Adventure change

  • I think adventures need a change to feel more worth it, for people invested in the lore they are great, but for me and some others I know we only do them for the rewards so it is pretty upsetting when we get a title we will never use and some ugly sails. I think it would be way better if we got a minimum new trinket, clothing item, equipment item and a title every adventure.

    and as a side note if would be a lot more memorable if they didn't feel so recycled - a hunter's cry was a step in the right direction, it felt completely new but the recent adventure just made us do ocean shrines and kill a few phantoms.

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  • Agreed, currently cinematics and social media hype outshines the actual adventure. Once I saw the task list, I noped the ferry of the damned out of there.

    For example (probably the only adventure I have completed) was the Soulflame, the rewards were awesome, the tasks were enganging apart from completing FOTD multiple times.

    I would have been exited about the current adventure, but I generally dislike the shines, because you leave your ship unattended and I have no idea what the rewards are, pretty sure nothing interesting.

  • They have said from the outset that they are learning as they go with these. I don't think we need epic rewards for these though, it doesn't need to be carrots dangled on a stick. They should feel unique and interesting enough that you remember them, and small mementos specific to the time like the ghost compass would be better

  • The accesibility of adventures are DISGUSTING.

    Not only a lot of players dont know about them at all,

    New players feel like they slept half of a movie when they are doing them.

    Adventures are just a flawed concept all around.

  • @xitescobagix My only complaint with the adventures is that they are possibly taking the place of tall tales, I wish there was at least one every 2 seasons

  • I don't agree that we should get THAT many rewards but I do think the rewards are pretty underwhelming, especially since doing everything gets you just a title. I think it would be cool if it was like a tall tale and we got an item related to the reward you get for just completing the adventure.

  • We got a painting of our dear Meg friend, so far only worthy reward for an adventure that caused a lot of pvp problems

  • @thorumsu said in Adventure change:

    The accesibility of adventures are DISGUSTING.

    Not only a lot of players dont know about them at all,

    New players feel like they slept half of a movie when they are doing them.

    Adventures are just a flawed concept all around.

    I am confident that they will end.

  • @boeing7876500 said in Adventure change:

    @thorumsu said in Adventure change:

    The accesibility of adventures are DISGUSTING.

    Not only a lot of players dont know about them at all,

    New players feel like they slept half of a movie when they are doing them.

    Adventures are just a flawed concept all around.

    I am confident that they will end.

    Always possible but I wouldn't be too confident

    if there is any consistency at all around here it's that they will stick to what they want even if it doesn't take off and even if it doesn't have the desired results

    sometimes a gift and sometimes a curse in application as it has lead to some cool stuff and some chaos

  • Adventures are just Events with a new coat of paint and a bit of lore thrown in for good measure...

  • I really don’t like them. They feel incredibly recycled and the rewards, as mentioned before, just don’t give an incentive to complete the adventures.

  • @scurvywoof i actually like them alot as there pretty fun

  • Personally, I think they are good. Basically, they are OG bilge rat monthly adventures but with actual lore progression. They could be inproved, true, but I think that they are on the right path. I'm only worried for the fact that we are getting always less and less outpost cosmetics (clothing stuff) and twitch drops is just spamming lame recolors. At least, if they decided to just give us recolors, use those on the famous leaked file. With the current formula we are getting decent free stuff only with seasonal pass. 😞

  • @sebmarely That’s good for you.

  • @sebmarely said in Adventure change:

    i actually like them alot as there pretty fun

    which one did you enjoy the most?

    the one I enjoyed the most from a design perspective is one I disagree with the most. Shrouded Deep. I didn't agree with the shrouded being shown or the cooperation requirement but I LOVED the Killer Whale being in the game like that (wish we kept it) and I loved the meg doll things. How they handled meg spawning in that was excellent. it was a best and worst for me.
    It also killed off fleets for a while which is a big no no for me

    That adventure had such strong parts to it though, really really awesome parts to it for an adventure.

  • literally same, i didnt like the fact i had to team with others and the shrouded being shown, I thought they should've done a new meg introduction.

  • @sebmarely said in Adventure change:

    literally same, i didnt like the fact i had to team with others and the shrouded being shown, I thought they should've done a new meg introduction.

    I think they should have a Viva Piñata color meg that is like an ancient skelly with odds that are rare but not never gonna see it rare and when it's killed it auto applies one of the giveaway cosmetics. It'll check for obsidian and if that is already owned it'll check for gilded phoenix weapons and if that is owned it just throws some rng ancient coins in the account.

  • @wolfmanbush amazing idea ngl

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