Being sunk in battle

  • So I have two kids that require attention, as any parent should pay attention to them, so I very casually take part in battles. Anywho I get sunk as I was distracted and get berated for exploiting system and should stick to only adventure. The new mode is PVP only so I don't deserve to have access to them. Then I get told I'm being reported for...sinking.

    blank stare

    They got a win, a match that didn't take two hours. I got a pittance of reported that will take 20 fold the time to get to the curse, and I'm exploiting/cheating?

    I was at a loss for words beyond explaining (no idea why I spoke to this person, nearly every exchange I have with someone is unpleasant) how my afternoon play sessions go on weekends. In the evenings I'd rather play the game as PvPvE with friends so don't get a chance to devote my full attention to the mode often.

    Lastly, how do you even GET streaks when 4 matches can take 4-6 hours after supplying, matching, and fighting.

    I guess my question is, how would sinking be reportable at all? Sounds like the same kind of person who gets mad when people scuttle for being spawn camped.

    P.s. I was blundered off my ship when it had holes and have no interest in a toxic encounter with another sweaty double gunner. Would just rather move to the next match

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  • @black-raven-360 pittance of reputation*

  • They think you're trying to tank your MMR to fight with weaker guys or something.
    People will hate for any reason and will find any reason to hate.

  • People that had no issue taking easy fights for years are all the sudden upset about taking easy fights.

    A big part of it doesn't have anything to do with you, matchmaking is slow and people often don't handle frustration great in this game because it's such a time consuming game.

    Mute crews that give you a hard time and play how you want to play.

    Be nice to people (or just don't be mean/unpleasant) and don't cheat and there is pretty much nothing to worry about. If the devs want to change the design they will change it, you're not violating rules at this time.

    Don't bait people and use mute when it's needed but if someone goes over the line and harasses you or mistreats you in a personal way you can report them. If they have an issue with it they can reach out to support and the devs in one way or another, nobody should be harassing anyone over this or anything else in game.

  • @astralenigma said in Being sunk in battle:

    They think you're trying to tank your MMR to fight with weaker guys or something.
    People will hate for any reason and will find any reason to hate.

    It's funny that they say that but end up getting matched with me 10+ more times. I ask after the 4-5th time how is that match making going? I'd guess they basically had been waiting and they end up getting a solo. They can think you can tank your MMR but its region first I'd think with some win or streak added to the equation.

  • If you could successfully report people for not playing the way you want them to this game would be dead...

    Don't worry about it.

  • I had a nice organic fight with friends on a brig last night. We raised OOS and we went to do the fleet. I have extreme anxiety and this game has made me paranoid as all getout. No other games like this so I take the good with the bad. Actually looking at my gameshelf from the last 20 years, lot of Rare games there.
    Anyways, got attacked organically by a reaper sloop and finally sank them after 10 minutes or so. I'm ok at the game, but who I play with aren't the best. I don't hate the pvp in this game, just get a knot in my stomach everything I partake. I play crossplay as my friends are on PC.

    I guess i don't know where I'm going with this, just feels good to talk into the void. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

  • @mouse-n-keybord said in Being sunk in battle:

    @astralenigma said in Being sunk in battle:

    They think you're trying to tank your MMR to fight with weaker guys or something.
    People will hate for any reason and will find any reason to hate.

    It's funny that they say that but end up getting matched with me 10+ more times. I ask after the 4-5th time how is that match making going? I'd guess they basically had been waiting and they end up getting a solo. They can think you can tank your MMR but its region first I'd think with some win or streak added to the equation.

    No-one other than the devs seem to know how this MMR works region seems to be the biggest factor because the ping is important.
    Also the queue shown timers seem to be based on general as in no region or boat related filters, you might be in europe and the dead hours on a galleon and it says it takes less than 1 min and wait 20 mins.

  • Your all good, no need to worry. Even if you were purposely losing, it’s not bannable. Wouldn’t surprise me if the people you encountered were kids who claim that Joe Neate is their dad and the Uncle is the CEO of Microsoft…

  • It the arena pvp players who want a good old down and dirty fight. When you are quickly sunk….some reason they don’t get the satisfaction of the win

    Yet these same people would sink you. When your off ship, on an island or shrine and not blink an eye. Post season 8

  • To me this is like twitch drops

    Everyone knows why they are there, it's the being that matters, everyone knows that many of the people aren't paying attention. Time and some effort for the reward. Everyone involved is getting something for the requirement.

    People getting fired up about people taking the loss to me is like if people started demanding that people "earn" the twitch drops beyond being there, going beyond the requirement and wanting people to focus on the content or post in the chats, etc. Nah lol, they are doing what was asked of them, all of the extra "do it my way" "earn it my way" is a pretty unreasonable request of another imo.

    People can always take the principled approach if they truly have a problem with it and leave the server/fight. All of this "I'm going to lecture them" "I am going to teach them a lesson" isn't the principled approach.

  • You did nothing wrong, obviously.

    Some people in this game are very poor winners. After a long battle I lost (was trying to get them with a cannon when I should have been bucketing). The guy starts spamming "Lol Lol Lol". This happens a lot, even after fairly matched battles. Where's the "GG's" the PvP players were begging for for years?

  • @burnbacon my crew was UTTERLY WRECKED by a NAL gally and it was all GG’s and the fight was less than a minute. Some people are chill some aren’t. On a side note other than it cost me a pretty good amount of supplies it was quite impressive and humbling to watch how that crew operated.

  • Getting sunk isnt reportable, dont worry my friend, just ignore people like that. Most people for this event are fairly good sports, so it shouldnt be common you run into that kind of behavior.

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