Fixing the new PvP system

  • This new PvP system honestly has fantastic potential. However, it desperately needs several changes to keep it from being incredibly frustrating at times.

    1. If there's more than one ship in the arena that's about to get created... don't make the match. Don't send in the attackers. Just don't. It doesn't matter why there's more than one ship there right now, it isn't going to be a good experience for somebody.

    2. Attacker spawns. I literally just had a match where my ship surfaced pointing directly at a rock, we turned to the side to go around and instantly ran into a powder barrel. I get why there's debris fields with supplies and powder barrels in the arena, but there shouldn't be any directly between the two ships at the immediate start of the battle. There just shouldn't be.

    3. Respawn fighters who've lost at an Outpost. The game already throws the loser onto a different server so doing so won't deny the victor the ability to run and sell and won't give the loser the ability to easily restock and go for revenge.

    4. This is a more generalized complaint about respawning during combat... why can I not pull out a weapon, or throwable, or bucket, or whatever on the Ferry of the Damned and respawn with that thing in my hand ready to go?

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  • Respawning at an outpost for this would just be a nice qol thing for sure, and im sure with how many people have requested it, that it probably happen eventually.

    As for getting weapons out and ready, i always hold forward and spam the jump and 2 button to get moving and pull my pistol out asap to deal with people, if you are on pc that should work.

  • We need better warnings that the hourglass is PVP content, I spawned on a ship where new players barely 1 day old got ambushed on an outpost (another thing I think the arena shouldn't spawn around) and I who just had joined the session understood that the battle music I was hearing when I barely spawned was an enemy ship that had surfaced and my crew had no idea why they were being chased for inadvertently turning on PVP.
    PS: After writing this post I met someone who wanted to do the Guardians of fortune hourglass thinking that as long as they don't open the map they won't be invaded so they could boost their rep. This is a good example of how this mechanic isn't explicit enough that it's PVP content on demand.

  • @astralenigma said in Fixing the new PvP system:

    We need better warnings that the hourglass is PVP content, I spawned on a ship where new players barely 1 day old got ambushed on an outpost (another thing I think the arena shouldn't spawn around) and I who just had joined the session understood that the battle music I was hearing when I barely spawned was an enemy ship that had surfaced and my crew had no idea why they were being chased for inadvertently turning on PVP.
    PS: After writing this post I met someone who wanted to do the Guardians of fortune hourglass thinking that as long as they don't open the map they won't be invaded so they could boost their rep. This is a good example of how this mechanic isn't explicit enough that it's PVP content on demand.

    Its made as clear as it gets if you just read it. If some one just holds down the button for long enough to join without reading what they are doing, then it doesnt matter how much warning you give them, they will just skip it.

  • @goldsmen I agree, the messages would only be more obvious if they used the word invade or gave a bigger emphasis on "Faction can hunt you now from other servers."
    Half of my open crew games today was either people getting invaded on the outpost while they were either still gathering supplies and didn't even raise anchor or were trying to deliver the hourglass, I'm less concerned about the fact that people aren't literate enough than I am about the fact that there's no grace area around outposts which allows fights to happen while everyone has their pants down cause they decided to first activate the hourglass before getting supplies.

  • @astralenigma said in Fixing the new PvP system:

    @goldsmen I agree, the messages would only be more obvious if they used the word invade or gave a bigger emphasis on "Faction can hunt you now from other servers."
    Half of my open crew games today was either people getting invaded on the outpost while they were either still gathering supplies and didn't even raise anchor or were trying to deliver the hourglass, I'm less concerned about the fact that people aren't literate enough than I am about the fact that there's no grace area around outposts which allows fights to happen while everyone has their pants down cause they decided to first activate the hourglass before getting supplies.

    I would argue that is also on them. There has never been safe zones around outposts before, so if you opt into a battle before your ready to battle, thats a personal mistake, and if it happens when you are still getting ready to set out, that means not much was lost, so its just a quick learning experience.

  • I'll futher this suggestion to fix the system, ship camping has basically become the worst way to win. Be the first to hold down the enemy ship while you basically steal everything off their ship and then kill them making it a one sided gank fest with no way to fight back.

    Simple fix to this would honestly be lock the barrels to any outside crew as this has become a common problem making the system unbalanced and favoring basically ramming your ship into another, start blundering them to death, and just not letting anyone do anything but die die and die until they scuttle. Disallowing any resource taking from other crews would fix the fights being one sided.

    Yeah unpopular take, but if that's all people do to win and its a fool proof way of fighting every PvP fight. You're basically giving anyone an auto win strategy.

    That was every fight I was in today and it absolutely makes me despise this new system, when basically 1 strategy overulles any real fight turning it into a one sided cheap fight with no fight or challenge. The Inabaility to fight back basically destroys this system in its entirety.

    Added you have people who camp entire map sections and farm that area to death ending up in basically win farms. I'd say as well take this PvP battle to somewhere outside the Sea of Thieves into some kind of arena where an actual fight can take place, it would fix the issue of outside ships basically unbalancing the fight.

  • @aishafyre Stealing supplies is a major tactic, but I agree (at least in 1v1) the meta is: board, kill, spawncamp and drive them out of the zone. That's not what I was hoping for. I was hoping for a real, good naval combat. :(

    Solution? Make boarding harder - maybe retractable ladders? So the only option is to deck shot or jump over? Something like that. But I know majority would disagree, because boarding is part of the game and it's "my problem" that I don't like it.

  • @aishafyre said in Fixing the new PvP system:

    I'll futher this suggestion to fix the system, ship camping has basically become the worst way to win. Be the first to hold down the enemy ship while you basically steal everything off their ship and then kill them making it a one sided gank fest with no way to fight back.

    Simple fix to this would honestly be lock the barrels to any outside crew as this has become a common problem making the system unbalanced and favoring basically ramming your ship into another, start blundering them to death, and just not letting anyone do anything but die die and die until they scuttle. Disallowing any resource taking from other crews would fix the fights being one sided.

    Yeah unpopular take, but if that's all people do to win and its a fool proof way of fighting every PvP fight. You're basically giving anyone an auto win strategy.

    That was every fight I was in today and it absolutely makes me despise this new system, when basically 1 strategy overulles any real fight turning it into a one sided cheap fight with no fight or challenge. The Inabaility to fight back basically destroys this system in its entirety.

    Added you have people who camp entire map sections and farm that area to death ending up in basically win farms. I'd say as well take this PvP battle to somewhere outside the Sea of Thieves into some kind of arena where an actual fight can take place, it would fix the issue of outside ships basically unbalancing the fight.

    I don't understand how this is a foolproof auto-win strategy unless you just don't have people driving a ship away from this, the deck fights are as part of the fighting as the cannon shots half of the strategies around naval combat has been shoot to stop the masts shoot to kill the enemy cannon shooters and board the ship to drop anchor and get supplies.
    I know player to player combat is a laggy mess most of the times but navigating away from the enemy attempts to board or even using the blunder bombs to push them off is a valid counter tactic.
    I was in a fight where I was a victim of that and the reason it happened was because the enemy ran out of cannon balls. How will the enemy sink you if they can't use the cannons or drive your ship away.
    While the boarding strategy seems like a good strategy that usually means that the other boat has one less guy on it and if you get 2 guys to deal with him even if he kills one of you, you can probably revive the other one while they have another guy waiting in the ferry of the damned even worse if they decide to go with most of the crew.
    I have been playing mostly Galleon and it's a pain to keep it a float because even if you don't take water if they only hit the middle deck the moment the water raises over there most of the time it floods faster than the whole team can bail.

    TLDR: Preventing the access of the enemy supplies will cause more problems than they will probably fix.

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