Fishing Milestone Requested Change

  • So I’ve been doing a lot of fishing with my buddy lately to finish up my Legendary Hunter of the Sea of Thieves title and that got me thinking. Why not have the Milestones count Caught and Sold? It feels really bad to be fishing with friends and not have their fish count.

    Also 1000 is less than 2500 but come on, that was a ridiculous number to begin with. At least if you could sell them after catching them you would technically only have to fish 500 by yourself. Which is still a lot but it’s less of a pain. And that means finding fish randomly wouldn’t be useless too!

    Let’s put this in perspective. To achieve Legendary Hunter of the Sea of Thieves you need to sell 2100 fish. And that can be done with friends and by finding fish randomly. To get all fishing milestones to “max” level you need to personally catch 10000 fish. And for that you can’t have anyone help you AND the fish you find randomly don’t count towards it.

    I don’t foresee anyone realistically catching 10000 fish by themselves over any length of time. Most players don’t even get all the Hunter’s Call commendations done because it’s very grindy. And this proposal would still keep the grind but make it more bearable.

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  • I intend to start the Hunter's Call grind and take in the humble fisherman lifestyle soon, and i intend to primarily catch fish in order to level up the milestones too, and even with their already reduced numbers, just looking at the calculations and such, they are definitely still too much, at the very least if you want a nice version of the trinkets. Even to achieve the base ones is higher than it should be, and i feel that even if i max out or get all the HC commendations, i will never get anything more than the second or maybe third level of certain fish trinkets if i'm lucky. That's only for ones such as Splashtails, or the more common fish.
    On the topic, "The Emissary" alignment also feels very out of balance now, personally. Voyager levels very quickly, Emissary is INSANELY slow. Same with Gold Seeker, but not as much. I know they already did a once around with them, but i do feel another look at the data and player feedback should be considered. They've been better, but they have NOT been perfect.

  • @silentkiller646 aye! I wish Emissary and Gold Seeker were faster. Those are some of the best Crests imo. Also would love some cool crests that change color with the hull. Sucks that we only have the base one that does that so far.

  • @ninja-naranja I'm rank 43 in Gold Seeker, and i NEED rank 45 for that Parrot Captains Table since it's the closest that i can feel will work with my current ship, but to get those next two classes quickly, i'd still at least need to make about 190,000 gold and level up one of the other things most likely, which is easier said than done for a solo. Emissary i have all but abandoned, it really is the "i'll earn these passively" but not in a good way.
    The annoying thing too is that i want that Parrot Captain Table, for my current ship, but i'll be using a completely new and different ship for my fishing grind, i'm moving on to another ship before i can even finish outfitting my main one (and i've stuck with my first a lot longer than most). Same for the "Treasures sold to Sovereigns" trinket. That would fit my ship perfectly, but i am nowhere near unlocking it, i'll have to wait a great while before i can even get that.
    Another look at the milestones i think is worthwhile, or at least, some transparency on the data, if Rare still think it's solid and progressing at rates they are happy with.

  • @silentkiller646 at least with the cabin stuff you won’t have to reunlock it with other ships. Cabin cosmetics and ornament are tied to your Pirate Milestones so they can be used across any of your ships if you buy them.

  • @ninja-naranja Yeah, that is a saving grace, once you have it, you have it, but the time it takes to get certain cosmetics and trinkets, and feel like a ship has been perfected is much longer than the time it takes for to achieve a legendary ship of any kind, since an alignment like Voyager progresses so, so quickly in comparison to say, Emissary, or Hunter. I certainly don't want anything and everything immediately, but it'd be nice to feel like i can hyperfocus on a task and achieve it in a reasonable manner. Before emissary was buffed? Nerfed? I worked on the "Gold earned as a Merchant Emissary" milestone for its trinket. Took a fair few sessions and lots of quests, but i eventually earned the base one and felt happy and proud i'd worked for it. Then the change happened, and i went all the way down to grade 3, and knew i wouldn't get the equivalent trinkets for the other companies for a long while.

  • @ninja-naranja it’s actually only 2100 for Hunter’s Call, the 10 Rare fish only require 10, not 50. Meaning that even if the Hunter Milestones were a quarter of what they are now, you’d still need to fish up 400 more fish alone than your 4 man crew needed to do for Hunter’s Call.

  • @klutchxking518 good catch. That just makes 10k more ridiculous though

  • @ninja-naranja I remember using that argument when the milestones were originally rebalanced. It's still a valid argument though.

  • @ninja-naranja said in Fishing Milestone Requested Change:

    good catch.

    I see what you did there. 😏
    Regrettably, I’m not catching anything until these milestones get rebalanced again. The fishing ones are the only ones which are waaaaay too crazy imo. I’m already 2000 grogs deep in the Class 100 “Grogs [Fully Drank and] Poured”! Milestone!

    Just another 1000 Grogs to go and I’ll have my second Cherished Trinket, if we count my Shrouded Ghost one.

  • @baronbrr surprised they didn’t go this route tbh. Feels like a no brainer

  • @ninja-naranja they're padding out milestones since hunters have no other substance.

  • @baronbrr bro we have all the substance
    It’s called fish
    Very filling substance!

  • @realwebber69 and Athena has the best repeatable voyage. which is more fun to do?

  • @baronbrr fish

  • @realwebber69 you're a sad strange little man. You have my pity.

  • Let’s put this in perspective

    Let’s. You aren’t meant to complete this milestone within a month or even a week like most commendations. That is why the change and true perspective.

    Trying to lower the bar because you feel “it too much work” is just silly

  • @baronbrr “lol FisHinG haS nO SubstaNce aNd is INeFfIciEnt , you sAd mAn, whY dOnt YoU gO bE a pOwErful mAns lAckEy, like evEryone eLse! I pIty yoU!”

  • @realwebber69 said in Fishing Milestone Requested Change:

    @baronbrr fish


    I want fish too

  • @baronbrr yeah, you’re probably right. Super surprised they haven’t had an update since their introduction

  • @burnbacon who said anything about finishing this in a month? If most players aren’t getting Hunter’s Call coms done then who’s going out of their way to do almost 5 times that? I’m not asking for it to be incredibly easy, I’m asking for it to be consistent with other milestones and similar commendations. Heck put it at 2000 and make it so caught and sold count. Consistency is the goal here.

    And I see you a lot on this forum, mostly being negative. I’d rather you not put words into my mouth for your arguments.

  • It always should have counted found and stolen fish as well

    It makes the process significantly more appealing and adds the same longevity many of us had that have been around a long time.

    Checking shipwrecks got me through many a drought

    It's an enjoyable thing when done right and really helps with getting through monotony and frustrating points of piracy

    and this is cutting it down from like 100 years to 5 years for many of us so it's not exactly a request for cheesing lol.

    It took me a year to do about 70% of legendary hunter from shipwrecks/barrels/etc and I play and grind (at the time) more than most, it'll still take most players a long long time it'll just be way more enjoyable.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Fishing Milestone Requested Change:

    It always should have counted found and stolen fish as well

    It makes the process significantly more appealing and adds the same longevity many of us had that have been around a long time.

    Checking shipwrecks got me through many a drought

    It's an enjoyable thing when done right and really helps with getting through monotony and frustrating points of piracy

    and this is cutting it down from like 100 years to 5 years for many of us so it's not exactly a request for cheesing lol.

    It took me a year to do about 70% of legendary hunter from shipwrecks/barrels/etc and I play and grind (at the time) more than most, it'll still take most players a long long time it'll just be way more enjoyable.

    This is one thing I have to say I disagree with. It’s fish CAUGHT, not fish FOUND or fish PUT IN INVENTORY.
    You don’t go to the supermarket, buy some lettuce and then say “hey look at this lettuce I just harvested!” No, you say you BOUGHT the lettuce because that’s what you did!
    I’m ok with nerfing milestones,
    but giving people free points by just going to a sea fort and finding some birds is not ideal to me.
    Plus, we already have a bunch of easily grindable commendations. I mean, if you don’t like fishing just eat so much bananas you die from a potassium overdose! There now you are a “hunter”!

  • @realwebber69 said in Fishing Milestone Requested Change:

    @wolfmanbush said in Fishing Milestone Requested Change:

    It always should have counted found and stolen fish as well

    It makes the process significantly more appealing and adds the same longevity many of us had that have been around a long time.

    Checking shipwrecks got me through many a drought

    It's an enjoyable thing when done right and really helps with getting through monotony and frustrating points of piracy

    and this is cutting it down from like 100 years to 5 years for many of us so it's not exactly a request for cheesing lol.

    It took me a year to do about 70% of legendary hunter from shipwrecks/barrels/etc and I play and grind (at the time) more than most, it'll still take most players a long long time it'll just be way more enjoyable.

    This is one thing I have to say I disagree with. It’s fish CAUGHT, not fish FOUND or fish PUT IN INVENTORY.
    You don’t go to the supermarket, buy some lettuce and then say “hey look at this lettuce I just harvested!” No, you say you BOUGHT the lettuce because that’s what you did!
    I’m ok with nerfing milestones,
    but giving people free points by just going to a sea fort and finding some birds is not ideal to me.
    Plus, we already have a bunch of easily grindable commendations. I mean, if you don’t like fishing just eat so much bananas you die from a potassium overdose! There now you are a “hunter”!

    sea forts are splash tails and random bird barrels are WAY down compared to what they used to be,

    it's cool to disagree I personally just prefer that people enjoy something long term in a more widespread way than keep it to a very small group of people that enjoy the specific act of fishing

    Right now I just eat or forget fish because I am done with hunter commendations

    bringing that boost of excitement back for long time players surrounding fish/checking barrels/shipwrecks is a pretty big deal when it comes to keeping people enjoying their sessions which is literally what milestones are designed around.

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