What are the forum ranks for?

  • I can't seem to navigate this properly but noticed (Master) next to my name in my profile, i've looked at a bunch of profiles and everyone has them.

    What do they mean and how do you get them? Also is there a list of them :P

  • 11
  • Days on Forum "Days at Sea"

    Castaway / 0-7 days
    Sailor / 8-14 days
    Rogue / 15-30 days
    Seafearer / 31-90 days
    Ship Mate / 91-219 days
    Marauder / 220-485 days
    Master / 486-728 days
    Captain / 729-1019 days
    Commander / 1020-1325 days
    Lord / 1326-1657 days
    Legend / 1658-1988 days

  • To add to @piratecraggy 's nice breakdown...

    These are purely your days spent on the forum and have no impact on any rewards or titles in game.

  • It resets of you get a forum time out btw...😅

  • @musicmee can't help but notice, u have a champion title. Is this for chosen only or is it possible to get it too?

  • @guyrza it’s possible to get it too :) takes a while though

  • The Champion title is for those who’ve logged in on over 1988 days 🥳🥳🥳

  • @lizalaroo Wow... that's a lot of days!

  • @musicmee Yup! Been on the forum every day for just over 6 years! 😁

  • @slipperycawk247 it’s how long you’ve been on the forums that’s all the symbols under that are for Deck Hands,Pioneers(played early build of sot),and Insiders(not showing or working at the moment)

  • I see... a new... rank! VANGUARD!

    Any others? :)

    FAQ article still has the old cap, wondering if there are more?

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