Better player feedback / A better forum page

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  • In its current form, the Forum feedback page doesn't seem to have any purpose aside from letting people argue about what parts of the game should be changed and what shouldn't.

    That called debating and discussing. It a form of communication that everyone always seem to think in a negative way. All feedback isn’t always good or bad.

  • The stuff they are open to they figure out the feedback on.

    Ashen winds tinkering
    Finally improving Athena dramatically
    whatever they did on milestones

    they implement the stuff they are open to based on feedback

    they are very set in their ways on some things and that's just being firm on direction not a lack of being able to identify common or popular ideas

    They also have limited resources so just because a good idea isn't implemented it doesn't mean it hasn't reached their eyes/ears.

  • @burnbacon said in Better player feedback / A better forum page:

    All feedback isn’t always good or bad.

    And this is why it would be so nice to have a voting system - to have a better way of seeing what the community thinks is good or bad instead of individuals arguing for the developers.

    Heck, I would argue that having a voting system should be a default feature for any forum page such as this, and not having one is just a weird way of limiting player feedback.
    This would also solve the issue of people posting many times about the same topic - just go find a post you agree with and give it an upvote instead of posting about the same topic again.

  • All this would do is encourage "brigading" in order to get specific topics voted to the top, which isn't useful at all. Good ideas stand on their own merits and can withstand criticism.

  • I would like a better system to highlight hot forum topics instead of making thread #57 on the same issue.
    Really I don't understand why the PVPVE megathread was shut down when we're always going to have threads on the subject.

    However I don't like votes because they dumb down debates too far to "my number bigger so that mean it flawless idea and devs have to do it"

  • It would obviously need to have some kind of a time-based system where even if a dumber idea is voted to the top, it won't stay there for long unless it keeps getting continued support.
    But I doubt anything that's just a passing joke will have that amount of support.

    (and of course in the end they are still just suggestions - It's up to Rare what suggestions they would actually consider. This would simply be a better showcase of what the people really want.)

  • @lassidagreat said in Better player feedback / A better forum page:

    But I doubt anything that's just a passing joke will have that amount of support.

    You'd be surprised. See: Boaty McBoatface, terrible singers advancing in the Idol shows, internet polls of any kind, etc...

  • I would actually like to see us get to a stage where the suggestions forum is an up-down vote system and we keep on top of posts and make sure there is only one of each type of suggestion. And the rest in support add their comments to the post. A bit like how UserVoice works...

  • @d3adst1ck I love Boaty McBoatface

    @Musicmee Thank you, that's very much what I had in mind.

  • It's an interesting idea.

    I have a few thoughts on it.

    1. It would allow for people who support an idea to give that support without having to comment constantly to keep a post active or near the top of the page. Good ideas without much to debate often get lost off the first page because they don't drum up controversy, so this would potentially address that issue.

    2. The forum is not representative at all of the players of Sea of Thieves. There are a relatively small number of people who post on the forums, and in general they are the most voracious of players, putting thousands of hours in the game. For the most part the thoughts and feelings of those on these forums do not represent the thoughts, feelings, or even experiences of the majority of players.

    I'm not sure how to rectify these two thoughts. On the one hand, it could be a good way to show support for good ideas that don't usually drum up enough controversy to draw the attention of devs. On the other hand, this will give people an excuse to hate on the devs. "But 200 people on the forums voted to increase the Shrouded Ghost spawn rate by 3000%! Why doesn't Rare listen to the community??"

  • Never happen your putting the game in the hands of the players over the company that makes it. It makes sense but never happen.

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