Increase toast speed (popups)

  • It seems like with this season the ingame notifications aka toasts are taking longer to clear off the screen. I know some of the PvP ones are a bit wordy so It seems like maybe this is why they are hanging on screen for longer. Can we maybe get an option for this to make them faster? I also notice these notifications are tied to graphic settings So if you have on cursed graphics the notifications stack up in a que and then if you turn up your graphics they will all spam your screen for as long as it takes to work through potentially hours worth of notifications. I imagine having these stuck in a que to display when able can't be healthy for the client or server?

    These notifications have always been kind of an issue and the only change you have made to them is if selling fast enough the game will now combine like notifications so we might see a captains chest x# notification instead of 1 chest after another. Had a friend come back recently and he was kind of surprised that the system still works this way.

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