Hourglass Invincible ships and cheats

  • Hello,

    Earlier today me and my friend encoutered a ship that didn't come above the water. It just stayed underwater forever so there was nothing to hit or to sink.
    After that they started to board is all the time and trying to loot our resources.

    The worst part about this that they were aimbotting and ESPing the hell out of us, waiting in front of us to spawn and just shoot when you loaded in.
    And then they just sail you out of the battle zone like nothing happend ...

    Gamertags of those cheaters:

    What can you do about this?

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  • If you have evidence of cheating you should submit a report ticket to rare along with the evidence. rare will then deal with it. You shouldn't really be posting peoples gamertags on a public forum.

  • Where do you sumbit something like this?
    I searched for it but didn't find anything...

    Well people like that should be shamed in public

  • Support - Report a Player. It really isn't too hard to find, and it is against forum rules to post the Gamertags of others and accuse them of cheating. I would remove those from your post.

  • @h0ppyhop we don't witch hunt here. send in a support ticket with evidence

  • Well I don't see any option to remove their names from my first post ... :/
    I did send a support ticket

  • @h0ppyhop
    click the ships wheel in the bottom corner of your post and click edit

  • @testakleze I didn't even realize that shipwheel was a button with options :D

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