My saved cosmetics on ship reverted to Default

  • Mate, I paid a lot of gold to save it. Just one hour ago I finished a tall tale, quit the game after, and when I logged backed on my ship had reverted to default.

    I paid gold for it. This is not Ok.

    Can I get refund? Should I ignore the game until this is fixed?


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  • Half my decorations were stripped off too

  • UPDATE: I tried quitting and logging back on. Didn’t work. All my saved settings for the boat are gone.

    Can you refund the gold spent? Why did you release this update in this state? Why make milestones that have players not play the game (sleeping for hundreds of hours??)??

    I am very disappointed

  • They have yet to respond to my ticket since Thursday. They've gone radio silent. You're right. This is NOT ok. This update was DELAYED and it doesn't work AT ALL. But let me tell you how they had to time to go pander to streamers at SOT Fest. Unreal.

  • I had a good few days where everything saved how it should

    but today i lost my saved sail, capstan, wheel, cannon flare, 2 trinkets and bed

  • Yeah. This is basically a known issue at this point. Lots of people in the various SoT discords experiencing the same problem.

  • This exact same thing happened to me. My saved decorations reverted to default (and I obviously paid gold for them).

    Now I’d just been sunk when I last left the game so when I saw my saved customizations were gone, I foolishly thought that was a consequence of being sunk and having to start over, so I spent even more gold to re-save my customizations.

    But then when I subsequently logged in after that, the customizations I had saved were not applied, only they didn’t revert to the bare default… they shifted to completely different customizations, ones I did not choose.

    So not sure what the solution is besides just constantly reinstalling customizations each time (and hopefully gold refund for my foolishness). Having to recustomize each time isn’t so bad seeing as it’s been the norm up until the last week or so, but I hope this issue is resolved.

  • Same here, customizations lost after ending the session. Contacted MS and got a thank you for submitting but no indication if the lost gold would be returned.

  • Yep, another one bites the dust here. Fully saved ship cosmetics gone. Please fix!

  • Rare are aware of and investigating the issue. Until an update comes out, my advice is to not save your ships cosmetics.

  • And so is mine. Gold spent on saved cowmetics gone!

  • @tawny-beard I got the same issue.

  • I believe there is a Twitter post confirming this is an issue and refunds will happen.

    I would suggest capping your losses and going back to pre S7 session behaviours until then.

  • @pithyrumble I'm missing half the cosmetics from my ship, haven't even bothered trying to save them again until they fix it either.

  • @hijack-hayes

    I didn't have issues until today.
    It takes me 10 seconds to fix vs 75k I'm gold.

    Are we get interest?

  • @pithyrumble said in My saved cosmetics on ship reverted to Default:


    I didn't have issues until today.
    It takes me 10 seconds to fix vs 75k I'm gold.

    Are we get interest?

    But what about when you were on these forums telling people we were wrong?

    " bUt iT sAvEs fOr mE. "

    I think you're lying. It saves for you and you're just lying.

  • I had a good run lol.

    Down to hull, sail and cannon flares.

    I did switch my flag up, and I fiddled with the "revert" option when I last played before this morning.

    Haven't been back in this afternoon yet to see if they went back or not.

    I'd recommend to not pay to save more than once unless there's a patch.

    Or I'm announcing my run for SoT Senate Representative. (Can I get some campaign money?)

  • @pithyrumble

    You're lying. This isn't a bug.

  • @ipr0jectpat said in My saved cosmetics on ship reverted to Default:


    You're lying. This isn't a bug.

    Aaaand when I played last night all my cosmetics were saved again.

  • Same for me. Twice. First time I thought "ok, it may happens, let's give it another chance". Second time, i thought "OK, the update is broken, you're just 80K gold less richer now" -_-

    Localization is also a total mess. Some texts are translated, some are not (for exemple the 2nd line of text of the shipwright). I even got lines of code appearing in the new milestone texts and sovereigns lines of text ! All the highlighted texts are showing the highlight code (like "You've got new [HL 1]reward[HL 0] ! You're now [HL 1]Level 5[HL 0] !")...

    Rare, seriously, have you even tested this update ? I mean, bugs happen, ok, and something very specific or rare can go through a beta-test. But those bugs are O-B-V-I-O-U-S !! You just have to play 5 minutes to your game to see them ! Did you just invested 5 minutes of your time to test it ?!?

    Oh, and like some people, i've got the Gilded Voyage of Restitution... but when i started it, just 1 or 2 miles away from the outpost, i got a kraken -_- And as a solo slooper, well... you know... Just hope this was not the only refund gift you gave us for all the gold lost.

    Short, those extra weeks were worth the wait...

  • @pithyrumble

    See. This wasn't exclusive me.

  • so just 15 minutes ago my cosmetics, who have been correctly saved to the ship since season 7 launched, have disappeared. except from the figurehead for some reason. i guess they didnt fix this bug or give any update on reimbursements?

  • @ipr0jectpat said in My saved cosmetics on ship reverted to Default:


    Why are you lying?

    They're not lying.

    My cosmetics save sometimes and then revert other times. I've gone through about 150k testing it on my different ships. Some save, some don't. Some save fine for a couple of sessions and then revert. It's broken and inconsistent and my advice to anyone who doesn't want to keep throwing their gold down the memory hole is to stop paying to save cosmetics to your boat until the issue is identified and confirmed as fixed.

    Till then, sometimes you'll get lucky, sometimes you'll be unlucky. But even if it works, it doesn't seem to keep working 100% of the time, in my experience.

  • @boxcar-squidy

    I know they're not But this girl called me a liar on previous threads until it happened to her.

  • and for those who say it's because you repair your ship on the main menu: False

    to test i very carefully never repaired my ship from main menu for the last week, only from the shipwright

    today i lost my figurehead, sails, cannon, cannonflare, captains table, bed, rug, and 5 trinkets

  • This happened to me too earlier today. :/ My bought galleon got, save from the sails, completely stripped. The same with my sloop, except from the sail and figure head. Just logged in and still the same.

  • It just happened to me. Very frustrating.

  • @ipr0jectpat said in My saved cosmetics on ship reverted to Default:


    I know they're not But this girl called me a liar on previous threads until it happened to her.

    No sweetheart, I said it was working for me. I never said liar, you got mad I wasn't having the issue. I always offer my experience when there are glitches and bugs. It helps the devs isolate the issue.

    Tell me you've never done tech support without telling me you've never done tech support.

  • Maybe Rare should consider waiving the fee to save cosmetics to the ship for a few weeks. They could call it an introductory offer from the Shipwrights, free paintjobs and decorations to celebrate the ascension of a slew of new Captains.

    That way they can test whether it's saving and persisting between sessions, without people losing any gold if it doesn't.

    I'm certainly not saving anything while it's costing me money and not persisting, but if everyone does that then Rare will have less data points from the player-base to help them isolate the issue.

  • Same problem even for me!
    It's about the 4th time this happens, and Golds are definitely gone ofc..

    Hoping Rare will fix soon this problem..

  • @zirmani said in My saved cosmetics on ship reverted to Default:

    Same problem even for me!
    It's about the 4th time this happens, and Golds are definitely gone ofc..

    Hoping Rare will fix soon this problem..

    Define "soon" because it's been 2 weeks now and almost nothing with this update works.

  • Same. I've now saved the whole ship setup twice now, and everything is gone the second time. Lost lots of gold.

  • About to start up and I've got a banner saying servers will be offline tomorrow.


    Fingers crossed lol.

  • Just throwing my hat in the ring here too. Happened to me yesterday. For one session, all my captains voyages were gone and my ship name did not appear on the placard. Those are back today but not saved ship cosmetics. They at least need to just give everybody 6x7,500 = 45,000.

  • @pithyrumble Unfortunately the update didn't fix it. Just logged in and both my ships are blank :(

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