of which should not be trusted at all.

  • @d3adst1ck

    You completely missed my point just so you could argue. After this one, I'm done replying to your comments on here.

    Just because a sloop can have 2, doesn't mean it will, it could be soloed. Same for brig and galleon. There could be less than the quantity.
    We've even come across, rarely, but a sloop with 3 people and the third had his ship stashed elsewhere.

    Knowing what crew is on board gives players a chance. Someone sailing a sloop and has a brig or galleon chasing them can see a crew count to know to watch for boarders, if they'd stand a chance in a battle or if they stand no chance.

  • @d3adst1ck

    Once again, you missed the point just to argue. If you become hostile, the tally goes away and you're no longer non hostile.

    This is a feature the captain chooses when loading into a server, you can't simply turn it on while playing. So yeah they all turn them on, the moment you attack someone you lose it.

    Again, you missed the point simply to argue.

  • @restlessboredom said in Spyglass/ship spotting:


    The risk reward is still there. You could see a brig that says 3 crew members, but are all 3 on board?

    But you can see if its less then three, so then it would just scream "EASY TARGET!" That is the whole problem, ships with non-complete crews (especially solo-sloops) would just be attacked way more often, since everybody now knows they are easy targets. That is realy bad for the game!

    @restlessboredom said in Spyglass/ship spotting:

    As for the loot quantity, it would deter the issue where players may be fishing, or doing a quest, or may just be out racking up miles for their ship.

    Because fish can't be loot that others would want? And like @D3ADST1CK already pointed out, if you have another crewmate take the loot on an rowboat and quickly row away with it to secure it, the attacking boat would now imidiately know it. It removes that whole tactic of outsmarting the other crew. That is just bad for gameplay.

    @restlessboredom said in Spyglass/ship spotting:

    There are tons of players who are nonhostile and don't wish to participate in pvp, this would help alleviate that and give them that freedom to relax.

    It won't. It would probably make a lot of them bigger targets. A significant part of PvP'ers don't care about the loot, but just want to sink others. If they see you are a solo-slooper, they know you are easy prey and would like to attack you even more.

  • @restlessboredom said in Spyglass/ship spotting:


    You completely missed my point just so you could argue. After this one, I'm done replying to your comments on here.

    Just because a sloop can have 2, doesn't mean it will, it could be soloed. Same for brig and galleon. There could be less than the quantity.
    We've even come across, rarely, but a sloop with 3 people and the third had his ship stashed elsewhere.

    Knowing what crew is on board gives players a chance. Someone sailing a sloop and has a brig or galleon chasing them can see a crew count to know to watch for boarders, if they'd stand a chance in a battle or if they stand no chance.

    You're introducing a way to tell which ships are undercrewed and which ones have lots of loot - a recipe for targeting players. You're not thinking your suggestions through more than the single, narrow lens of someone being chased and not looking at it from the other viewpoint.

    A brig or galleon is going to be able to see that you are a solo sloop with lots of loot and no backup, making you an immediate easy picking target.

  • @d3adst1ck

    For the third time you've missed the point.

    The loot counter negates people from hoarding loot, which as I said, is said to cause lagging.

    Turning in loot more often means lower loot counts, which also would deter a galleon from attacking a sloop with low loot, no benefit.

    Read things in their entirety before attempting to argue, which I have noticed you do on a lot of people's suggestions.

    You've given zero validity as to why its a bad idea. Just stop.

  • @restlessboredom said in Spyglass/ship spotting:


    For the third time you've missed the point.

    I'm not missing the point. Your points are just bad for the game. If you don't see validity in the counter arguments I've presented, that's your problem.

  • @super87ghost said

    But you can see if its less then three, so then it would just scream "EASY TARGET!" That is the whole problem, ships with non-complete crews (especially solo-sloops) would just be attacked way more often, since everybody now knows they are easy targets. That is realy bad for the game!

    I understand your statement behind that, and it is a risk to solo and it be known you are solo. That's part of risk with it, same as any other risk in the game. You risk being sunk just by loading into the game, but at least people will know if they stand a chance or if they should flee.

    Because fish can't be loot that others would want? And like @D3ADST1CK already pointed out, if you have another crewmate take the loot on an rowboat and quickly row away with it to secure it, the attacking boat would now imidiately know it. It removes that whole tactic of outsmarting the other crew. That is just bad for gameplay.

    from what I understand, fish aren't considered loot. Same as skulls. Loot is what gets turned into the gold hoarder. I could be wrong, because it was in a post on this forum that I read it.

    It won't. It would probably make a lot of them bigger targets. A significant part of PvP'ers don't care about the loot, but just want to sink others. If they see you are a solo-slooper, they know you are easy prey and would like to attack you even more.

    I understand that, but those players attack other ships whether they know the crew count or not, atleast this way the target would have an idea if they'd stand a chance or just accept loss.

  • My crew has still done plays where we pretended to be 1 short while that player hid.

    As well I've solo slooped before, pretended I was watching the ship while a crewmate goes on the island, and a brig crew believed me and offered an alliance on the condition that I signal them with the reaper's mark and help them fight if I see a specific sloop that attacked them.

  • @restlessboredom You forget about PvE ships that see another PvE ship on or close to an island they have to be. If they see they outcrew them, you will get that they will now just attack and sink that ship in stead of just waiting behind an island/rock untill they leave.

    As someone else already pointed out: you have a bit of a tunnel vision in thinking that it will deter pvp, while everybody already pointed out that that will not be the case and rather the opposite.

    And it just goes against two core elements of the game:

    • it paints a target on some ships (not alone against the intent of the game, even against the rules)
    • it takes away the uncertainty in encounteres (you can't pretent to have less players then you have, you can hide your loot and pretent to not have it, you can't quickly move it off board to prevent it from being taken, etc.)

    So no, this will not happen and that is a good thing.

  • @super87ghost

    My post isn't the first with this suggestion. I like one a person put that said:
    If you carry stolen loot, an X goes on your ship on the ship map. So if you're just questing and getting loot you'd be safe, but players who sink others and steal their loot will show up on the map for others to hunt them. Allowing hunters to hunt each other while pve players just idle by.

    There isn't anything tunnel vision about my idea, it is risk reward for both pvp and pve players.

    Both sides have a gain and loss from it.

  • @restlessboredom Yes, and that idea was also shot down by the whole community and people pointed out that it goes against the rules of the game. SoT does not paint targets on players.

  • Reading the suggestion and all of the counter arguments is painfully clear that this solution to a real specific problem u had would do more damage in the long run... But throwing my 5-cents here..

    If you carry stolen loot, an X goes on your ship on the ship map. So if you're just questing and getting loot you'd be safe, but players who sink others and steal their loot will show up on the map for others to hunt them. Allowing hunters to hunt each other while pve players just idle by.

    Loot is not yours until turned in regardless of context, sure there is the legendary thief commendation but it's just a commendation, marking loot as "yours" or "stolen" doesn't make any sense at all with the "tools no rules" philosophy of the game... Not to mention that it's a bit too hopeful to think that this marking system would work. What if gift my loot? Or what if a player touches and forgets a chest on an island that I just found? What if someone goes planting potential stolen everywhere so PvErs are marked on the map? ETC.... Such a black-and-white (aka tunnel vision) system kinda falls apart on such an open-ended game like SoT

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